Submissions by Jordan (D.O.C.)
Poet Introduction
Primary Interests -- Brain, Reason, Facts, Truths, Wisdom, Ethics, Preventionism, Efilism, Antinatalism
Pixie Dust You Can Trust
"In general, fairies remain highly credible."
-- the Blue Fairy,
a make-believe character of a character you can believe in
* * *
In having not grown up yet, Peter faithfully enlists
both Tinker Bell and fantasists in proving God exists.
* * *
A Dedication of Respect
the Factual As Opposed to the Fictional Fairy --
the Latter Being Faithless
-- the Blue Fairy,
a make-believe character of a character you can believe in
* * *
In having not grown up yet, Peter faithfully enlists
both Tinker Bell and fantasists in proving God exists.
* * *
A Dedication of Respect
the Factual As Opposed to the Fictional Fairy --
the Latter Being Faithless
65 reads
Mind Being Mindless
"Worldwide a child dies
(with some children even dying in pain -- slow)."
-- just a mindful reminder of
* * *
Most mommies fail to ponder how each child of theirs shall die,
their knowing not the happy ending sometimes goes askew,
for horror has a tendency to slightly yet belie
both fairy tales and wishing stars -- aside from dreams come true.
* * *
A Dedication of Respect
Each Woman
Not in Need of a Conscious, Feeling ...
(with some children even dying in pain -- slow)."
-- just a mindful reminder of
* * *
Most mommies fail to ponder how each child of theirs shall die,
their knowing not the happy ending sometimes goes askew,
for horror has a tendency to slightly yet belie
both fairy tales and wishing stars -- aside from dreams come true.
* * *
A Dedication of Respect
Each Woman
Not in Need of a Conscious, Feeling ...
82 reads
1 Comment
Laird Merde
"All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!"
-- the Third Witch to the top 1%
* * *
A "lord" of Scotland am I full declared,
or rather "laird" (the term we clans prefer),
while my old lady dubbed is "Lairdy" Merde,
although she hard insists I hail her "Sir."
How bonny in my Scottish kilt I look
on whirling in the heather round the heath
or cuddling up with "Mackie" in a nook
surrounded by a draft of fiendish teeth.
Straight stretches my estate twelve inches...
-- the Third Witch to the top 1%
* * *
A "lord" of Scotland am I full declared,
or rather "laird" (the term we clans prefer),
while my old lady dubbed is "Lairdy" Merde,
although she hard insists I hail her "Sir."
How bonny in my Scottish kilt I look
on whirling in the heather round the heath
or cuddling up with "Mackie" in a nook
surrounded by a draft of fiendish teeth.
Straight stretches my estate twelve inches...
67 reads
Dr. Deduce
"Though most intellectual Whos know their numbers, few can add 1 + 1."
-- from Green Eggheads and Sham
* * *
At two, I turned out wise on spitting up green eggs and ham --
in learning chickens all feel pain -- like pigs and Sam-I-am.
* * *
A Dedication of Respect
Pain --
Non-Whoman or Otherwise
-- from Green Eggheads and Sham
* * *
At two, I turned out wise on spitting up green eggs and ham --
in learning chickens all feel pain -- like pigs and Sam-I-am.
* * *
A Dedication of Respect
Pain --
Non-Whoman or Otherwise
61 reads
The Space Cadet a Waste of Space
Cool Physicists on the Bestseller List
"Outer space is another of life's great mysteries for an infinite number of romantics who
flunked out of basic physics."
-- Reality in need of a bit of breathing space from the "multiverse"
* * *
But three dimensions yet has outer space
with nothing much of note therein to see,
just galaxies of stars still commonplace
and planets large or average-sized or wee --
no proof of any photoshopped "black hole,"
Cool Physicists on the Bestseller List
"Outer space is another of life's great mysteries for an infinite number of romantics who
flunked out of basic physics."
-- Reality in need of a bit of breathing space from the "multiverse"
* * *
But three dimensions yet has outer space
with nothing much of note therein to see,
just galaxies of stars still commonplace
and planets large or average-sized or wee --
no proof of any photoshopped "black hole,"
69 reads
On Uranus There Be No Knights to Save the Day
A True Tragedy in Fewer than One Act
"One can only imagine the unimaginable horror experienced by the nonexistent."
-- a nonexistent dragon in sore need of draining
Each dragon on Uranus feels dismay --
its dragon breath impossible to slay.
A Dedication of Respect
the Unspeakable Pain of Bad Dragon Breath
"One can only imagine the unimaginable horror experienced by the nonexistent."
-- a nonexistent dragon in sore need of draining
Each dragon on Uranus feels dismay --
its dragon breath impossible to slay.
A Dedication of Respect
the Unspeakable Pain of Bad Dragon Breath
88 reads
Down the Memorial Hole
"Paradise in the desert is just a storm away."
-- the real reality not a mirage
Each soldier of America is willing yet to die
so I can full enjoy real housewives fighting in Dubai.
A Dedication of Respect
Not Dying in Pain in Vain
-- the real reality not a mirage
Each soldier of America is willing yet to die
so I can full enjoy real housewives fighting in Dubai.
A Dedication of Respect
Not Dying in Pain in Vain
58 reads
Doesn't Taste Like Chicken
A brainless evolution lagged in making coffin flies --
for getting them to eat a human corpse took several tries.
69 reads
Malfunctioning Man Machines
Still Full Being Operated by "Souls" sans Reason
"Yet most computerized great apes are set up early to believe they possess immortal 'souls' --
not to mention 'free wills.'"
-- The Neuroscience of Devolution
This reasoned human robot fears what mortal "souls" yet think --
their poorly programmed frontal lobes all being on the blink.
"Yet most computerized great apes are set up early to believe they possess immortal 'souls' --
not to mention 'free wills.'"
-- The Neuroscience of Devolution
This reasoned human robot fears what mortal "souls" yet think --
their poorly programmed frontal lobes all being on the blink.
61 reads
One School of Thought
Making Each Little Red Schoolhouse Safe in the Good Ol' U.S. of A.
Each child in day care needs to have a lock
on how to shoot an automatic Glock.
Making Each Little Red Schoolhouse Safe in the Good Ol' U.S. of A.
Each child in day care needs to have a lock
on how to shoot an automatic Glock.
61 reads
Not Childproof
To Mommy
"When needed most, a large majority of mothers fail to show."
-- a child of eighty-six
His second childhood waited in the home on Mother's Day --
its mommy having promised she would take it out to play.
To Mommy
"When needed most, a large majority of mothers fail to show."
-- a child of eighty-six
His second childhood waited in the home on Mother's Day --
its mommy having promised she would take it out to play.
63 reads
Bitten by the Springtime Bug
New promises untold with hope eterne arrive each spring --
along with yellow jackets, wasps, and horse flies on the wing.
Feetnote: To date, evolutionary science has discovered only roughly 120,000 species of flies,
though the actual number hopefully promises to be much bigger.
53 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Jordan (D.O.C.)