
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If this be so, then was such stitched with pleasured threads into the back of thyne eye
To form a divine utopian perfection.
Was creation just a blip in one’s imagination
Or was it the key to truly seeing one’s observations.

They say life’s too short.
But can we even measure an expanse lacking in finite design.
Pondering length, width and height
Has no benefit to battered hearts and shattered tear drops.
The mending is a slow, enlightening process.

They say a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
If this be so then why is civilisation crucified by its own tears
Its own fractured fretwork on frosted glass
Is the only comforter to soothe the vile bleeding
Of the ‘better off’ onto the lesser...

They say a picture paints a thousand words
Illustrates a thousand feelings and 1001 thoughts
Reflects the truth from a twinkle in a cavorting eye
Of a true painter’s hand
And a false artist’s heart.

They say carpe diem
Seize the day and relish its forbidden fruits no matter how bitter they may be.
Gaze up at an open belly of lights on black nights
Comb beaches for the fallen that the sea breathed life into
Soar through misty sleepless thoughts and descend on fears of your subconscious
Feed on your own filthy ignorance because no one else wishes to savour it
Have passion artistic and erotic occurrences
Never doubt your own opinion’s voice
Always count your chickens before they hatch
But just remember

Life’s too short

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

A picture paints a thousand words

And a home isn’t always encompassed in a house.
Written by starz_n_peaches (Little Miss Maxwell)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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