Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd August 2023 1:34pm
View Profile Poems by Rew
RUNNERS-UP: SayQuois and Jordan


What triggers your ego...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Poetry Contest

This competition is about what triggers your ego to act not yourself. This could be your pride, jealousy, anger, annoyance, competitiveness etc. And it could be on any subject sports, work, politics, music, feminism, menism.

New writes only, one poem per DUP account, write in any form but keep it short. The only thing matter is to write about what challenged or what would challenge your ego and your reaction to it or how you would react to it.

3 Weeks !!!

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Got Money?

Got Money is the song at the top of the charts,  
Even when it's called Broken Teeth or it's called Broken Hearts,  
God Money is the vibe on the block that you hear,  
And it's funny and it's also just a little bit queer  
That money could be conjured from a  young child's ear?  
Play money  
So money is the subject, the object is paper,  
Get enough paper for a guest skyscraper,  
Throw enough paper and you never did rape her  
For a high enough price justice becomes vapour  
Sick money.  
Is How I bought  a yacht for my beagle,  
I could have called him "Spot" but  he's "Captain"  of The Eagle,  
Some say ships helmed by dogs is just evil,  
But I paid enough whores in the House so it's legal.  
Good boy  
Good money  
Dropped  some dimes for a faint crayon sketch of a dot,  
Would have paid more but I paid half in pot,  
Grown by my team of sexy gardener bots,  
Value up ten-fold when I had the artist shot,  
By a man with a gun for a trillion in baht  
A trillion round clip, it was the simplest plot
Even money
Blood money
Produced 15 movies and not one with a point ,  
Lost 15 million per, for each I lit up a joint  
Laced with powdered blood diamonds that
My Pope did anoint,
a personal appointment, no margin for disappointment,
I trot him out as the spokesman for my Pope-approved ointment  
Holy Pee  
Holy rolling in money  
Have more gold tattooed in the freshest model of face,
More than Midas ever turned when he touched every place:
Put full cash down for a bridge out in space,  
Outbid a bitch Saudi prince, you should have seen his long face  
Space money
Fuck You Money  
So much money that it really doesn't matter,  
All of my money makes me madder than the Mad Hatter,  
How many heads can be severed and served up on platinum platters?
While my stacks grow high I grow sadder and sadder  
Mad money
Sad money  
Bad money  
Get money.
Written by SayQuois (JeremyK)
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Having money triggers my ego big time.  I don't have it often and when I do it's not a lot.  But a wad in my wallet or a figure in my account that can let me play at being a big deal for a dinner, a night at a club, a weekend, even a whole holiday... Damn I feel powerful and got it going on, feeling strong.  Gonna quit my job blowing leaves, pay all the bills falling out of my sleeves... (sorry, felt like Beck there for a moment.  The ego jacking effect of imagining having money, even though I got none right now)

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543


  " This competition is about what triggers your ego to act not yourself "                                  
                     " And it could be on any subject  " (hmm, I shall rewminate...)                     
  Freeking competitions set off by some smart arse              
I hate that poncy worded stuff it sets me off to killll!            
" Challenge your ego " shite, what a freeking farce            
my ENTIRE EXISTENCE CHALLENGES ME  ( voice, rises,somewhat shrill)            
And don't set me off about " to act not yourself " jeez...            
can't you hear your fascist schoolteacherish magistral self            
who rant " should've thought before you did the crime " oh, puleese,            
cos libs say " they did it increase their lack of worldly wealth..."            
And that reminds me don't expect any intelligent responses            
any other freek will write about the extreme lack of cash,            
or some trashy arty-farty wishy-washy facile ponce's        
spuriously embroidered smugly written spunkless effing trash!        
There, that's what sets me orf, gets my goat, jerks my naked string            
That and the toadying popular vote tills going kerching! Kerching!
Written by Rew
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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

O Had I Ne'er Been Born a Peerless Bard --

Whose Verse Most Rare Lacks Sentimental Lard!
"Most humans are as cold as charity --  
particularly those soulful buried underground."
-- the briefest of eulogies still meet
at envy's funeral
A charity poetic I possess
rejoicing in the bard a true success
while bowing to his reason sound divine
hard striving to an ethics wise enshrine --
but let a poetaster pen a verse
and swift my ego turns a titch perverse
as tiff and miff stiff rising in the gorge
with ire dire and still ill will quick forge --
till envy in a snit of spite and spit
straight turns a witless nitwit in a fit
in having not been born a rhymester sweet
endowed with proud thick thumbs each meetly fleet --  
for pounding out a poetry unique  
they hit on not one poetry technique!
a dedication of Respect
the Pain of each prey
teased by the green-eyed cat  
a revolving helios rhyme menippean satire on
the charity --
as well as goodwill --
of the envious
august, 2023 -- the sincerest form of flattery yet full in fashion
deep underground
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Ego trip

After a lifetime of the rare high
No talent and mostly lows
Live or die, possibly suicide
You decide.

Then, oh mye
One day, looking for a passtime
Went a sewing machine to buy
(Cost more than a few dimes)
And on You Tube to watch videos
Also a method or two maybe to follow

How such and such to confectionate
Hum, a dress? Too difficult on a first try to make
Such talent you do not have and  cannot fake

A lovely blouse, long sleeves and frills?
Not yet, too intricate for me, still.

Ah, but tote bags. leather or fabrics?
My tiny machine on leather would die
So leather, though a grand idea, I skip
Some other option I will try.

Tons of fabrics to choose from
From the cheap and not suitable (too thin)
Neither the super  classy and quite expensive, 'hon
So I go for the middle way and begin

But not as a salesman for that I am not
And to Good Will I give the lot
Ah, but wonder of wonders in the métro one day
I saw a lady with a creation of mine and on her way
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


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Then, I was hidden
now, forsaken is taught shame
giving pride a chance

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16871

I am...

I am...
laughter in the air
a child at the beach
a girl at the bar
a boy with a cigarette
a man with his dreams
a woman with her desires
I am...
existing in this world
a reflection in the mirror
a shadow on the wall
a midnight gasp of horror
a little girl's doll
a bereaved wife's sorrow
a husband's last regret
I am mere words
without which I am
but a huddled figure in a padded room
catching imagined swirling letters
circling my head.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

MY subconscious shame

I walk on hills above the clouds white floss
common sensibilities are stretched elastic
 beyond the normalities of reach
the stilts that raise me 20 feet
Grand canyons built of city blocks
 radio, its crackle and its static
welcomed lightening, strikes the ground
a conductor just for things fantastic
I am the northern lights display
the podium of coloured rays
gold chains monogramed with gems
 I never have to make amends
A tattoo to wet the appetite  
Rolls Royce bodyline so tight
expectations like a ripened peach
with dripping greed my egos peak

There lies a prehistoric beast
provoked, a chance to grasp, rise unleashed
its menace never underwhelms
my subconscious, without boundary or realm
Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Thank you all for your lovely entrees my dear poets, I apologize for the delay...
Please bear with me for one more day

Tonight I'm going to go through each one thoroughly and select the winner by tomorrow

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

First of all, BIG apology if I offend any of you by reviewing your poems wrong by not understanding the poem you submitted here. My intention here is to give my reasoning when choosing the winner.

Sayquois' Got Money?

I loved how you penned the rhymes and took on a ride with all the different aspects

and these lines,
So money is the subject, the object is paper,  
Get enough paper for a guest skyscraper,  
Throw enough paper and you never did rape her  
For a high enough price justice becomes vapour  
Sick money.


Jordan's O Had I Ne'er Been Born a Peerless Bard --

As the title suggests, I kind of felt the medieval theme reading it,

These rhythmic rhymes...
as tiff and miff stiff rising in the gorge
with ire dire and still ill will quick forge --
till envy in a snit of spite and spit
straight turns a witless nitwit in a fit

I could almost hear a lute playing.

Robert's Ego Trip

It was such a lovely poem, a feel-good poem. It had that simplicity yet kept you intrigued to read through.
This was the main idea, a man's ego towards doing something labelled as women's work.

Bluevelvete's Growth

Such a beautiful minimalist poem capturing the receiving side of it
I love the visual, it sets the mode perfectly. And such a clever title.

Grace's I am

A very fresh take on the idea, as you give the characteristics and bring the Ego to life.
Beautifull! I enjoyed reading it

Slipalong's MY subconscious shame.

You perfectly weaved the idea and the aftermath. Beautiful

Rew's Feck

Congratulations Rew!!!! This hit me with a surprise and brought a smile in the first 4 lines. I read the whole thing with a grin on my face.
I chose this poem as the winner because, I felt it was the proper reaction and the response as the competition triggered her, a response I didn't expect. And I love out-of-the-box ideas.

Congratulations Rew...!

And I apologise to all the poets and the Admins for the delay in choosing the winner,

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Lose some, win some

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Lose some, win some
I thank you right kindly for the congrat's

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Thanks very much for the prompt. I got a great push out of it and thanks to that, a win. Yah!

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