Forum Posts: 17080
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080
Poetry Contest Description
Your take or experience with depression
Depression is real. It can lead to many emotional and physical problems.
Old or new writes but not previous winners
two poems per poet
any length but not a book
refrain from using all caps
no collaborations
no extreme contents
Old or new writes but not previous winners
two poems per poet
any length but not a book
refrain from using all caps
no collaborations
no extreme contents
Forum Posts: 17080
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080
A Suicide's moment of Clarity
The darkest hour before the dawn
when spectres, ghosts, spirits and ghouls
walk the grey thin line, moaning
Eyes can see from deepest self
within the sense the third eye
perceive all things, light or darkness
Eyes gazing longingly, lights up high
Hoping for escape from such agony
tortured mind heart body and soul
Drink to invigorate, enjoy the taste
Savour each sip, like butterfly kisses
Love the warmth, like lover's embrace.
when spectres, ghosts, spirits and ghouls
walk the grey thin line, moaning
Eyes can see from deepest self
within the sense the third eye
perceive all things, light or darkness
Eyes gazing longingly, lights up high
Hoping for escape from such agony
tortured mind heart body and soul
Drink to invigorate, enjoy the taste
Savour each sip, like butterfly kisses
Love the warmth, like lover's embrace.
Written by Grace
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Forum Posts: 2104
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2104
Suicide’s Plight
Unhealthy thoughts taking a free ride
Should I just keep walking by
Or write a poem for someone else’s mind to decide
There are so many people out there
Not caring if they have a last breath to spare
Not having remorse to no longer care
Stress, Life, Hopeless, down on luck
Not having a penny let alone a buck
You’ve had it to the point you’re ripping out your hair
Some people’s mind freefalling into thin air
A silent battle of the brain within
If I comment suicide no more problems taking me on a major tailspin
I know you are tired, worn out, and yes, from taking it on the chin
Think of a time when your life was soaring and then think again
Think of a time your life was going great, very good as it should
Starting first with memories of your childhood
During those times things were never misunderstood
Now you’re knocking your head against hardwood
Trying to figure it all out
Finding ways to keep your mental status up no doubt
Reminiscences that once stirred your heart
Mental breakdowns from the initial start
Unspoken anger now for the most part
Has the world now cloaked your brain in mental darkness
Allowing no one to reach you, oh, that concept sounds so heartless
We all have walked a mile in tight shoes
Dark storms of the mind from society abuse
Hanging on by a thread hoping no one judges your ruse
However, who gives you that sole right to choose
A word no one likes to comprehend win or lose
God giveth, not for man or woman to taketh away
As your life flashes you by as acting it out on Broadway
SOS, May Day, Wait, I think I’ve changed my mind
Noose has tightened to my neck, blood running from my wrist, sleeping pills have all been washed down
Stomach pumped, oh no
I really really never intended to go
Save me please
The next time I will ask for these thoughts to be removed on my knees
Paddles of life to chest couldn’t help
The third time it worked, yelp
As I lay still
No more turmoil to fit this earthly bill
Had I hung in, would this had passed, but still
There was always a tomorrow
Tears from someone else’s eyes at the expense of my sorrow
I’m on my ascending pathway
You will see the understanding of this self-demise revealed to you on Judgment Day
There will be no more words from you to say
When you’re dealing with the mental blues I know it’s not my call
I have to pass this insight of this universal protocol
I was ordained and yes, I want my Angel wings
Sent back here to say or do some strange things
All for a great cause
Under God’s universal laws
However, I will never know where you come from
Slow down, let’s talk, I may be able to tell you how to channel that raging weather, and then some
This is not a fad, way out, or words to get lost in
Surrendering your last breath is when your life truly begins
You think you are experiencing hell on earth now
Going up against God with the excuse I refuse to give earth my final bow
Trust me you shall reap what you sow upon its disavowal
No reasons accepted I thought this was my only way out from a mental drought
A shake of God’s head for an eternal lockout
It hurts if only you knew from the soul’s earthly remembrance to let it be
At the Pearly Gates begging if only you could see
Do not allow your mind to attempt to unlocked God’s universal mysterious
You can’t
Therefore, when you’re feeling down, pray, meditate, or chant
No one wants to come back here
And still adhere
To the same plan you thought for a quick escape
Accepting your fate again on this planet we call earth, denied until you reshape
Trust me that’s not a Heavenly debate
At any rate
You never get those moments in time to backdate
When in doubt, talk it out, take medication if you must to get you through
I know this has been tried and true
Just please keep this angle of view in mind
And allow your thoughts to naturally unwind
Channel your temple and leave the negative energy of your mind behind
Once you close your eyes
No more second chances to understand, the what, when, or the whys
Unhealthy thoughts taking a free ride
Should I just keep walking by
Or write a poem for someone else’s mind to decide
There are so many people out there
Not caring if they have a last breath to spare
Not having remorse to no longer care
Stress, Life, Hopeless, down on luck
Not having a penny let alone a buck
You’ve had it to the point you’re ripping out your hair
Some people’s mind freefalling into thin air
A silent battle of the brain within
If I comment suicide no more problems taking me on a major tailspin
I know you are tired, worn out, and yes, from taking it on the chin
Think of a time when your life was soaring and then think again
Think of a time your life was going great, very good as it should
Starting first with memories of your childhood
During those times things were never misunderstood
Now you’re knocking your head against hardwood
Trying to figure it all out
Finding ways to keep your mental status up no doubt
Reminiscences that once stirred your heart
Mental breakdowns from the initial start
Unspoken anger now for the most part
Has the world now cloaked your brain in mental darkness
Allowing no one to reach you, oh, that concept sounds so heartless
We all have walked a mile in tight shoes
Dark storms of the mind from society abuse
Hanging on by a thread hoping no one judges your ruse
However, who gives you that sole right to choose
A word no one likes to comprehend win or lose
God giveth, not for man or woman to taketh away
As your life flashes you by as acting it out on Broadway
SOS, May Day, Wait, I think I’ve changed my mind
Noose has tightened to my neck, blood running from my wrist, sleeping pills have all been washed down
Stomach pumped, oh no
I really really never intended to go
Save me please
The next time I will ask for these thoughts to be removed on my knees
Paddles of life to chest couldn’t help
The third time it worked, yelp
As I lay still
No more turmoil to fit this earthly bill
Had I hung in, would this had passed, but still
There was always a tomorrow
Tears from someone else’s eyes at the expense of my sorrow
I’m on my ascending pathway
You will see the understanding of this self-demise revealed to you on Judgment Day
There will be no more words from you to say
When you’re dealing with the mental blues I know it’s not my call
I have to pass this insight of this universal protocol
I was ordained and yes, I want my Angel wings
Sent back here to say or do some strange things
All for a great cause
Under God’s universal laws
However, I will never know where you come from
Slow down, let’s talk, I may be able to tell you how to channel that raging weather, and then some
This is not a fad, way out, or words to get lost in
Surrendering your last breath is when your life truly begins
You think you are experiencing hell on earth now
Going up against God with the excuse I refuse to give earth my final bow
Trust me you shall reap what you sow upon its disavowal
No reasons accepted I thought this was my only way out from a mental drought
A shake of God’s head for an eternal lockout
It hurts if only you knew from the soul’s earthly remembrance to let it be
At the Pearly Gates begging if only you could see
Do not allow your mind to attempt to unlocked God’s universal mysterious
You can’t
Therefore, when you’re feeling down, pray, meditate, or chant
No one wants to come back here
And still adhere
To the same plan you thought for a quick escape
Accepting your fate again on this planet we call earth, denied until you reshape
Trust me that’s not a Heavenly debate
At any rate
You never get those moments in time to backdate
When in doubt, talk it out, take medication if you must to get you through
I know this has been tried and true
Just please keep this angle of view in mind
And allow your thoughts to naturally unwind
Channel your temple and leave the negative energy of your mind behind
Once you close your eyes
No more second chances to understand, the what, when, or the whys
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Poignant Solace
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been,
You know, been not alone ----
I know I’ve, at one time been in
Solace refrain
And perhaps even happy at one time…
It has been so long I can barely remember.
In a crowded room, a family, a school
One can become lonely when
One notices a difference
In the way one is not treated ~
When the family pet gets better love. . .
How many,
how many opportunities have I shunned?
Passed on?
It is of no surprise to me that
I am companion-less:
No mate, no wife, no intimate significant other.
When You have already met, Your intimate immortal
then the fucking Reaper steals her away ----
How can i ever FEEL, truly feel again?
Forever, I pine I seek and in searching
I emptied the 357 of every fucking chamber
Into the empty spot in my heart
to fill that awful void
that emptiness that loneliness
and when I awaken from my lifelong
I see clearly . . .
Death cannot come soon enough.
For in life
You know, been not alone ----
I know I’ve, at one time been in
Solace refrain
And perhaps even happy at one time…
It has been so long I can barely remember.
In a crowded room, a family, a school
One can become lonely when
One notices a difference
In the way one is not treated ~
When the family pet gets better love. . .
How many,
how many opportunities have I shunned?
Passed on?
It is of no surprise to me that
I am companion-less:
No mate, no wife, no intimate significant other.
When You have already met, Your intimate immortal
then the fucking Reaper steals her away ----
How can i ever FEEL, truly feel again?
Forever, I pine I seek and in searching
I emptied the 357 of every fucking chamber
Into the empty spot in my heart
to fill that awful void
that emptiness that loneliness
and when I awaken from my lifelong
I see clearly . . .
Death cannot come soon enough.
For in life
Written by Tallen
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Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 376

Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 86
I'll Surely Die With A Broken Heart
Life made sense to me when I felt your touch
I thought you’d stay forever in my arms
Darling, you brought me short-lived happiness
I didn’t know love before you found me
You took me close to a place like heaven
You were sweeter than a woman could be
Darling, you said that your love would save me,
But it wasn’t true; you came to end my life.
I’ll die with a broken heart because you left me
I can’t go on living without the love I had
Every day feels like my last day on earth
A life with prolonged sorrow isn’t worth living
I remember you with gratitude and affection
The love that I lost weighs heavily on my mind
Darling, I’ll surely die with a broken heart
I thought you’d stay forever in my arms
Darling, you brought me short-lived happiness
I didn’t know love before you found me
You took me close to a place like heaven
You were sweeter than a woman could be
Darling, you said that your love would save me,
But it wasn’t true; you came to end my life.
I’ll die with a broken heart because you left me
I can’t go on living without the love I had
Every day feels like my last day on earth
A life with prolonged sorrow isn’t worth living
I remember you with gratitude and affection
The love that I lost weighs heavily on my mind
Darling, I’ll surely die with a broken heart
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 86
Make Me Stop Loving Her
For Stacy-Ann
The woman I loved was sitting at the ground floor of the North Stand.
I underwent three years of depression after our affair went wrong.
My heart was throbbing, and I was burning to tell her how sorry I was.
She briefly spoke to my partner, so she definitely knew that I was there.
I concealed my misery when I learned that she did not ask after me.
She was amid the crowd just a few meters from the playing field.
Even though she was out of sight, I felt her energy in the atmosphere.
I could not articulate my eagerness to see her at that moment;
Nevertheless, I knew that I was not going to show up abruptly at her seat.
I had a feeling that she would not greet me with her arms open wide.
Considering the situation between us, I did not know how she felt;
Neither did I have the slightest thought that she still loved me.
I seriously felt that I would never stop loving her regardless of the futility.
It took everything within me not to go over there and speak to her.
And my decision to avoid her plunged me back into deep depression.
She has been harbouring resentment towards me since we broke up.
And I was afraid that she would humiliate me in front of the crowd.
It was a very difficult situation, and the distress was too much for me,
So I hung my head in shame and left the facility without seeing her.
I regretted that I did not go to her, and I cried inside on my way home.
I reflected with sorrow on the loss of the fervent love we shared in secret.
My greatest wish came true when I met her in the small classroom.
The first time she smiled at me, I knew that I would love her endlessly.
She was an inexperienced lover, but her touch filled me with emotion.
I appreciated her love, and I treasured no other woman as I treasured her.
Even though she was a shy virgin, and it was her first relationship,
She loved me the best way a virtuous woman could love a man.
I loved her excessively then, and now I still have the same love for her.
The passion brought tears of joy to my eyes when she kissed me,
But I have shed only tears of grief since the day fate separated us.
I was so careless that I lost her unique love, and it destroyed me;
Nevertheless, the thoughts of her continue to obsess my mind.
Why am I unable to forget the love and the happiness she brought me?
She is the object of my affection, the woman I desire most of all.
It seems that nothing on earth can make me stop thinking about her.
I am falling apart, and I cannot live with this sadness anymore.
O Lord, take away my life if my arms will never embrace her again.
Please take this painful instinct of love from my broken heart.
Do not let me be constantly in love with someone I cannot have.
Make the woman I love come back to me or make me stop loving her.
The woman I loved was sitting at the ground floor of the North Stand.
I underwent three years of depression after our affair went wrong.
My heart was throbbing, and I was burning to tell her how sorry I was.
She briefly spoke to my partner, so she definitely knew that I was there.
I concealed my misery when I learned that she did not ask after me.
She was amid the crowd just a few meters from the playing field.
Even though she was out of sight, I felt her energy in the atmosphere.
I could not articulate my eagerness to see her at that moment;
Nevertheless, I knew that I was not going to show up abruptly at her seat.
I had a feeling that she would not greet me with her arms open wide.
Considering the situation between us, I did not know how she felt;
Neither did I have the slightest thought that she still loved me.
I seriously felt that I would never stop loving her regardless of the futility.
It took everything within me not to go over there and speak to her.
And my decision to avoid her plunged me back into deep depression.
She has been harbouring resentment towards me since we broke up.
And I was afraid that she would humiliate me in front of the crowd.
It was a very difficult situation, and the distress was too much for me,
So I hung my head in shame and left the facility without seeing her.
I regretted that I did not go to her, and I cried inside on my way home.
I reflected with sorrow on the loss of the fervent love we shared in secret.
My greatest wish came true when I met her in the small classroom.
The first time she smiled at me, I knew that I would love her endlessly.
She was an inexperienced lover, but her touch filled me with emotion.
I appreciated her love, and I treasured no other woman as I treasured her.
Even though she was a shy virgin, and it was her first relationship,
She loved me the best way a virtuous woman could love a man.
I loved her excessively then, and now I still have the same love for her.
The passion brought tears of joy to my eyes when she kissed me,
But I have shed only tears of grief since the day fate separated us.
I was so careless that I lost her unique love, and it destroyed me;
Nevertheless, the thoughts of her continue to obsess my mind.
Why am I unable to forget the love and the happiness she brought me?
She is the object of my affection, the woman I desire most of all.
It seems that nothing on earth can make me stop thinking about her.
I am falling apart, and I cannot live with this sadness anymore.
O Lord, take away my life if my arms will never embrace her again.
Please take this painful instinct of love from my broken heart.
Do not let me be constantly in love with someone I cannot have.
Make the woman I love come back to me or make me stop loving her.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 92
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 92
Alive and Alone
Standing in the pouring rain to wash away stains of my sins all over me..
Night and day I am feeling oddly this underwhelming odds won't favor me..
No one dwells in my agony
Only the demons unleashing on me..
Am now living in a territory
Where friends don't know this other side of me..
There's no reason to share company
Exercising my vow of silence you don't talk to me..
Walking around in a state of melancholy..
Life's a bitch and then you die, on my final days living out my darkest fantasy.. I hate intruders in my own Colony..
I am lumbering and labouring alone, but alive..
Living in apathy alone, but alive..
No more weapons in my armory
I am living alone..
I am enjoying this solitary.. Alone!
Where nobody needs to know somebody..
No regret nor empathy.. Alone!
Don't know how to laugh or smile..
Forget how to cry..
Alone !
No remorse nor sympathy.. Alone !
Don't care this is psycopathy.. I am alive..
I gotta eat my pie..
Before waving goodbye to love and harmony..
Night and day I am feeling oddly this underwhelming odds won't favor me..
No one dwells in my agony
Only the demons unleashing on me..
Am now living in a territory
Where friends don't know this other side of me..
There's no reason to share company
Exercising my vow of silence you don't talk to me..
Walking around in a state of melancholy..
Life's a bitch and then you die, on my final days living out my darkest fantasy.. I hate intruders in my own Colony..
I am lumbering and labouring alone, but alive..
Living in apathy alone, but alive..
No more weapons in my armory
I am living alone..
I am enjoying this solitary.. Alone!
Where nobody needs to know somebody..
No regret nor empathy.. Alone!
Don't know how to laugh or smile..
Forget how to cry..
Alone !
No remorse nor sympathy.. Alone !
Don't care this is psycopathy.. I am alive..
I gotta eat my pie..
Before waving goodbye to love and harmony..
Written by Numer90
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Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 92
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 92
Mama mia..
Dear God,
Even if I can't put my feelings into words You know exactly how i feel..
Dear Lord! Dear Lord! Poor me..
I am of service I serve for You..
I'll be of service submitting services to You..
I am a sinner I have sinned to You..
I am a believer.. I believe in You..
I am a liar, I lied today..
I am a liar, I lied yesterday..
I am cheating, I cheat today..
I am a cheater i cheat all the day..
Am all teary throughout the night..
I've been laughing all around during the day..
It's all feary my deeds per day..
I can't sleep coz it fears me...
I can't walk coz it follows me..
I can't run coz it hunt for me..
Nightmare! Nightmares in my dream..
It was frying every day in the night..
So I keep on calling..
Mama mama mia me..
Mama mama mia for me..
Mama hear me Mama far from me
Mama cheer me Mama smile for me...
I am a deceiver I trick per se..
But am not a teacher, I learn every day..
I am a player, I date all the girls..
I am a dater, I date every day..
Blind dates one night I stand..
Mind games and dirty games with the maid..
High gaze i can't lower my gaze..
I went so wayward going out of a range..
I am so dosed up am losing my sight..
Am freezing coz am very cold..
Am grieving coz am very sad..
Am screaming coz am running mad..
Am freaking coz am terrified..
Phantoms hunt me in the day..
My ghost ride with me every night..
Am losing racing with my mind..
Nightmare! Nightmares in my dream..
Leaving me dreadful everyday before night..
I keep on crying..
Mama mama mia me..
Mama mama mia for me..
Mama cover me Mama shower me..
Mama come save me Mama demons on me..
Dear you Mama..
Mama bear me..
Oh My Dear God mama zombies on me..
I guess I'll keep on crying....
Mama mama mia me..
Mama mama mia for me..
Mama dear me Mama near me..
Mama hear me Mama far from me..
Mama cover me Mama shower me..
Mama oh Mommy mama demons on me..
Am so cold mama cover me
Am shivering mama cover me..
It's soooo hot mama shower me..
Am on a transit transit in my dream..
Am flying coz am very high..
Am landing now am going low..
Every time am racing mama race with me..
Every time am sitting mama sat with me..
Every time am pacing mama pace with me..
Every time am standing mama stood with me..
Forgive me Mama.. I caused so much pain for you..
I love you mama.. Mama dear to me..
I keep on screaming..
Mama tear me Mama wear me..
Mama hear me Mama cheer me..
Mama poor me Mama care for me
Mama assist me Mama bear with me
Mama mama mia me...
Mama! mama mia for me.
Dear God,
Even if I can't put my feelings into words You know exactly how i feel..
Dear Lord! Dear Lord! Poor me..
I am of service I serve for You..
I'll be of service submitting services to You..
I am a sinner I have sinned to You..
I am a believer.. I believe in You..
I am a liar, I lied today..
I am a liar, I lied yesterday..
I am cheating, I cheat today..
I am a cheater i cheat all the day..
Am all teary throughout the night..
I've been laughing all around during the day..
It's all feary my deeds per day..
I can't sleep coz it fears me...
I can't walk coz it follows me..
I can't run coz it hunt for me..
Nightmare! Nightmares in my dream..
It was frying every day in the night..
So I keep on calling..
Mama mama mia me..
Mama mama mia for me..
Mama hear me Mama far from me
Mama cheer me Mama smile for me...
I am a deceiver I trick per se..
But am not a teacher, I learn every day..
I am a player, I date all the girls..
I am a dater, I date every day..
Blind dates one night I stand..
Mind games and dirty games with the maid..
High gaze i can't lower my gaze..
I went so wayward going out of a range..
I am so dosed up am losing my sight..
Am freezing coz am very cold..
Am grieving coz am very sad..
Am screaming coz am running mad..
Am freaking coz am terrified..
Phantoms hunt me in the day..
My ghost ride with me every night..
Am losing racing with my mind..
Nightmare! Nightmares in my dream..
Leaving me dreadful everyday before night..
I keep on crying..
Mama mama mia me..
Mama mama mia for me..
Mama cover me Mama shower me..
Mama come save me Mama demons on me..
Dear you Mama..
Mama bear me..
Oh My Dear God mama zombies on me..
I guess I'll keep on crying....
Mama mama mia me..
Mama mama mia for me..
Mama dear me Mama near me..
Mama hear me Mama far from me..
Mama cover me Mama shower me..
Mama oh Mommy mama demons on me..
Am so cold mama cover me
Am shivering mama cover me..
It's soooo hot mama shower me..
Am on a transit transit in my dream..
Am flying coz am very high..
Am landing now am going low..
Every time am racing mama race with me..
Every time am sitting mama sat with me..
Every time am pacing mama pace with me..
Every time am standing mama stood with me..
Forgive me Mama.. I caused so much pain for you..
I love you mama.. Mama dear to me..
I keep on screaming..
Mama tear me Mama wear me..
Mama hear me Mama cheer me..
Mama poor me Mama care for me
Mama assist me Mama bear with me
Mama mama mia me...
Mama! mama mia for me.
Written by Numer90
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Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 45
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 45
Every word and every thought
Was mine when all was said and bought
Who knew? that in my own desire
Your kindled spirit lights that fire
Who drew me close? Who called you near?
Who weaps when life would bring you cheer?
Who knew the empty, sullen train
Should bring me back to you again?
'Twas not men
I knew your words, and know them still
To fear them not who maim and kill
For flesh and fragrance in a flash
Would last a moment's bitter lash
And on that road when I did weep
And saw them sow what you did reap
You told me:
Woman! Shead thy tears and not for me
But for the children borne of thee
For if they kill in this array
What pain will be on judgement day!
And so I held your due impart
Within my soul and in my heart
The blood I saw, and power felt
That makes the mind of man to melt
I knew it not when it would be
That prophesy would come to me
Nor to my own, nor neighbors still
Of when they'd come, like they, to kill
And still I see and hold it true
The words that flowed like blood from you
And oozing from the wounds that bled
I saw the armies that you led
I saw you hold my fractured soul
And witnessed how you make it whole.
Was mine when all was said and bought
Who knew? that in my own desire
Your kindled spirit lights that fire
Who drew me close? Who called you near?
Who weaps when life would bring you cheer?
Who knew the empty, sullen train
Should bring me back to you again?
'Twas not men
I knew your words, and know them still
To fear them not who maim and kill
For flesh and fragrance in a flash
Would last a moment's bitter lash
And on that road when I did weep
And saw them sow what you did reap
You told me:
Woman! Shead thy tears and not for me
But for the children borne of thee
For if they kill in this array
What pain will be on judgement day!
And so I held your due impart
Within my soul and in my heart
The blood I saw, and power felt
That makes the mind of man to melt
I knew it not when it would be
That prophesy would come to me
Nor to my own, nor neighbors still
Of when they'd come, like they, to kill
And still I see and hold it true
The words that flowed like blood from you
And oozing from the wounds that bled
I saw the armies that you led
I saw you hold my fractured soul
And witnessed how you make it whole.
Written by EleazarSwan
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Tina Delaney
Joined 14th May 2020
Forum Posts: 2
Tina Delaney
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 2
Life goes on
The hands are shook and the prayers are said.
I sit alone here on your bed.
Why you left I'll never know
But some will say God called you home
The hole you left there's no denying
Can't hold back the tears or I can't stop crying
The blood stained sheets still on your bed
Where you raised a pistol to your head
The reason why I’ll never know
The love you lost and so much more
Your wife your kids are now alone
To carry on we have no choice, to never hear you loving voice
The pain I feel you will never know
Until someday we meet again
Some time from now to see your face
But for now our world must carry on
Must walk the dog and do school run
They say time will heal Im not so sure
To never see you walk through our front door
It's time for me to go now to
You made your choice to pack it in
Your delt your card and exited the ring
Goodbye for now I’ll write you soon
It’s all I have your gone for good
I sit alone here on your bed.
Why you left I'll never know
But some will say God called you home
The hole you left there's no denying
Can't hold back the tears or I can't stop crying
The blood stained sheets still on your bed
Where you raised a pistol to your head
The reason why I’ll never know
The love you lost and so much more
Your wife your kids are now alone
To carry on we have no choice, to never hear you loving voice
The pain I feel you will never know
Until someday we meet again
Some time from now to see your face
But for now our world must carry on
Must walk the dog and do school run
They say time will heal Im not so sure
To never see you walk through our front door
It's time for me to go now to
You made your choice to pack it in
Your delt your card and exited the ring
Goodbye for now I’ll write you soon
It’s all I have your gone for good
Written by Tina2020
(Tina Delaney)
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Kaden Malis
Joined 2nd July 2020
Forum Posts: 23
Kaden Malis
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 23
Terminal torture
When I close my eyes
I can see the screaming stars
Threatening to leave the night
Till I'm alone in the suffocating dark
It's terminal torture
Living with dying synapses
Bricks crumble one by one
Till the brain finally collapses
Everything's exposed
But I still breathe
My heart lies crushed on the floor
Yet I don't bleed
I search for my lost soul
I must've dropped it along the way
Asking for help
But everyone just stares or looks away
Was life meant to be
A puzzle impossible to complete
Or did I miss something
Caught a disease that can't be beat
The doctor says to lie back
And just relax
But he's not the one
With all the knives stuck in his back
I just want to know
Why I'm different from everyone else
Why I'm haunted by a burning brain
And why no one can seem to help
I can see the screaming stars
Threatening to leave the night
Till I'm alone in the suffocating dark
It's terminal torture
Living with dying synapses
Bricks crumble one by one
Till the brain finally collapses
Everything's exposed
But I still breathe
My heart lies crushed on the floor
Yet I don't bleed
I search for my lost soul
I must've dropped it along the way
Asking for help
But everyone just stares or looks away
Was life meant to be
A puzzle impossible to complete
Or did I miss something
Caught a disease that can't be beat
The doctor says to lie back
And just relax
But he's not the one
With all the knives stuck in his back
I just want to know
Why I'm different from everyone else
Why I'm haunted by a burning brain
And why no one can seem to help
Written by Kaden_Malis
(Kaden Malis)
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Kaden Malis
Joined 2nd July 2020
Forum Posts: 23
Kaden Malis
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 23
Plastic smile
On a plastic face
No one can tell
But you know it's fake
Enveloped by covers
No one will see
This waste of space
I have come to be
No more fun
No more games
No more lies
No more pain
I'll just close my eyes
And make you all go away
On a plastic face
No one can tell
But you know it's fake
Enveloped by covers
No one will see
This waste of space
I have come to be
No more fun
No more games
No more lies
No more pain
I'll just close my eyes
And make you all go away
Written by Kaden_Malis
(Kaden Malis)
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Forum Posts: 17080
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080
SweetKittyCat5, Kaden_Malis, Tina2020, EleazarSwan, Numer90, PittinixDesigns, Ljdynamic and Tallen thank you for your participation.
I'm haunted by the words of a disturbed mind
A woman seeking peace but could never find
Cause other things would bind onto her soul
Escaping its firm grasp was her ultimate goal
Innocence was stole at a tender, young age
Causing her mind to have fits of rage
Finding the final page of endless chapters
Is the conclusion she was chasing after
Faster & faster was the decline of her health
Mental and physical but pixels were in stealth
Her bundle of wealth entered the scene at 16
Bringing some joy into a world that's so mean
She nor I ever dreamed that we'd depart
Leaving several years in an unclaimed cart
Breaking our hearts; she left me no choice
Now on Mother's Day, I yearn for her voice
That's no longer a choice afforded either of us
Cause she's taken a journey on a one-way bus
Now I must keep on; being torn by her words
Tethered to my psyche as spilled milk curds
A woman seeking peace but could never find
Cause other things would bind onto her soul
Escaping its firm grasp was her ultimate goal
Innocence was stole at a tender, young age
Causing her mind to have fits of rage
Finding the final page of endless chapters
Is the conclusion she was chasing after
Faster & faster was the decline of her health
Mental and physical but pixels were in stealth
Her bundle of wealth entered the scene at 16
Bringing some joy into a world that's so mean
She nor I ever dreamed that we'd depart
Leaving several years in an unclaimed cart
Breaking our hearts; she left me no choice
Now on Mother's Day, I yearn for her voice
That's no longer a choice afforded either of us
Cause she's taken a journey on a one-way bus
Now I must keep on; being torn by her words
Tethered to my psyche as spilled milk curds
Written by da_poetic-edifier
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