What You Don't See On My Face

Today I want to fight
I want to strike out and make someone bleed
To move fast and send my rage on to someone else
To see read and breathe fire
To hurt and to bleed and gasp for air through my lungs
Not to care about who gets in my way
To stand among my enemies with clenched fists
To be spent

Today I want to argue
To go against someone in every single way no matter if I’m right
As long as I’m not wrong
To punch holes in your defenses
Bringing you down to your knees reeling from my words
To show you all your weaknesses and rub your nose in them
To be mean
To be ruthless

Today I want to fuck
To come against you in all physicality and just drown in lust
Casting my conscious mind aside and not care about what happens in the next little while
To make you mine
To have you beg for more of me
Inside you and out
To feel your nails on my back, your skin on my tongue
To be inside you and drive you speechless less all you can do is cream

I want to run
I want to fly so fast that the world peels away
Where my lungs have no more air and my muscles burn with acid
To exhaust myself to the point where I drop
Unable to move
To find myself some place I do not know and have never been
To see my feet bleed because my shoes have worn through and all that is left are the bloody souls of my feet

I want to break
To see the tension in my head finally snap and give way
To release this inside of me somewhere else
To scream, to lash out, to rage
Visiting my anger, lust, energy on someone else who is willing but soon realizes this isn’t what they signed up for
To go so far and so fast that there is none of me left
None of my left

If I’m broken someone can pick up the pieces and do something better
Written by ReflectionOfMe
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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