Poetry competition CLOSED 30th September 2012 7:00pm
Myheartdiesforyou (Mysa)
View Profile Poems by Myheartdiesforyou
RUNNERS-UP: marielavoue and Firebyrd

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Feel my wrath

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 1st Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 15

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about anger, wrath or irritation.
Make me feel your anger.
Something bloodthirsty.
Release your fustration in words.
One week
One entry

Collabs are allowed
And feel free to comment on each others work throughout the comp.
I look forward to your entries, now write!

poet Anonymous

Fuck OFF

I just want to fly away
to no particular place
I only want to close my eyes
and let it it all just go-
Scream and kick and cry and die
this trip's a mental joke.

Holding onto cold chair arms-
Like they could ground my soul
Feels like if I ease my mind
The whole damn thing will blow
I don't know...
Do I care, care too much..
Maybe I just don't give a fuck
maybe if I did ,I could try
and see past the lying eyes.
Ghoulish cries, infantile tries
say no goodbyes-
But I realize...

I am the problem-
in your global hovel
Now you see, it's on the level
and I rue the day I met you
all of you...
Yes, you too

Ignites, burns,
my thoughts and my joint's
Always end in ashes.
And lend rose colored glasses
To disturb the masses-
fuck it-I'm past this!

And fuck you too
Yes, I must swear
Cause I know my big words
Never hit you square-
I could leave the bad words out-
Shall I get you the thesaurus while I shout..

Must I scream- to make this clear-
It's like a little demented bastard
has landed here-
And it's all unclear..
But-it's not-
and that's the part you never got..

This little world
and your little puzzle
shove them where both cheeks cuddle.
Then drown yourself in
your own  little puddle.

Seemed to me-I made it clear..
But I'll explain it better for you my dear

It was like the big bang Theory
oh shit, you don't follow..
No, it wasn't Darwin-
it's not about God though..!

Okay what if I say It's like my poems-
Oh yeah-can't-as you don't know them.

How about I describe it in song..
Can't do that either
We are a musical bomb..
never agree on who to put on.

There is just no good way to explain me to you-
and all you really say is a big old
Fuck who?

Fuck you-
I can't get tuned in
and don't want to.
Why do they always seek out my channel
amused and bemused and wrapped
in my pattern
Then pause it.

It's for myself I advocate
The lies of fools
do not negate
The me --you attempt
to harness-
Too late.
I don't wait...for you
them, him-we
What the fuck are you trying to relate..
Is it all too much for you again..
I refuse your bait.

Yes, Alas! your first tonight-
A smart ass will set a dumb ass right
It's always been my plight.
But not today..not here..not me..

I don't give a shit about this
and I am way beyond having the feeling-
You think if we sit and
some how plan it-
You will be blown onto my planet..

Again..just fuck off-you stupid fuck.

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409


                     < well adjusted >
                  we're well adjusted around here
                  and won't be looking
                  to pack up our firearms
                  and travel to Florida were
                  you need those things to look normal
                  but not as normal as, say, Texas
                  not as normal as, say, wanting to
                  see what a shotgun can do
                  to just a little part
                  of a hand or foot
                  not the whole body
                  or the head at first
                  not until there is some respect
                  some recognition
                  some fear
                           - - -

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1544

"Where Are You Going? I've Seen Where You've Been!"

Where are you going and where have you been?
You've learned nothing at all from all that you've seen
You don't care who you hurt, you don't know what love means
Ain't it funny how life never is as it seems?

You've been hurt and now you ignore the pain
So many times you think you're going insane
There's no way to stop it now, no end to your game
And one day you'll know there's no one else you can blame

With all of your lies and the way that you flew
It's hard to believe you're the girl that I knew
With the life that you've led and with all you've been through
Did you ever wonder what'll become of you?

My fine feathered lover, watch out, beware
Your flight path is less a circle than a square
You've turned all the sharpest corners and cut them all clean
Tell me, where are you going and where have you been?

You used to be such an innocent girl
Your beauty once shined like the whitest of pearls
You love to get sun-tanned while laying on the lawn
But now it is raining and your color's all gone

You'll find yourself living out in the street
Then a pimp will find you and you'll kiss his feet
He'll use you and sell you till you're no good anymore
Then you'll realize what you've become is a whore

Where are you going? I've seen where you've been
Now you've spread your legs and let them all in
Do you know what you're doing? I think it's a sin
But you'll keep on doing it again and again

You dance around like a sweet high class queen
You're sleeping habits are completely obscene
Burning your sheets has become a daily routine
I wonder where you're going, I've seen where you've been


Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 73

This our God

This our God
That beats children
Brings disease to women
And hatred to man

This our God
Who kills by gun
Taxes the poor
Pays woman to whore

And so the wheel turns
Upon the pulpit the priest
The sinner and devil
Spirit and holy ghost

This our God
Planes through buildings
Bombs through temples
Limbs of the dead

As the moral face the immoral
And the lies spoken by the devil
Slaughter of human
Upon human upon human

This our God
Who drowns the swimmer
Kills the drinker
Punishes the poorer

Torment in Syria
Famine in Somalia
Quakes in Haiti
The mayhem of militia

This our God

Montana Redd
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 27th July 2012
Forum Posts: 20

Yea I admit it
I'm not the skinniest bitch out there
But I'm also not the fattest
Yea I'm not the picture perfect face off your favourite magazine
But who is
If you look father beyond you will see everyone has imperfections
And even though you try to bury them deep you do to
Do you get joy from causing me hell?
I don't know if you've noticed but
I'm not that shy scared little girl anymore
That part of me was lost a long time ago
You think your tough, full of surprises?
But I know everything you have to say against me
Honestly what's with all the mind games and taunting?
What did I ever do to you?
"oh yea let's go pick on her she's just sitting there minding her own buisness"
Yea I have fears but so does everyone
My biggest fear death
But isn't it everyones?
What you don't know
In some ways I'm glad you chose to pick on me
Chose to make my life a living hell
You have made me stronger
I refuse to take shit from anyone anymore
If you have something to say grow some balls and say it to my face
You have nothing without your friends and your mask
Because behind that mask
Is a scared girl
A girl who is afraid to be beaten at her own game
Unlike many I see behind that mask
The more you pick on me the clearer it is to see
It's all just a little game to you
It’s either kill or be killed
But when you look into my eyes
I'll be the last thing you see
This is one battle you won't be winning
All humanity will  cease
We're switching positions
Now I'm the player of this game
I look up into the sunless sky
I choose my weapon
A sword
Nothing fancy but enough to kill with
I see you approaching from the side
I turn to face you
Our eyes lock for a moment
You give me that devilishly grin that let's me know the game has begun
I raise my sword to yours
We play it out
As I'm knocked to the ground
You inch closer and whisper in my ear
"this is just one more fight you'll be losing"
You stab me in the stomach turn and laugh demonically
I reach into my pocket while your back is turned
I grab out a switchblade
I graze your back with it
Shocked you fall to the ground
I leap up and grab my sword
And pin it to your chest
"no this is the fight you will be losing"
I plunge the sword into your chest
Blood spurs out as your eyes roll over into your  head
I fall to the ground
Lying in blood
My wound gaping open
Blood pouring out
As the sunset fades to black I'm left there to bleed out
A smile spreads across my face as I know this is a battle won

Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words
United States 40awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- The Voice of Darkness -

Part I – Fire and Crucifixion

You could not see the beauty within me, foolish maid,
So jealous were you of the outer beauty you beheld…
Mindless of my ancient soul, of which you were afraid!
Now you shall know why before me the ancients knelt.
It was I, who cast thousands of souls into a wall of fire,
When the volcanoes of Atlantis and other lands flared…
And it was I, who collected their souls in wrath so dire.
In vessels of steel we bore them, to where gods dared!
Were they not of us, and so we saw fit to punish them,
Instilling notions of a hell more awful than we wrought?
It was not I, but: their own sin that did thusly condemn.
You do not realize the mad power of a strong thought!
And in their minds, they crucified themselves so artful…
That the Romans remembered and perfected this way!
Man is the author of countless miseries, as truly awful…
As the doom we imposed, on those souls, on that day.
They could not pull out the nails from their wounding…
For it was their own will that thrust them into the flesh!
The green of their putrefaction, of ravens descending…
Was all in their imagination, and they suffered it afresh.

Part II – Darkness Incarnate

They became twisted wraiths, no longer as they were,
Seeking to possess the bodies of the living once again.
For they could not die, though they lived ne’er more…
And so like demons of a true hell they swiftly became!
Those sons of Theta, who could ne’er forget their fate,
Passing it on to their hosts who suffered so possessed.
Have you heard the legends when the hour grew late?
You hear them now, and soon you shall be distressed!
The flesh hides many secrets, but within mine do gaze,
Seeing with your inner eye the shape of my spirit bare.
In such an image was I remade as a captive in a daze!
But I remembered, and now you will endure my stare.
A dark lord, and lady, an emperor, and also empress,
Was I, ere my estate was to dwell in a human guise…
Fitting punishment for me, upon my soul did so press!
The gods were cruel but in their cunning so very wise.
But of their foolishness, worlds were charred to soot,
And made desolate, with blackened bones that lay…
Here a skull, there a limb, and even a hand, and foot!
As to them, the ancestors of man did kneel and pray.

Part III – Lover of Demons

Behold my darkness, I who loved Lilith by the water,
And made for her a throne of skulls to recline upon…
When the angels could not persuade, Hell’s daughter.
Even so, I moved her to joy beneath the ancient sun!
The blood of the wicked she drank, from my chalice,
And with it anointed the first vampires on this planet!
She and I shared, for early man, our common malice.
And with Lucifer we stood, and could ne’er regret…
For the fallen cannot know remorse for their natures,
Any more than humanity for their wars and pollution!
We, did not harm this Earth as do they; so immature,
That with destruction: they lie as if in dire prostitution.
And you call me evil, when I helped to bring the light,
To your savage ancestors before you were imagined.
Do you know my name, and so know well the night?
You cannot know me, for your reason is abandoned.
Mayhap you should dash your brains out your head…
Their jellied mass to lie: upon ebon altars of ineptness.
How can you call yourself living, you are of the dead!
For it is not living: to deny, what your senses confess.

Part IV – Bride of the Devil

It was I, who had my enemies impaled on tall stakes,
And was called the Son of the Dragon by the people.
Out of their vacant sockets writhed emerald snakes…
Those from whose mouths: was sharpness unequaled.
And into a chalice I squeezed out their wicked blood,
To offer up to Lilith, so that they might taste of wrath!
And for Lucifer, we offered up a truly crimson flood…
So that my sister may bathe: in the warm scarlet bath.
Do you fear the night, for in it I find my forgetfulness?
You would have me recall the things you most fear…
And so I shall be cruel in this, as I don a silken dress,
To sit upon my throne infernal, and beckon you near!
I, who knew the Devil when that queen ruled on high,
And was her lover, ere the gods brought on us a ruin.
Have a sip from my sanguine chalice, and come nigh!
For in my kingdom is room for one more child of sin.
There are worse things than fire, of immortal making,
And you will smell the burning brimstone you do seek.
Upon its’ coals your naked skin most willingly baking,
For some hells you make yourself to make you weak.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

"Sick Revenge"

This is my dream

This is your nightmare

It pleases me, sick isn't it

It scares you, witness it

Chained hanging by your wrists

In darkness suffering from madness

No one can hear your screams

There is no escape from me

Knife dragged across the concrete wall

You can't see me but I know where you are

Whispering the sins you have committed

Stabbing you in all of your ligaments

Listening to you beg and cry for mercy

No ...no sorry won't do it for me

But I wont simply just end it all

You will pay for what you did wrong

I'll cut you until you doubt god

I'll cut you until you can't yell

I'll cut you until you think its hell

Unchain you and watch you crawl

Watch you bleed and cry

Your eye sight gets a bit hazy

You begin to lose conciousness

But we can't have that

Drench you in alcohol

Laugh as you burn in agony

Then ill burn you literally

Cover you in gasoline

Wondering how sorry you might be

I'll light my ciggatte and smoke

Flick it and allow you to atone

Burning whatever is left to ashes

Saving them in a bottle filled with piss

Then hand it to your wife and kids

You deserve to be remembered as this

My brother...  he deserved to live

You deserve to die, fucking bitch

poet Anonymous

Something I wrote in frustration of the "XFactor" infestation - NecrophiliacVegan


False designs, propaganda here lies
Commodity creations, enslaving the nation
False designs, shalt instill the mind
Petty heathen whores, spit at your demise
For the cooperations wrath,the creation of a King
He so tuned to instill and allure, the childish masses
Petty heathen whores, of age 13.
Insecure and naive as fuck, pathetic little kids
Xfucktor controlling the minds, of pathetic little children
Wrenching open the gaping holes, money so pours
False designs, commodities divine
In the eyes of these heathen little whores
Xfuctor,enslaving the children, false adoration instilled
For profit, and false plaudits, for the celebrities and stars
The educated wither, before the masses of our time
For we've seen it all before, nothing will ever change
A world of growing stupidity, socially accpeted
It fucking infuriates me, beyond comprehension
Do you not see? Deep inside of me, a terrorist emerges
For the hatred I have, I willshare in kind
Xfuctor, all glory to the temporary Demi-God.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 695

there is no anger
no pain to fuel the fire
no sorrow to drown the shame
no wrath in this disdain.

when dimmer days fell weak and grim
those who came to maim and kill
spawned pure hate on just a whim
and rivers of blood in their wake.

the good men rose
with fear and swords
and hacked away blind
enemy and all.

they torched the fields
darkened the skies
cursed the gods
for this damnable plight.

soon there was anger
followed by sin
severed trophy heads
of their fallen kin.

memories of crimson
of the fateful dead
bestowed upon the world
in vengeful red.

brought down the rain
a callous chill
now in the aftermath
of the wrath of will.

now there is anger
now burns the fire
shameless desire
welcomes disdain.

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051


Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

it's not wrath
my dear

more of a testing
of justice, to see
if it's poetic in humor
(regardless of how twisted)

going to garner focus
clean up my act
shave my face
try not threaten your father
and win you back

I'm the only one
who sheltered you from stress
social anxiety, and panic attacks
didn't even need xanax,

Well, I'm ready
again to be your benzo baby

wrap you in security
offer that stability
write up that goddamned five year plan

ready to be that man
you always knew
that I could be

of course
after some time
when the bond seems the strongest
I will lead you by a loving hand
into a public display
of admitting that I fucked your friend,
and that yes- that does make you look fat

I'm not completely heartless
I will have a hanky
and xanax ready,
so your heart doesn't completely cry through your chest

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3025

Final Curtain

As your final curtain falls
destiny no more it calls
you lost the battle in your head
you lose you lose the nothing said
Enveloped in me's and takes
a selfish greed hard done by fakes
your precarious stance is a laughable trait
a fool in a world of the desolate
Oh how little thee and thy
do see through the narrow blinkered eye
a crown of carnivals on your head
for the amusement of the likes is led
Fools that rush with disregard
unfettered minds will not be charred
hold your shovel dig at will
then swallow down this bitter pill
I can walk on any ground
with a clear mind and a heart unbound
I can look you in the eye
I dare you to even let me try
Enveloped in me's and takes
a selfish greed hard done by fak

poet Anonymous

Repulsive .

I saw your tits today
I saw your pussy yesterday
I felt your hips this morning
I touched your ass last night.

I went to the shrink this afternoon.

Thank you
I am now

The amoebic intelligence you used
to speak to me with
help feminism.


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