Sun after Rain

I lost sight of the use of my imagination
which I had once understood implicitly
but gave in to words in the world around me
which refuted that truth explicitly.

I became like a dead star
in an infinity of pain
unable to get dry
in an infinity of rain.

I had to renew and re-knit and review
all I once knew and so began anew
to return to the light and the truth
of my birth.

To put into words inner voices I heard
to restructure the way as clear as night and day
that is different for each in their own special way
that brings us fulfillment in work rest and play.

I would not go back to the night of my lack
but it brought me to here -- glad of the attack
that made me fight back and get back on track
to before things went black and I suffered the rack.

Now I see more clearly and hold even more dearly
the light of my knowing and from whence it is flowing
which sets my heart glowing with love overflowing
as fresh winds are blowing and new shoots are growing.

I want to go back yet go forward in fact
to a new kind of knowing and a kind of a pact
that's at once old and new and a way to renew
forever and ever all that is true.

I will dance in this light and I will dance in the night.
When I can't see the sun, I won't die of fright.
I'll await its return as it's thought I relearn
and so renew its light with each turn.

The sun and the rain and the pleasure and pain
that are all part of life are an ancient refrain
yet are new every day we awake on our way
learning and growing in our work rest and play.

At the core is our dreams at the heart of our schemes
as we dream and imagine all manner of themes
and try on for size new ways to feel alive
that bring us back to the light of day after night.

We cannot lock down the way things should sound
when the song's ever flowing of our inner knowing
and we need to renew the song with this view
and so going forward we come back to what's true.

This is Sun after rain, pleasure after pain,
Day after night and the way toward light.
Rain and dark of confusion with shades of delusion
give way to the light that sees through the illusion.

Along the way, dreams rule the day
they do not reflect but project what will be
if we would see, into them we must see
and find there the light that sets us all free.
Written by Gurudev
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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