
Voices are telling me to jump
I'm on the railing ready for it
As I take a deep breath
Tears comes to my eyes
My heart is being ripped out
Shattering to a million pieces
Its the only way out
I am going to put an end to all this
As I take a step forward
A struggle comes to me
Something is holding me back
I am leaving everything behind
Its for the best I think
As I take one more step
I can feel the freedom all around me
I am ready for this
This is my escape door
An opportuity to be free
From all this pain
A rush of memories comes along with the pain
I am sad to leave everything behind
But I am grateful for this moment
I hear people calling my name
Telling me not to jump
As they get closer and closer
My feet begins to move
More faster this time
I am at the edge of the cliff
This is it I think
I don't turn around to say goodbye
I left something for everyone I love
I take one more step
And I am falling
The rush of wind in my face
There are screams above me
As I look up and see my loved ones face
There is terror in their eyes
Hitting the bottom
Is not what I thought it would be
I silently say goodbye
As I wait for the light to come
I look Down at myself
It isn't so pretty
My bones are broken and bent in every impossible way
I wonder if I will be struck on earth forever
Or is it just a little wait
Untill the bright light to show
A shadow appears
He tells me, he is waiting for me to join
I don't have time to ask where
As I follow the shadow into the dark
I'm curious on where we are going
The firgue turns around and
Tells me have a great time
In Hell.....
Written by screams4you
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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