Sea of Love

I would take you
very very slowly
where every minute
seems like an hour
and then I would have you
for a week and a day
as I move inside you
with a slow and powerful surge
like the tide that ends in
great jets of Ocean Spray
and the soothing roar
of surf surging
in great ocean caves.

And there
I would be chained to you
in the bliss of knowing
nature's way.
And we would meet
like predator and prey
who need each other
to feed each other
in the scheme and the dream
of every night and day.

And as the sun rises and sets
our needs would be met
in the heart of desire
where we both get wet
and caught in a net
that we both set
with no need to fret
as we pay our debt
as we live and let
and each time win our bet.

And, cross the sea, sun sets
only to rise -- in each other's eyes.
Written by Gurudev
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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