My heart keeps crummbling for you

It kills me to be away from you
I ache to cut until i have no more blood left
My heart shattered the second you parted from me
I knew i wouldnt see you for a while and i was right

My whole body is exhausted from caring for you
I am mentally destroyed and I feel like dying
I want more than anything to just go to sleep and never wake up

These pills in my hand guarantee that
So does the razor blade in my other hand
Which way do i wanna go, i dont know

I feel so crushed and embarassed that i could just die
I can see a mental image of the nothingness inside my chest
I feel nothing and i am numb on the inside
Nothing can take this pain away from me

Not pills,
Not a razor blade,
Not even Death itself.

Only you can heal my hurt, I know you feel my pain
I know this isnt our fault, but were the ones paying the price
I love you with everything i am and everything i have

If only one day someone can walk in my shoes for just one day,
They would understand why i feel nothingness

When I think of you I start to cry and cant breathe
Trying to inhale but no air makes it to my lungs
This pain in my empty black heart is killing me

I want to be happy with you forever and always
But it sucks that thats not reality.
Written by DeathDefiesMe (Alexis Jackson)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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