
I want to help, to change how things are.
I try to advocate, but find we've strayed too far.
I think of what I could do, but realize how insignificant I am.
And I have to wonder, what's the ultimate plan?
The Universe is larger than we understand,
and older than any shall see, woman or man.
And I sit alone, thinking this through,
realizing I'm nothing, with all that I'll do.
Anything I accomplish, or anything that I'll change,
Will have meant nothing, come the end of our days.
I'll be forgotten, with all that I've done,
Long before the humans are gone, from this planet we're from.
So why even bother, in trying at all?
If all that we're worth, is nothing when we fall.
We may be remembered, in future generations,
but for how long will family say my name,
will there be any fame?
While I've no clue who my great great grandparents are,
I wish to be remembered for centuries, is that so hard?
I fear death so,
for I don't know
What awaits me on the other side
so I must confide
In the gods I believe, to be awaiting me
when my time comes and I must flee
from this sad forsaken world.
I know it's unfair,
but I can't stare
Death in the face, knowing that will be the last that I ever matter.
Written by Hidden_Within_Dark
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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