Poetry competition CLOSED 15th September 2020 9:10am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora

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For The Love

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

Poetry Contest

Nothing beats a great love poem. Submit one poem that tells what love means to you or what you would do for love.

You may enter a newly written one or one you have previously written as long as it's on love.

poet Anonymous

old or new?

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

It's your choice.

poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd July 2020
Forum Posts: 69

To Love

To love you must be vulnerable,
Letting your mate see you at your weakest moments.
Letting them know what your fears are.
To love is knowing when to shut up and listen,
Not every conversion needs your opinion.
To love is knowing when to just hold each other in the silence,
Embracing the peace that's being created.
To love is knowing when and how to forgive.
You can't rebuild if you're still holding on to things that hurt you.
To love is learning how to communicate with one another,
Learn each other's love language to love each other.
Written by Poems4me
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


( a Catena Rondo )
To be alone to give my heart to you
I live inside a lighthouse in my mind
So far above the breakers when I climb
To be alone to give my heart to you
I live inside a lighthouse in my mind
The view I seek in vain of any shown  
Surrounded by a tower made of stone
I live inside a lighthouse in my mind
The view I seek in vain of any shown
A present past no future heading in
Reminding me the places I have been
The view I seek in vain of any shown
A present past no future heading in
I scan the sea in hopes the sky will clear
A master wind eternal brings me here
A present past no future heading in
I scan the sea in hopes the sky will clear
For you my Dear, to whom I dedicate
An ode to Love’s seclusion as I wait
I scan the sea in hopes the sky will clear
For you my Dear, to whom I dedicate
To be alone to give my heart to you
There will not be an end of all I do
For you my Dear, to whom I dedicate
To be alone to give my heart to you
I live inside a lighthouse in my mind
So far above the breakers when I climb
To be alone to give my heart to you
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 920

Come Lay in the Sky With Me

reach across this expanse
lace your fingers with mine;
I will breathe in
all of this darkness
from your frantic, labored lungs
and I will exhale sun showers  
on warm spring days
into your anguished spirit
let me kiss your worried brow
with the beauty of persisting;
rest your troubled head in my clouds
and just for a moment, find serenity;
lie back and dip your fingers
in the warmth of the world
as it burns unchecked below us;
the ashes will hold for tomorrow
sip drowsily of my daydreams
from cracked stone cups
carefully repaired with gilded clay;
here, where chaos does not stand
in the doorway, glaring
let my hands visit your slumped shoulders  
draping them in moonlight,
a cozy quilt on rainy autumn porches
come, lay in the sky with me
Written by LunaGreyhawk
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poet Anonymous

Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295


You are my Darling Angel
You are my friend  
When I need you baby
Your Erotic Poetry has
Me screaming your name
at the top of my lungs
Waiting to sing to you
Because I am feeling
your mind with  
my words of my
own beating heart
That has me screaming
Your name at the skies
of the Howling Winds
Written by Phantom2426 (Francisco J Vera)
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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2077

the universe

faded memory of his mother
fragment of beauty and enlightenment  
cut short  
when she stood by the window  
lulled from meditation  
the universe will provide  
a boy  
the love phoenix  
awoken from ashen shell  
a handsome jester  
with worrier mind and guardian soul  
the adorable cub destined to break hearts  
the universe will provide  
a beautiful daughter with sun-shaped heart  
unwaning exuberance  
she burns for life  
an angel fallen from inner space  
a miracle beyond uterine stars  
the universe will provide  
a hulk  
broken shadow of a poet  
the prodigal husband and father  
who promised to love and cherish  
the trodden earth beneath elven feet  
the universe will provide  
a goddess and queen bee  
loyal friend and loving mother  
absolute superpower to his realm  
atomic number forty-six  
most rare of the precious  
beyond the will to belong and posses  
he is a moth  
she is the moon
Written by case28 (Alexander Case)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

Floating Whispers in the Wind

The rains have subsided their outpouring cries
only the dampness of their tears remain.
Puddles of poodles line the uneven sidewalk
and kittens fill potholes on the boulevard.

This night is still, still with only traces of
hints of whispers in the light breeze.
I shiver uncontrollably in places from love
or is it merely a floating zephyr passing by?

Shshshshshshhhhhhh...and I listen to the night.
Ethereally, my soul bears the whispers;
the whispers that float on wings of being
of being in love with a special woman.
Her heart has quietly determined that I and I
alone, am the one.

Only the traffic outside keeps me from
from the astral realm where my spirit
might grow to like...too much.
Yet, I cannot help but want to float away
away to her domicile to embrace her where she
sleeps...where she dreams.
Just one time, just once, Please!
If only there was a way for me
to caress her soul, touch her heart, intimately
embrace her spirit and hear her floating whispers...
in the wind.

Suffice it to say, I cannot accomplish this;
I am confined to the distance in acreage
by only my mortal shell.
If only there was a way............
to love her from afar
to make love to her,
to intimately love her spirit
by way of a floating whisper in the wind...

perhaps by perchance or imagination
I can make the attempt through
my dreams
catch her floating ...

whispers in the wind.
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

This Poem Is For YOU


Don't think I have forgotten about YOU
dear one(s); no how could I

that rememberance of warmth
from before time blinked existence
dreaming awake
vibrating awake, dancing days
loving seconds, remembering years

Kindred flame from source
do YOU think the amnesia of waking
would cause the effect to forget YOU
how could I? for YOU are I
I would dive into the deepest despair
just to find YOU, seeker that I am

For I, I am light
YOU, YOU are love

Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 84

Cute, Little Blonde

Cute, little Blonde, I am so anxious to see you again.
You could not imagine the feeling you put in me.
Baby, I fell for you the night I looked in your dreamy eyes.
I bashfully expressed the affection I felt for you,
And you listened intently to all the things that I said.
I have not been myself since the first time we spoke.

Cute, little Blonde, I care for no girl except you.
Every new day dawns, I wake up with you on my mind.
I shall grant you any possible thing you request.
Half the things I own are yours for the asking.
I am prepared to overcome any obstacle to your love,
And I shall even risk my life to protect your honour.

Cute, little Blonde, call me whenever you need me.
You know that I shall always be there for you.
I shall bring you a bouquet of geraniums, orchids, and lilies.
And I shall deliver this billet doux to you personally.
They say, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
And if we exert our will, there should be a way for us.

Cute, little Blonde, please accept this love from my heart.
Inwardly, I have wished for a girl with blonde hair;
And you are the cutest one I have ever came across.
Your mellifluous voice is as sweet as the tones of the violin.
I cannot tell you orally how much I need your love,
So I wrote these poetic lines to convey my love for you.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

Spiritually and Mystically

Longing with all the aspiration of time and space,
When I see your face all I want to do is smile,
And let my mind wonder in the marvels of this love,
Of this emotion that will travel a million miles.
And while this may not be my typical declaration,
I swear on all creation this appeal feels surreal,
A zeal of imaginings ventured beyond the night,
And into the morning light that my silence conceals.
I linger in that stillness, that realness, that presence,
That essence that still leaves me in daze for days,
Like rays of moon beams filling my head with dreams
That pour through every pore when I catch your gaze.
This phase will last me many centuries, a life, an age,
A word on every page written as I’m smitten by you,
Through which I find a fire of inspired verses expressed
So that I can gladly confess, I find myself driven by you,
Spiritually and mystically...
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Related submission no longer exists.

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