Poetry competition CLOSED 1st October 2020 5:05pm
View Profile Poems by AspergerPoet56
RUNNER-UP: buddhakitty

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Poem of the month: September

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Poetry Contest

This is a nomination competition to showcase members of DU you think have written outstanding work.
It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official Facebook page.
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!

Please note the following when making nominations:
NOTE: The Spoken Word of the Month comp is here:
Because the vote for this com is anonymous, and spoken word pieces cannot be anonymous due to avatars and voices, we would prefer you nominate those pieces in the appropriate comp above so that voting remains fair.

NOTE: New Member ( six ( 6 ) months of less ) of the Month comp is here:


1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme.  This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.

2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.

3. No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!

4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.  

5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.

6. One win per member within a Calendar Year.

7. You must personally notify the member that they have been nominated.

Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!

Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:


January 2020-  NEW BEGINNINGS
February 2020 - EDIBLE WORDS
JUNE 2020 - LEPPEROCHAN (Craic-Dealer)


February, 2019 - SOPHIE_ERICSON
March, 2019 - AUDIOHARLEEA
April, 2019 - FROM THE ASH
May, 2019 - MISS_SUB
June, 2019 - NAAJIR
July, 2019 - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September, 2019 - MISS_SUB
October, 2019 - HOWLING_WHELMS
November, 2019 - JOHNNY BLAZE
December 2019- RACHEL_LAUREN


January, 2018 - LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February, 2018  - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March, 2018 - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
April, 2018 - CROWFLY
May, 2018  - ATOMIKBOMB
June, 2018  - MISS_SUB (Missy)
July, 2018  - MEADOWSWEET
August, 2018  - LAYLA
September, 2018 - COLD FUSION
October, 2018  - TODSKI28
November, 2018 - TheMUSE22
December, 2018  - BENDER


January, 2017 - VEE
February, 2017 - CRIMSIN
March, 2017 - ONEFIFTYSIX
June, 2017 - AEMelia564
July, 2017 - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
August, 2017 - QUIETUSQUILL
September, 2017 - _SHADOE_
October, 2017 - POETSREVENGE
November, 2017 - NAAJIR
December, 2017 - POETSPEAK


November, 2016 - JOHN FEDDELER
December, 2016 - AHAVATI

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Thank you in advance for your participation, please remember to vote for POM August!

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

"The Silent Faction's Daughter"
She stalk's the shadows,
Disguised by the
Beauty of the night.

"Hush my love
And il play you a spell"

She was once a girl
From the land
Of the rising tide,
Who longed to
Straddle the sky.

But was haunted
By the touch of another.

Who the girl loved
And the boy loved
in turn.

Until his former lover

Then the girl became
A knowhere person.

Living in a
knowhere land.

"It's very unwise
To pretend I don't exist"
She quipped.

Reaching out with her waves.
Flooding her lover
The ancient city,
Leaving nothing but
broken buildings,
Broken sprits
And deadwood.

And so
The Silent Faction's daughter
Fades to drench,
becoming one with her tide.

A broken heart
That you can hear break,
Your own heart aches.

zenithquasar77Written by zenithquasar77
(Marcus cooke)

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Thank you for kicking things of Faithmairee! Great nod..

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

It was my pleasure! Tips hat.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16074

eleven years and still sleeping


eleven years since
you've left.

some would say
I should hate

but I don't.

the sky could
never hate
the earth.

love does not
abandon the
field of

as the dead
cannot escape
their eternal

Written by buddhakitty
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16074

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326


moonbeams cross your skin
beauty seen through fingertips
moist petals open
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Awesome! Thanks guys!

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

nothing new ever comes from the past


the death of a

the slow murder
of love,

small insect

the damnable
intrusion of
old wrongs,


shot like a
bullet from
rifles of our

finding a
bullseye in
the present.

a door slams.

we stand alone,
holding flowers
of heartache.

 echoes of our
history pile up
around us like
dead birds falling
from the sky,

and death's closest
friend, loneliness,
leans forward,
whispering softly
into our ear,

Written by buddhakitty
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Thank you.. !

Please everyone vote in POM August!

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

‘ESSE’ ~The Hinges Has to Cling On Tight... For The Flung Wide-Open Doors Of Freedom: On Essential Existentialism


"Esse" ~(Translated Version- 239 word count)  
I looked at that face, dumbfounded. The lights of métro stations flew by; I didn’t notice them. What can be done, if our sight lacks absolute power to devour objects ecstatically, in an instant, leaving nothing more than the void of an ideal form, a sign like a hieroglyph simplified from the drawing of an animal or bird? A slightly snub nose, a high brow with sleekly brushed-back hair, the line of the chin – but why isn’t the power of sight absolute? – and in a whiteness tinged with pink two sculpted holes, containing a dark, lustrous lava. To absorb that face but to have it simultaneously against the background of all spring boughs, walls, waves, in its weeping, its laughter, moving it back fifteen years, or ahead thirty. To have. It is not even a desire. Like a butterfly, a fish, the stem of a plant, only more mysterious. And so it befell me that after so many attempts at naming the world, I am able only to repeat, harping on one string, the highest, the unique avowal beyond which no power can attain: I am, she is. Shout, blow the trumpets, make thousands-strong marches, leap, rend your clothing, repeating only: is!  
She got out at Raspail. I was left behind with the immensity of existing things. A sponge, suffering because it cannot saturate itself; a river, suffering because reflections of clouds and trees are not clouds and trees.  
Brie-Comte-Robert, 1954  
By Czeslaw Milosz from “The Collected Poems 1931-1987”, 1988  
Translated by Czeslaw Milosz and Robert Pinsky
"Esse"  ~TRANSLATION: (my Version) 248 Word Count  
idee'- fixed, like  
a possessed aficionado...  
I drained unto her  
...spaced out  
all others... consume...  
in a blackout... to their  
calling black holes..  
lightning horses gallop- to  
serially chasing light blocks: the  
stations flown by- as dizzy  
carousels just before,  
now vanish traceless  
…channelling in visions,  
balloon the bloody tangled veins  
to an exploding streamline.. as to  
the gripping electric ganglionic  
st(r)ings… of a primal drumming  
bosom in banging echoes...  
...sandwiched vulnerabilities  
of a vascular… screams silent...  
between Buddha soulcore…  
& gazing gazelle frame...      
the grand scheme of things! oh, not a thing...  
hungering visions... how  
deficiently dangles in the inedible  
lies... of miraging librations  
of skeletal Truth, in an  
afloat surreal succulence  
and, I go on...  
a hyperbolic graphic of her  
...but, why these facultative visions  
just be not an obstinate Truth?
and, a gauzy reticulating  
arteries are her georgette  
cheeks, with twin~ tinkling  
starry anime constellatory  
to fully digest  
such beatific panorama over  
varifold Nature in its emoting  
Times… either forward or  
backward, is quite rapturously  
a mind-boggling impossibility...  
to possess...  
 is unimaginable, like a blade  
of grass, a ladybird  
...an enigma  
petty mind  
contemplates countlessly in  
desperate deconstructions… to  
an epiphany- an unconquerable  
universality: bindingly unbound  
i, she... each one each now...  
now is all  
..as droplets over lotus leaves...  
as she left at Raspail, I was  
haplessly drowning in the apparitional  
sea of lavishing apparencies... ...thrown  
out in simultaneity... a fish in throes...  
breathing the Skies of One Truth  
Written by summultima (uma)
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

Lines On a Flag

An arab dies
an Israelite lies
"there was a knife"
becomes a way of life.

Olive tree
part of me
not of them.
Written by nikkimoe
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