The way I've become

As the leaves fall from the trees
The hate inside my  heart grows
The faster the days go by
The faster my pain goes to just being numb

I want a heart filled with love
But you people in this world cant give me a break
Your all so evil and cruel
Why? Why do u show no remorse for your actions?

I want to break down and cry
I know that wont help
I want to slice up my wrists
But thats just a temporary fix for my ever going pain

When will be the day where we can all just sit together
Smoke together
And be joined in peace together without any worries?
Never? I assumed that was the answer

My soul aches and burns to be free to love
and to live and be happy with myself and who i am
The day that i wish for in my most wildest dreams will never come

Sadly my skin has been punctured again
I love the feeling of the warm red liquid flow from my wrists to the tip of my fingers
It gives me that "no worries" feeling i need to get through

I shall learn to live with this hole in my heart
I shall learn to love myself and who i am
I shall learn to be a strong confident person
And i shall never be alone,

For i have the magical connection with the lyrics to a song
I will stand up and never  back down
Even to the hardest of challenges.
Written by DeathDefiesMe (Alexis Jackson)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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