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Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo 2020 Competition

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224


[ NapoWriMo 2020 Collection ] Survival

Part X: Pandemic

Harrodsburg, Kentucky

The pantry was empty;
there was no money—

she was a single mother
with two small children
and nothing to feed them

Her stimulus check was late;
unemployment hadn't started—
there was barely gas in the car

There was a knock at the door;
but, no one there—instead
bags of groceries sat on the porch

She cried; it's all she'd been doing—
crying, and crying more
when her children weren't looking;
unaware they still heard

The power company delayed cutoffs
as did her internet provider—
her landlord was reluctant,
but didn't want to appear an ass

The washer was on the fritz;
she hand-washed in the sink—
hung them over the tub
to save electricity  

She knew there were millions
just like her, sitting on uncertainty
in the bowels of worry and stress

Then there was the virus;
covid-19 shadowing their health
everything they touched—
everywhere they breathed

Despite the gnawing teeth of debt
she knew, as her grandparents
during the 1918 pandemic
that everything would work out—

it always does;
lives would change, no doubt
but, maybe for the better

One should always hope
. . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845



…and so the time has finally come
To raise our voices against our oppressors
To fight for what is rightfully ours
The once oppressed become the aggressors

Desperate times call for desperate measures
The people will once again join the fight
Because when tyranny overrules the masses
A deadly storm arises with a mighty smite

Men have perished for their beliefs and rights
Because a deep seeded idea can live forever
It is at the crux and the core of a man’s soul
And that’s something no blade can ever dissever

When the battle comes will you rise too
And defend the notions you’ve conceived
Every human being is born innocent and free
So take up the cause for what you believe

122 words
88 unique

poet Anonymous

#30 Of 30

Troubling Times

Hits mass hysteria
Insanity given form
Through empty shelves
Tormented souls
In the dark
Troubling times
Still far ahead

Virus train
Has reached its destination
Many days
Led by silence
Desolated streets
Like old ghost towns
Sirens pepper silent breezes
Giving some appearance of life
We never signed up
For all this

Total Words: 53
Unique Words: 53

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749


Manor On A Hill (VI)

It was the hillside; it bore me
and spoke, gave not a word thereafter --
it hatched birds to fly and land on my porch
and the seasons; the seasons were in rotation
around it, the sun and the moon and all the planets
bore such witness yet still I am solitary
climbing your hill, feet striding to grasp,
neck straining to look;
you amaze me for I know so little about you,
the dust becomes you; the dust of the sky’s fear
in handfuls of grass on your windy hillside:
It is only this I seek: To be home at last.  


                    69 uw

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224


Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 258


NaPoWriMo Ends Its Show

NaPo ventured into the cosmos and now goes down in history
WriMo's flows exposed are no longer innate mysteries
There were plenty of eloquently written poem forms
Many conveying pandemic thoughts about this storm

We're moving on while still imprisoned inside our homes
Receiving well deserved,  DU preserved, trophies plated chrome
A celebration after cerebrating thirty days
Concluding Trek's evolution; going separate ways

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839

No. 29 of 30

Cerebral Ownership
(A Villanelle)

By free will and choice we assimilate.
Most possess brains capable of reason.
We shun the collective and all they promulgate.

Save those coerced to goose-step by the state.
Hoping to suffer just a short season.
By free will, and choice we assimilate.

We are not robotized merely by fate.
Not born with uniform corrupt vision.
We shun the collective and all they promulgate.

No “Borg” like probes push to concatenate.
Think different, suffer lemming derision.
By free will, and choice we assimilate.

Enthralled by inane words of reprobates.
Eschew wisdom, to join insane legion.
We shun the collective and all they promulgate.

Brilliant the mind that freely cogitates.
Let unique thought guide all our decisions.
By free will and choice we assimilate.
We shun the collective and all they promulgate.

Word = 131
Unique words = 71

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

29 / 30


they're under my eyes
and shoved into the corners of my childhood room
where I've set up temporary shop.
I had a car full of them
rocking down I10,
thought I might bust the bridge.

I don't want any more
especially as Erykah Badu
sings and soothes me,
let go, bag lady;
it is exhausting
to hold on.

All you need to hold onto
is you, she says,
which is why,
I guess,
no matter how tired I get,
I picked the right reasons
to stay up too late.

I mean,
I'm on my way,

trying to let go of every thing
but my life,
and failing, and working, and learning
to pack light.

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305


Late Night Pondering

Square, rectangle, circle, sphere, triangle, triangular prism, dodecahedron,
Skinny/thin, middle-of-the-road, curvy, fat/obese, whatever shape one may don,
There's always something inside us that makes us beautiful, something more,
But (don't hate me) that doesn't mean that some people aren't an eyesore,
Especially when you think about how they got there,
So much food that you can't see their figure,
To a point, it's sad, it's an addiction,
But after that, how bad are you going to feel, when society's addition
Of inclusion,
Says that it's perfectly alright to not be able to see the ground beneath you,
To not feel your feet beneath you,
To not have enough room for their organs and fat,
For family to worry about your heart line going flat,
And that so many are okay with that.

The world has become so mean, and unclean.
Why are there so many jokes about being a virgin?
Hasn't being one, throughout history, been seen as being of pure virtue,
Even if this is not necessarily true.
Why is it awful to force intercourse on a woman
But funny or celebrated when forced on a man?
Why is it perpetrated through tv that if a woman propositions a man for intercourse,
The man is expected to say yes, and their friends say they would have, that's rediculous, of course!
Why is it considered sexy when a woman's mouth is barely open?
It is irritating and makes them look like stupid mouth breathers when they never close their mouths, and instead leave them open.

"Love is what makes us all human" they say,
But do they realize that it dosent all have to be the same way?
Why do they think that the only real love you need, is that of a partner?
What is you don't ever want a partner?
What if you only want friends and family?
What if you don't want to start your own family?

I love to draw, look at art, and watch anime,
But I can't stand the new trend of women with thin wrists and neck, and huge breasts, and thighs, and a really thin or chubby stomach, nay,
It drives me nuts when they are so unproportional,
I love Tumblr, but not the pastel, flat color, very stylized, no shading, rough lines, curved limbs instead of bent joints, Tumblr cartoon style,
Might just be my opinion personal.

I love to watch old movies,
But it hurts my ears when in old and new movies,
Someone pours alcohol into a glass,
I wish on that, they could just pass,
It sounds dirty, and common,
I just wish from movies, it was gone.

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749


Past And Present

Stanza engineering log, Stardate April 30, 2020
T'PoetsRevenge, chief officer:

I have observed a bearded man in several areas of the ship
dressed in woodsmans clothes and writing in a notebook.
He appears to be a hologram. Some of the crew and cadets
have been studying different eras in poetry on the holodeck
for Poetry Writing Month.  I suspect that this is where he
originated.  I have scanned his image into the ship's encyclopedia,
and it is none other than Henry David Thoreau, the transcendentalist of the early 20th century on Earth.  Captain Deannavati confirmed that he was visited with in the holodeck at a place called Walden, a pristine wooded area with a pond where he dwelled in solitude writing about his surroundings and connection
to the natural world.  

After reading up on the interesting legacy of this poet,
I have logically concluded that he is likely caught in a temporal loop,
otherwise known as 'time travel', and is actually studying us in our midst.  This was likely triggered by the holodeck visit, whereby he simply followed crew members onto the ship out of curiosity, however, I believe his lifestyle and immense wisdom gained by it may be a factor.  Because he was in such isolation in such a pristine place in life, he most likely crossed into other dimensions at some point and into other times, such as now.  It is possible that this quote, taken from his poem, 'The Moon Now Rises To Her Absolute Rule' , may have been inspired by these otherworldly experiences,

   'And the life everlasting withers not'.

Also, he mentions being 'transported' in 'Tall Ambrosia',

   'Who never walk but are transported rather—'

His final words to a friend asking what would come were,

    'One world at a time'

Its an interesting theory, that he wrote of future technology,
new worlds and life everlasting, and curious at the same time as he
was against technology being a success of man's advancement.
He must have found today's world strange indeed. Perhaps this quote from 'I Am A Vain Parcel Of Strivings' sums it up,

 'But now I see I was not plucked for naught,
 And after in life's vase
 Of glass set while I might survive,
 But by a kind hand brought
 To a strange place.'


Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 151


z this love

Guard your hearts and guard your minds
For this love it takes all kinds
Maybe beaut your head against the nearest wall
To forget, never deal with it all
And at night when you go to sleep
No one will be there with even a peep
And as you lay there, cold and alone
You’ll look back on things and see how you’ve grow
Though the days pass as the seasons always do
There’s no replacing of my love for you
No matter the hurdles that must be crossed
Only to train and keep practice in time
To a mood with controllers and sublime

Unique words 76

Rain Woman
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 8th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 85

#30 of 30
My Mom
I love you
I know I forget to say that sometimes
But I truly mean it
I know I can be difficult and stubborn
But when I think of you
I cant help but know how lucky I am
I have the greatest mom ever
I love the days where all we do is bake together
I love how you listen to me
And are willing to talk about all my crazy theories and opinions
I love the adventures you plan for our family
I hate to see you sad or angry or frustrated
All I want to do is help and see you smile
I love that you gave me the gift of being a bookworm
And I love how you can calm me down when I overthink everything
There isnt enough words in the world
That could describe how much you mean to me
I love you

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 27th June 2012
Forum Posts: 41


Turn Back

For all the times I wanted to turn back / Yearning with the other feet / Learning another street / Sojourn complete? / Dubious / Mt. Vesuvius burned Earth Mother’s cheek / Deep gash seared / Ash for years / After laughter comes tears / Rapture and fear / Capture what’s hidden in mirrors / Chat with djinns as peers / Sacrilege the entrance fee / Sentence medicine past the years / Essence freed / Present and clear / Metaphysical precedence / In my ears / Spin it near / To the original sound that steers / Lasso me to what’s nearly invisible yet so near / Unabashed raw honesty / Like some ambassador to Themyscira / Returned and discerned lack / Carry my own urn / But it doesn’t earn slack / Just a reminder tap / Like be sure that’s not a trap / A tack on the map / The worm under the mat / For all the times I wanted to turn back

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 940

xxix of xxx


Sometimes I have no idea who you are
And I am ashamed
Even as I know I should not be

Lifetimes go on and on
The brain wrinkles and smooths
Wrinkles and smooths

But there are moments
I remember you from prior lives
That are filled with such
Unexpected flavor
I relearn to chew and savor
And suck and tingle
And roll the eyes back into my head
And die a little

   +    +    +

52 unique words
out of 72
NaPoWriMo 2020

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

la vie de bohéme ~ {xxv}

mis huesos se doblan a tu voluntad, bellamente roto
pálido y empujando
a través de la piel
una invitación___
escuchar mi sangre
pecados de la carne
en susurros carnales;
yo soy
nada más que momentos
copiado y pegado dentro
el libro de recuerdos de tu sudor
esperando para ser limpiado
borrado de ti
cuerpo y mente :---
ocupando espacio innecesario,
como yo
siempre estoy solo
bueno para una cosa

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