
Fire of Insight
2awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (1626)
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Member Since 9th November 2013
Academic joined 3984 days ago and last visited today
Comments 58
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Poet Introduction

I'm committed to what I do and never undertake anything just for the sake of doing so.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Wordsworth, Jane Austen

About Me

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I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instinctively demarcates what's right and wrong.

Trust, confidentiality and having the courage, regardless of what I do, to formulate and stand by my own personal convictions are key aspects of my life and, unsurprisingly, are also principal characteristics I attach great importance to and naturally expect from those who want to play a meaningful role in my life.

I don't suffer fools gladly, in fact not at all and most definitely haven’t got any interest in or time for egotists, time-wasters, attention seekers or the narcissistic.

Furthermore, I’m an adult and in my private and professional lives prefer to deal with genuine adults, so anyone who wants to act childishly and thinks they can have any kind of relationship with me, then you’re wrong! And my advice to you in that regard is to go and enrol in a kindergarten as you'll possibly have better luck there.

My website is: and my twitter feed if you're interested is: