
In the process of inflation at the early stage of the birth of it all there was no cosmic speed limit. The universe swelled at almost infinite rates. The forces and particles created then went their separate ways. What we see and know now are one group. What we can not see or measure are the other group that stayed travelling at all speeds faster than the speed of light. They have been racing around the universe and out of it ever since. They are the pre-quantum universe beyond all the walls, beyond the quarks and leptons. They hold this bubble universe together, and they have organised this reality for us. They pass through us, they know us inside and out. Many congregate to become us and form our heavenly body the moment we are conceived. The pre-quantum matter spinning faster than the speed of light, in fact moving so fast they have been to the end of the universe and seen it all, the lies, the drunken fist fights, the brief moments of joy followed by the self doubt, fear and sadness. We can never measure this world. Wrapped up so small as to be squeezed out of this reality they yet possess it like a shadow, always there but not always seen. This is like holographic theory. Except who is the hologram? Ourselves, or the dancers on the edge of twilight. The real us that dictate the actions we think of as our own precious automation.
Written by Jezkeebs
Published | Edited 23rd Jul 2020
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