
Its futile to hope,
When you're immune to lies,
When you know truth,
When you're used to goodbyes.

If you think about it neutrally,
Money is nothing but printed paper,
Love is merely an obsession,
Trust is belief that will soon waver.

In this world of concrete and fumes,
People live in their own dreams,
We do not need much at all,
But some beg to differ it seems,

There are many examples,
Of what people insist they need,
What they think makes them top dogs,
But on the way they strive to bleed.

Why do we need to prove ourselves,
To people that do not matter?
Why do we need to impress them?
The people we hate, we flatter?

Lies and more lies,
Its around us everyday,
When one stops believing,
Everything is clear in every way.

Friends and family,
Love and war,
Will eventually hurt you,
And rot you down to the core.
Written by DiamondDustMirror (The White Rabbit)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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