Should we get rid of compulsory tagging on poems?

54.84% • 17 votes • Yes
45.16% • 14 votes • No
Total votes: 31
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Should we get rid of compulsory tagging on poems?

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 784

Viddax said:Frankly I do not know how the system works in the technological sense. I have near zero experience or expertise with coding or website formatting.
So on that note, I would like to hear how an optional system could be introduced to DU. -Not as in 'tell me, while I sit smugly laughing at your lack of expertise', but genuinely as in 'how does it work'?
That way I can sidestep any conversation about the system, where I give vague reasons for its existence, and instead on focus on the topic of implementation of such options.

Seeing as some people just don't vote in elections, it seems reasonable that DU should allow users to opt-in or opt-out of some features. (An example of a system; elections, primarily democracy in mind, where pleasing everyone is near impossible! Though it is possible to please no one with a decision it seems.)

Though at the end of the day it is not strictly within my ability or capacity to change the website. That honour lays with the Webmistress; not trying to point fingers or shirk responsibility, just be transparent.

I don't believe I have all, if any, of your answers, Viddax.  But since I was the one to mention the Dewey system as an example of international classification, let me share in brief how that works.  I've simply copied some material that I am going to paste here for your information.  I make no claim to the verity or ownership of the data.

Dewey Decimal system
"The Dewey Decimal system is a classification system used by libraries to arrange books via subject.  Each book is issued a shelfmark number, usually found on the spine of the book, and arranged in numerical order.

"The first three digits refer to broad subject area, and are shelved in numerical order e.g. 945 is shelved before 946.
000   Computer science, information and general work
100   Philosophy and psychology
200   Religion
300   Social sciences
400   Language
500   Science
600   Technology
700   Art and recreation
800   Literature
900   History and geography

"After the three digits there is a decimal point and numbers after the decimal point show the sub-section of the subject area. Again they are shelved in numerical order e.g. 945.805 is shelved before 945.81.
After the numbers there are three letters which refer to the author or editor of the book and are in alphabetical order e.g. 945.805 TAB is shelved before 945.805 TRB.

"Note: Journals (also called periodicals) always start PER, followed by three numbers and then the first three letters of the journal series e.g. PER720 ARC. Medical journals follow the same ordering, but start MED PER."

Video:  Video: Dewey Decimal | Study Skills for Sixth Form (

Read more:  Dewey Decimal System – A Guide to Call Numbers – Information Sciences Virtual Library – U of I Library (

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305

I think tags are important, but having to have more than one might be a bit much depending on your tagging/writing style. Yes, they can help people who have PTSD, or are somewhere on the sex averse/repulsed side of the ace-spectrum, or don't like that stuff for religious reasons, but that's assuming someone puts a/the tag that identifies anything in it of that nature. Caution is your best friend when it comes to this topic. (Edited my comment, as I was just getting out of something frustrating when I posted my original, and this is a passionate topic of mine, and therefore had a lack of filter, but now have more clarity to reword this better. I apologize. )

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14592

So, there is no longer a mandatory 3 tag system. It's been that way for some time. there is now a mandatory 1 tag system.

tags aren't supposed to be trigger warnings. there's no gaurentee one tag will be any more enlightening than one title, so be careful

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305

True, true. BTW, I'm sorry, if I came across as a rude, I've had a lot not-so-great going on yesterday and today, so that was a guaranteed contributor to my lack of filter (I'm working on it). (Not an excuse, just a reason behind it.) :P

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

Or simply have a 'No Theme' option in Themes, in order to advance the submission!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14592

Orc_Pirate_68 said:True, true. BTW, I'm sorry, if I came across as a rude, I've had a lot not-so-great going on yesterday and today, so that was a guaranteed contributor to my lack of filter (I'm working on it). (Not an excuse, just a reason behind it.) :P

not rude, certainly have your reasons for wanting  tagging to continue. to be fair, a good percentage are happy to multi tag either way. Still, caution is probably best

The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

I find tags useful guides in the intention of the poem and I don't mind having to add at least 1 to mine. There are enough available even to lend just a broad stroke, like #lifeasawriter could be applied to a lot of things.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 79

Yes, get rid of the damned thing. I can never figure out what the hell my poems mean let alone categorization. Pul-ease.

Strange Creature
Joined 16th Feb 2023
Forum Posts: 4

The question of whether or not to make tagging of poems compulsory is a complex and controversial one, with arguments on both sides. While some see it as a helpful tool for categorizing poems, others feel that it can be restrictive and limit the reader's interpretation of the work.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3537

It's telling that since Bonfire Night 2021 only 25 people have opted to vote on this.
Personally, I dislike tags but accept they are inevitable as the site continues to evolve.
Could providing a button to opt out, available only after the obligatory needle in a haystack hunt for the appropriate descriptor has failed, be a solution?
As this issue isn't unique to DUP I'm bound to ask how do other poetry sites approach it.
I'm also mindful of the fact that the longer you've been here, which in my case is probably too long, the more resistant to change you become and that even small "improvements" can niggle.
My latest WTF is the round the houses drop down performance to log out and obligatory confirmation, but life is short so perhaps like everything else I'll get over it.

Tyrant of Words
England 34awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6073

Abracadabra said:It's telling that since Bonfire Night 2021 only 25 people have opted to vote on this.
Personally, I dislike tags but accept they are inevitable as the site continues to evolve.
Could providing a button to opt out, available only after the obligatory needle in a haystack hunt for the appropriate descriptor has failed, be a solution?
As this issue isn't unique to DUP I'm bound to ask how do other poetry sites approach it.
I'm also mindful of the fact that the longer you've been here, which in my case is probably too long, the more resistant to change you become and that even small "improvements" can niggle.
My latest WTF is the round the houses drop down performance to log out and obligatory confirmation, but life is short so perhaps like everything else I'll get over it.

I know on a couple of other poetry sites, you get to add your own tags which is useful. So the tags still exist, but you’re not tied down to neat little boxes. I’ll be honest with you… I kinda like that a little bit better…

Also I feel you on the resistance to change thing.

Sits here mourning MikeTheEngineer & PierreTheMad on a regular basis.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3537

Seems like the themes on offer don't even provide for basic requirements. Poets can be a lazy bunch, myself included and when you just want to post it's a hassle to suggest a new theme and then wait for its approval. I've just started tagging sex and unicorns for luck.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

I have commented on this in the past and I am still as annoyed by it as the day it started. I end up trying half a dozen or more before I get one that doesn't even accurately apply. It shouldn't be so hard to post a poem. At least give us a drop down window to pick from. I hate this feature and don't even think it is a feature, it is a deterrent to posting! Let us pick our own theme or get rid of it already!!!!!!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14592


only tag you need.  you're welcome

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