A little courage never hurt anyone

Life is kinda like a Robert Frost poem
You have to choose which decisions to make and what road to choose

Sometimes you pull a Robert Frost and go down a lonely ass road with no one to travel beside you
So they have absolutely no idea whats going on in your head

But sometimes you go with the flow and follow everyone that is going down the other road
This way your overwhelmed by everything
And always getting bumped and pushed down

Which road do you choose...
You must have to ask yourself that
Would you rather be a follower?
Or go out of the box and make your own path?

The whole point is, is that only you can choose what you do with your life
Weather or not you make the right choice or not is up to you

Live your life to the fullest
Never give up
And always be spontaneous
Written by DeathDefiesMe (Alexis Jackson)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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