The Greatest Fear Of The Mind

My greatest fear? Easy.

My greatest fear is that one day
maybe ten years from now,
maybe tomorrow,
I will stop being needed.

I'm terrified that eventually any desire attached to me
will just dry up, just dissipate,
and those I love will outgrow all I can offer.

They'll stop calling me in the late hours of the night,
or they'll stop sobbing into my sweaters,
they'll stop reaching for my hand when they get scared,
and I'll have too unlearn everything I know
about my own importance.

Because I grew up dumping my self worth
into the souls of other people,
and if I can't pick them up
or wipe their tears
or give them something to hold,
what does that mean for me?
Written by Casa_Nova
Author's Note
I love how most of the things I write are sad.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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