A cusp of over flow

On the eve of the freeing from my past

It lay,

Carried away, upon a cusp of over flow,

Hidden, away in outer darkness,

Along rigid golden footsteps towards doom,

Along with the losing of life’s key

My youth, and vitality

There arose, lamentation

Weeping and gnashing of my teeth,

I took to writing down the words

The feelings that I had,

And my initial reactions once Twas done;

Darkly wonderful past,

peppered with bright and free'er breathing, on the horizon of a glorious future;

Wondering and talking to myself

I need you, I don’t need you

I need you, no I don’t need you

Oh how I need you, leave me, I don’t need you,

But that is the wonderful duality of it

Isn’t it,

Oh how you had a way,

One by one, they are coming through

Though never knowing where the dark and my night is coming

Nor where the summer wine is left flowing

But it is good and empty as my soul

In lonely secrecy, flesh and cravings revealed

I remember well,

During the summer of my winterion storm

During the ringing of my bell,

Naked and empty Neath my winter cloths

Remembering useless things my hands have done,

The inner door is flown open

When the shadow wolf, my ancient spirit of death

Steals me away,

Where doth he lead my soul, it’s a flowing

How I needed you,

I need you, I need you, I need you

Lord; who is it,

Who found me by fire, when the wild wind is blowing, who shall I say is calling me

Those in my life that weep,

Let them begin;

And those who stayed far away,

Let them stay,

For one by one, I turn mine ears unto their calling

The open and closed hearted few

One by one, let them stay or come

And one by one, let them leave

One by one

Where is it,

For one by one, friends, night and wine are flowing

One by one, no one knows where it is that it is going

Why, cannot it stay that way;
Written by deadwolf
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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