Cobblestone Streets

she spent the day wandering through the city. the sun was warm even though the outside temperature had barely crested over 36 degrees. she sat inside a coffee house and sipped her cup of scorching hot dark roast. sitting in a window seat surrounded by young people on their computers and phones busily searching through their friends text messages, making doctors appointments, and studying. she was enjoying their company without having to be part of their world. today she had nothing to do but sit, relax and people watch. then she realized, that people were watching her as much as she was watching them, glancing in at her as if she was in a fish bowl. a young mother went by holding her toddler playfully giving him kisses, she glanced into her world for just a moment and smiled, another gentleman waved as if he recognized her, but he must have mistaken her for someone else, and several others just glanced in her direction and moved on. she thought for sure she could just blend into the crowds, that she could not be that different from the local folk, but somehow they knew.  she headed back out onto Commercial Street, the harbor splashed in sunlight, the cobblestone walkways worn smooth by the thousands of feet that had walked here before her. she wandered in and out of small shops and spoke to complete strangers, alone but not alone, and she was ok with it...
Written by jemac
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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