Image for the poem Starlit Yearning

Starlit Yearning

In darkest night, when moon does hide its face,
And skies lay bare, devoid of light's grace,
Where shadows dance like creatures from a distant land,
Oh, tiny star, do you feel forsaken, unmanned?

Oh, star of eve, do you feel the yearning deep,
In places of eldritch lore, where mystery gently sleep?
Does your radiant glow, amidst the darkened sky,
Dwells unseen, unappreciated by any eye?

Little star, shed not your tears in pain,
Yet should tears come, let the dark light drain,
Release your sorrows, let them fall,
And let it fade, like a meteor in the night's pall.

Let healing come, know you're seen, not alone,
Trust, for love will find you on its own.
Hard it may be to spot you from afar,
But true hearts will seek you wherever you are.

They'll wait through nights for the darkest hour,
To see your shine, in your luminous attire.
They'd build telescopes to catch a glimpse of you,
And love you, just as you are, so true.

O shimmering star, princess of the night,
Fear not the darkness, take flight,
And remember, when solitude’s claws lie,
A love awaits, never to say goodbye.
Written by melethril_edhellen (Melethril Edhellen)
Author's Note
In a poetic reflection on the loneliness of a tiny star in the vast night sky, this poem explores themes of abandonment, yearning, and eventual redemption. The star, feeling forsaken and unseen amidst the darkness, is urged to release its sorrow and trust in the love that will ultimately find and appreciate its inherent beauty. The imagery of tears falling like meteors, of true hearts seeking its light, and of a love that never fades, paints a picture of hope and resilience in the face of solitude. The star is encouraged to embrace its luminous nature, to soar above the darkness, and to remember that a lasting love will always be there, waiting in the night.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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