Poetry competition CLOSED 21st June 2021 12:36pm
Kaden_Malis (Kaden Malis)
View Profile Poems by Kaden_Malis
RUNNERS-UP: DCLXVI_1989 and inechoingsilence

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Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 167

A Rothko Kind of Day

Yesterday was like that
Hoping today will be better
Always a fan of Mark Rothko
He inspired me as a young painter
Still to this day

Some of his traits

This painting doesn't do him justice
It was just a feel thing
I honor him where I can
I'm a moody guy myself
Rothko however brightens my days
Written by PoetSpeak
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Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 167

I don't relate to happy shiny people

People that are happy all the time
Are a pain in my ass
I relate to moody and irritable fucks like myself
Who have to create out of despair towards the middle

Maybe that's why I wear so much black
It matches my monochromatic moods
Looks fucking cool and keeps those shiny people in check
I love being me, brooding sulky and beautiful

Written by PoetSpeak
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

Cold cavern

To ever walk in dark sunshine
staid gothic tale  
the brighter day, so in denial  
Dead flowers that can bear no seed  
a wilting will  
that drowns in fathoms deep  
Replenishment the bitter pill, contrite  
unconscious curtains pulled  
a chasm with the steepest sides  
 Limbs be ever covered epaulettes  
to hide the tracks  
the vents of razor slits  
If chinks appear    
cracked tracks of salt  
on the paths of pride, all downwards steer  
The host, that never answers  
bare existence  
the discord in each major, feeds the creping cancer  
Steel spiders web  
grey mist's that swirl inside my head  
forecasts where the lows are dread  
Just the outcast, locked open penitentiary    
from the common heard  
the curved ball that threw itself?    
Hangs a fading picture of the Doors  
Jim Morrison, a ghost, he calls  
the platitudes of each need ignored  
Each icy drip from the roof's topography  
the ineptitude that creeps  
for that cold cavern entraps me
Written by slipalong
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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92


This world, I can’t keep up
The only word: shut the fuck up
it makes me tired, I’m fed up
fakes all me, better locking me up

one expectation is another’s pain
keep going let all the bliss go in vain
the moment everything’s done seems insane
the you wish for an Angel from the astral plane

I can’t be what you want me to be
faithless, I’ll be lost in the rough seas
there’s nothing you can expect of me
can’t walk in your shoes, so let me be, please!!

holding on tight, you want control
freedom’s right, yet its not to be told
want me to fight, only with my soul
but it’s fear and flight, the body takes a toll!

can’t you see i am numb,
I’ll ignore the hums and drums
take it from me, you can’t feel the way I feel, so here it comes!

you want to be like the rest of you,
singing, dancing and prancing
watch me fall apart right in front of you, trying, crying and dying!!

This world is faithless
the people so clueless
it makes me so helpless
ignorance, nevertheless!

The world apart is falling
no, it’s not nature calling
it is the thorn that’s within
losing control, the fading begins

Life it seems to fade away
drifting further every day
getting lost within my true self
nothing matters there’s no one else
Written by XiaoLong
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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Isn’t this the Fuel

it made me to drool
scenes of wet dream
isn’t this the fuel
i hear me scream
a stillness so cool
was I truly my age
isn’t this the fuel
fills me with rage
like a teenage fool
desires out of reach
isn’t this the fuel
burning that preach
all the unwritten rules
forever so confusing
isn’t this the fuel
I wrote I was fuming
death was cruel
it has no meaning
isn’t this the fuel
burns without feeling
i long for a duel
i’ve seen the dire
isn’t this the fuel
to be lighting my fire
just like a dumb mule
i’ll be made be turn
isn’t this the fuel
will make me burn
i see the umbra
rising in the tundra  
isn’t this the fuel
ash to ash i will burn
just like the phoenix
from death it returns
Isn’t this the fuel
cool flames yet it burns
Written by XiaoLong
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Tim Eros
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 6th July 2019
Forum Posts: 91

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1893

Amputated thoughts (NoPoo 58)

Hushed debate
 Shame in the shadows  
Amputated thoughts  
Reason lies so far  
Down the end  
Of dark tunnel  
Withered hand  
With a stick  
To keep a sense  
Of a balance    
Watching the cracks  
In the wreckage  
Of a bleak world  
Trigger points  
Come and go  
Tetering on an edge  
Dark days  
Emotonless heart  
Dead eyes  
Not quite there  
In existence  
Sick of the decline  
By the whispers  
Facing facts  
Can no longer deny  
The charcoal box
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286

Forever Winter

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear” - C.S. Lewis

Let’s keep our rooms cold
Inside this house of old
I don’t want to clean up
Let the candles do the work
And my journal take the hurt instead

Let’s keep the front door locked
Nobody knock
There’s nothing left inside
But four walls of rotting wood
Unswept floors and tangled curtains
Dirty dishes
And a scent buried in perfume

Autumn foliage takes hold
Outside this house of mold
This skull of mine aching
From the stench that’s baking
The wicks are dimming
Forever winter is coming

So let the season do the work

Cover first, with leaves
Keep her cold with maple breeze
Paint her skin the shade of snow
But keep her lips cranberry

And never tell spring.
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

PoetSpeak, Thetravelingfairy, AspergerPoet56, eroseternal, XiaoLong and  slipalong, thank you for participating.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Surviving the Darkness

Let me save you, but I was already too far
Gone and in depression’s murky depths
I was not worth saving. Darkness is a scar
That would not heal as I tried to take steps

Forward and into the light where I would
Feel like a new person, but heavy chains
Kept dragging me backwards. I should
Have fought harder to release the rain’s

Anguish and let it pull me higher instead of
Giving up completely, but I let it crush my
Spirits and hope. Let me cherish and love
You unconditionally, the girl and butterfly

With the broken wings.
Behind the smile
And the laughter I was the girl who was
Barely hanging on, but with every mile
Forward she was releasing the claws

So I could truly become the person I really
Wanted to be all along; the little girl who
Survived the fire with sharp, but not frilly
Edges. The girl who fought hard through

The shadows and doubts. The pain no
Longer makes me feel alone or invisible.
I had demons who lingered, but the glow
Became stronger and all the criminals

Who lived in my mind never see me as
Weak now. I am made of gold and topaz.
Written by eswaller
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Thought Provoker
Joined 7th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 16

The Noose

I’m in a dark place
Wit a neck brace
Need resuscitating
Black hole
feeling trapped
On the neck strap
Breath fleeting
constricted breathing
Chest beating
Internal bleeding
Lungs can’t reach capacity
Life in a flash
Keeps passin me
I’m in this tree
Tryna grab the branch
Last ditch effort
One last chance
Just out of reach
Do I give up?
Sometimes I feel like
Enough is Enough
Written by Absence
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Thought Provoker
Joined 7th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 16


I wish I was an alcoholic.
Because at least I’d know
what my problem is.
I could put a finger on it.
But what I have has eluded me,
all my life,
Quite possibly by my own
masking of the truth,
I’ve pretended for so long to be ok
To find distractions,
just to get me through the day
To not let my in-normalcy
keep me from appearing normal
Even though I’m trapped inside
Lost in the confusion of my mind!
I’ve been telling myself nothing’s
wrong with me for so long
I’d started to believe it!
Nothing could be further from the truth
The truth is,
I don’t have a clue what’s wrong with me
and I never knew I needed help with it.
Until now.
And now...

I don’t know how to ask for it
Written by Absence
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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286

No More Tears to Shed

What can one do, with so much hatred
Built up fury, caged inside?
All my tears I’ve used
I own no more to shed

If I stole some back, there would be sin
A stain or two, some smears
I’m afraid I’d waste those tears again

So tell me, what can one do
To set these vices free?
I’ve carried them so long
They are my property

I’ve tried selling them, through various methods
I call them “tricks of the street”
You learn them from other prisoners
Who squandered tears so carelessly
Now that they’re in debt, they’ll do
Almost anything
To make ends meet

It’s dangerous when one finally breaks
And there’s no more tears to shed
“Just how do they do it?” You wonder

If the things that tears can clear, travel to their head
No crying rescues
You should be scared dead
Of the people you meet
With no more tears to shed
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

Congratulations to all the poets who have entered the competition. My companions and I enjoyed the read and in fact had spent hours deciding who should be top three.  Everyone’s entry was spot on depression. However, the top three slot goes to:
1. Terminal torture by Kaden_Malis
2. Blank Page by  DCLXVI_1989
3. Me and Madness by inechoingsilence
Thank you everyone for your brilliant entries. Please be with me again in the next competition.

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 374

Congratulations Kaden, as well as the runner ups DCLXVI_198 and inechoingsilence.

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