
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (15)
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Member Since 28th June 2014
screams4you joined 3903 days ago and last visited 3707 days ago
Comments 29
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About Me

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The most important thing about myself. Is that I am not like eveyone
I am not the most popular girl . I always keep to myself.
Poetry is my friend, helps me through tough situations
I enjoy reading others work:) I try to have a bright side on things.
I put on a fake smile everyday. When reality I am dying inside
I have been broken into pieces.  And may never be the same again
If  you have any questions. Just message me
Or if you just want to talk. I am open. I am a great listener; )
I am very kind. And understanding, even when people don't think I can possibly understand.
      * I use to be like this. To think that my life is not worth fighting for. To walk around like a zombie.  Yes I have gone through tough times. But that is life. I may not know who I am yet. But I do know what I want to be.
     *  I don't want to walk through life alone. Before I felt like know one could possibly understand what I went through.  But now I know I have people who do understand.
     *  If you are like me any way. Just know your life is worth fighting for. And you may not see it now. But you do have somebody . Who is there for you.

My Reading List

The girl with a note by TheWayItIs (PerilousKid)

Poets I Follow
