
The thunder rumbling in the distance
Makes me feel at ease
The wind is picking up
The trees are swaying in the breeze

A storm is like a long lost friend
Makes me feel less alone
The chaos and the violent nature
Are all I've ever known

The rain falling from the sky
Reminds me of the tears
That were such a part of daily life
Throughout my younger years

The thunder is the sound of dad
Looking for a fight
A warning sign that let me know
Best stay out of sight

The sudden flash of a lightning bolt
When he found my hiding place
As Id huddle up into a ball
And try to protect my face

How can I find any comfort
In going back to this time?
Why does destructive turbulence
make me feel sublime?

Ive been searching my entire life
However far I roam
Its the only place Ive ever been
Where I have felt at home

A place that seemed so crazy
But at least had certainties
Is a much more appealing place
Than a world of absurdities
Written by The_Darkness_Insid
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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