Apathy of a College Student

I just don't care
About A's, B's or C's
But our society
Demands that we pay
Pay and pay and pay
I never had so much anxiety
Four years in and I still have nothing
Yet I am supposed to fall to my knees
Open my mouth and gag
On loans I can't pay back
To willingly accept the shackles of Dept
To do a job that I'm not sure I even want
I don't care about grades and papers
And writing portfolios
Or backpacks that cause lasting damage
Or the thankless boomers
Who ruined my chances of owning a home
They lecture about their own experiences
And talk down about our growing despair
And then my fellow peers get mad at me
Because I just don't care anymore
My apathy has consumed my anger today
And I just don't care
I sign up once more for donating plasma
So I can afford my cellphone
I buy a five dollar pomegranate half bruised
I lay in my bed, the last bit of my soul
Screaming and beating against the bars in my mind
Screaming to get up to fight; to resist
But what's the point when everything ends
Greed will kill my future before I even get to it
We are disconnected by technology
But I'm mocked when I openly hate on it
I just want a cabin in the woods
But everyone wants a cabin in the woods
Everyone wants it and then none of us gets it
They tell me to be positive, but how?
When I can't even work in a sex shop
With my blue hair because of professionalism
So, why should I care?
Why should I care when society
Has built the winding path that no one
But those who's ancestors made money off
The back of those lesser than them
Or those who get just plan lucky
With perky smiles and even perkier breasts
Who play the game better than me
With mental illness free minds
And happy childhoods and happy everything
God forbid you feel bitter and negative
No one, no one wants to hear it
And apathy strangles everything inside me
Until all I want to do is curl up and die
For I am a dandelion growing out of concrete
And I've been stepped on just far too many times
Written by BlueBeastGirl (Beasty)
Author's Note
A small snippet of my thoughts before one of my finals
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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