The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tomorrow morning ( Tue ) the detrimental Dark Moon in Capricorn will occur at 07:36 AM, followed by the New Moon in Aquarius Wed morning @ 07:36 AM.
Void of Course occurs tomorrow afternoon @ 10:48 AM - 2:41 PM. As this lunation occurs in the collective 12th House, it's an advantageous period to take charge and rearrange or organize any aspect of our lives that appear disheveled or unproductive.
This is accomplished by implementing guidelines and setting clear boundaries as well as seeking avenues of learning to further our expertise. Take care not to eschew the emotions of others by acting too professional or businesslike.
Regardless of your natal chart, the Moon and her cycles affect us all in some way. However, if you truly want to understand yourself, your lunar placement and aspects can provide the details on how the Moon might influence you in a particular way.
As a Cardinal sign, Capricorns are ambitious, serious, and dedicated to duty. Life can seem difficult because they're ruled by disciplinarian Saturn, but ultimately, they triumph. They are self-disciplined, responsible and practical; however, at times can wallow in self-pity.
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Image: The Veil of Night by Serena Malyon
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📍Note: Moon, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌑 Dark Moon, Capricorn -> Aquarius:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Tue, Jan 28, 2025: It's not our responsibility to change a person or situation. We can only be responsible for removing ourselves from any toxicity that affects us negatively if we're absorbing versus observing.
Domestic responsibilities and potential beautification projects could rise to the forefront early morning when the Moon in Cap sextile Venus in Pis. Double-check the budget first, as finance is a featured house in this aspect.
Midmorning a sextile between the Moon in Cap and Neptune in Pisces creates an atmosphere of potential success through dedication and hard work. Our intuition rather than emotions should be our guide.
The energy will shift from cautious and dutiful Capricorn to adventurous individuality when the Moon enters Aquarius late afternoon. We could feel rebellious and ready to make our mark.
A conjunction between the Moon and Mercury occurs late afternoon/early evening, ushering in an enhanced reasoning ability from a balanced mind and heart followed an hour later by intense, unearthing emotions when the Moon conjuncts Pluto. Remove yourself from any toxic person or behavioral situation to maintain equilibrium this evening.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
4:53 AM: Moon in Cap sextile Venus in Pis @ 24°30'
10:48 AM: Moon in Cap sextile Neptune in Pis @ 27°52'
2:31 PM: Moon enters Aquarius
4:45 PM: Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°16'
5:56 PM: Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°57'
#Art: David Galchutt
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Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Lunar New Year! 🌑🎉Wishing you a healthy, prosperous, and joyful 2025 🤗
Tomorrow marks the Year of the Wood Snake. The Snake is the 6th animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac signs, coming after the Dragon and before the Horse. Recent years of the Snake include 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, and 2025 (with the next Snake year in 2049 being year of the Earth Snake).
In Chinese traditions the snake once presented a venerated image, and it is one of the earliest totems of Chinese nations. Chinese mother goddess Nüwa who said to have created humanity has the body of a snake and the head of a human. The Chinese dragon also has a snake body. Today, in some places in China, people still believe that a snake found in their courtyard can bring good luck.
Personality Traits of Snake Signs
Snakes are sensitive, effective, and adaptable, positive personality traits often complemented by a considerable intelligence. They are usually amiable and even-tempered, showing a cool and calm exterior punctuated by occasional bouts of perfectly timed energy and passion.
They move elegantly through the social sphere, armed with their wide range of interests and hobbies, which add to their intrigue and mystery. They’re often artistic, which makes them taste-makers others look to for guidance.
In emergencies, Snakes show their true value by remaining calm and collected, not losing an ounce of their ability to analyze the situation and come up with the best solution while remaining a dependable presence.
In daily life, Snake people are easy-going and fascinating for their mystery while also needing alone time to smooth their sensitivities. If they can learn to be vulnerable, Snake will find a new world opening to them.
Snake Strengths
Snakes are self-respecting and steadfast; therefore, external voices won’t shake their resolve. They’re goal-oriented, and while they don’t often appear outwardly passionate, they’re blessed with a keen intuition and ample inspiration, making them very creative.
Indeed, Snake may well choose a career in art because they make connections between subjects. They also possess excellent taste, glide among the elite with elegance, and can remain calm in the most stressful situations.
Snake Weaknesses
Snakes are emotionally detached, which can, at times, manifest as coldness or selfishness. Others distrust them, as they seem to be calculating and only concerned with their own welfare, and Snakes distrust others in return.
With their romantic partners, Snakes may struggle to be vulnerable and will try to protect themselves with their usual detachment—which spells romantic failure and will, unfortunately, reinforce Snakes’ distrust for others in the future.
Lucky (and Unlucky) Things for Snakes
For Snakes, the numbers of 1 and 8, red and black, the directions of west and south bring good luck; pink and purple, 0 and 5, and east are unlucky, which should be avoided if possible.
In Chinese culture, your Ben Ming Nian, or zodiac birth year, is considered bad luck, so make sure to wear red clothing or jewelry during your year (Year of the Snake) to keep away any misfortune.
Lucky Things
Lucky numbers: 1, 8
Lucky colors: Red, Black
Lucky directions: West, South
Lucky flowers: Camelia, Orchid
Unlucky Things
Unlucky numbers: 0, 5
Unlucky colors: Pink, Purple
Unlucky directions: East
Love and Compatibility for Snakes
Snakes are passionate and delicate in love, which may surprise their romantic interests. Over time, they’ll also grow into loyal marriage partners, even if their charm means Snakes will usually face many temptations throughout life.
In return, Snakes demand the same loyalty from their partner and become suspicious. It’s best for Snake to express their emotions and doubts with honesty, which the right partner will respond to with loving affirmation.
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So mote it be. . .
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Happy Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake! 🐍
📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌑 New Cazimi Moon, Aquarius:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Wed, Jan 29, 2025: Healing spreads like olive oil across the collective landscape when we understand and accept ourselves first.
Deep reasoning and strong desire for more serious issues rules early morning when Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. It's a perfect time to dive into our self and get to the bottom of an issue. Research and in-depth communication are highly favored.
The following Cazimi New Moon brings unique beginnings from fresh insights on both a personal and collective level as we begin to return to a more heart-centered life. Read more:
Midmorning opens a beautiful window for emotional growth an innate understanding when the Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini. This energy is filled with uplifting moods which enables us to share freely with those we care about.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST
2:52 AM: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aqu @ 01°58'
7:36 AM: Moon conjunct Sun in Aqu @ 09°51'
10:08 AM: Moon in Aqu trine Jupiter Rx in Gem @ 11°20'
#Art: Peder Mørk Mønsted
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New Cazimi Moon in Aquarius began @ 7:36 AM, 1st House: New Beginnings. No void-of-course time for this lunation.
A stellium is currently formed in Aquarius & Pisces during this lunation: Aquarius involves the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pluto, while Pisces involves Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. The atmosphere is super-charged.
Aquarius is electrified with Uranian currents while Neptunian Pisces is flowing with watery currents. Electricity and water make for some electrifying energy requiring grounding if we're to maintain our equilibrium during this cycle.
Aquarius embodies independence, individualism, imagination, progressive, artistic, and scientific just to name a few. This Moon brings out the rebel and warrior within us. We're ready to make our mark and for new adventures and experiences that highlight who we truly are to others.
With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pluto in Aquarius, this marks the beginning of progression and ascension for humanity. There's going to be some serious leveling up for our individual as well as global consciousness this year. If you aren't feeling the undercurrent now, you will be soon.
More and more individuals are coming home to their hearts from their monkey-minded jungle. As this happens, more and more will understand and incorporate energies and choices to live a more peaceful and joyful existence inclusive of individual freedom and positively progressive advancements.
Global change begins on a personal level. Once that personal level expands, it encompasses mass consciousness as a whole. Power structures will begin to crumble under the weight of light. It may not appear that way outwardly, but the seeds have been planted, and the roots are reaching deep into the earth.
The number of awakened and awakening souls has tripled in just the last few years. They are challenging patriarchal paradigms rooted in fear and dominant control. The level of positive, energetic vibrations is reaching mass contagion levels, and no negatively infused vaccine can prevent the spread.
This New Moon in individualistic, progressive Aquarius is the doorway to a more heart-centered way of life. The Aquarian age is a booster for strong independence, so that we are grounded in our power and evolve.
It will also highlight originality and creativity, which brings more stability grounded in joy and truthfulness, both welcomed attributes on this new and exciting journey.
#art: The Spirit of The New Moon by Artur Loureiro
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📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌑 Waxing, Aquarius -> Pisces:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Thu, Jan 30, 2025: If we spend time trying to change what is beyond our control, then we miss the opportunity to change what we can to attain our dreams.
Night owls or those in western time zones can experience a liberating sense of relief in regard to an emotional wound when the Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries inconjunct OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. We finally have the courage to let go and move forward.
Early morning may bring unexpected changes or disruptions in schedules or transits when the Moon square Uranus Rx in Taurus. Though we may want to rebel or resist, it's advisable to utilize patience during this brief window.
Early evening the Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter Rx in Gemini, increasing the potential to attain our wishes and dreams through forward thinking and partnerships. Recognizing what is beyond our control will redirect our focus to create steps toward our goals.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: David Galchutt
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Uranus stations Direct in Taurus tonight @ 11:23 PM, 1st House: Set Course for New Beginnings!
Our opportunity inhale, slow down, and pay close attention to what we're doing and saying to one another during its retrograde period is closing with Uranus stationing. The lessons we may have learned won't necessarily be apparent until we're faced with a circumstance that tests our resolve and how we react or respond.
We may attract energy at some ethereal level, and it can seem surreal, as though we are living in an alternate reality or separate dimension during this acclimation period. It's totally normal to experience this energy. Utilizing grounding techniques will better assist us to recoup solid balance.
The motivating force of power, Uranus represents the freedom urge. This planet is known to rebel against conformity. Its keyword is "the awakener", reflective of one of my favorite lines from Dune, "The sleeper must awaken."
If we feel as though we have been struggling against the current to achieve what we know in our hearts is part of our destiny, we can now expect Uranus will be the catalyst for that change to take place. This influence won't be external, but internal.
This means we need to pay attention to our attitude, perspective, and belief system moving forward—any, or all of which could be holding us back. This may become the epitome of walking by faith alone.
As the awakener and challenger of our boundaries and comfort zones, Uranus holds the element of surprise, so don't be if unexpected assistance, concepts or even challenges appear unexpectedly. It's all opportunity.
This planet is also associated with natural disasters, particularly earthquakes; however, such disconcerting events reveal humanity's ability to united through a combined humanitarian effort. Uranus' purpose is to awaken our altruistic nature.
Uranus in Taurus presents a type of polarity between the desire for freedom and lack of restrictions with Taurus' grounded and domestic surroundings. Most Taurians aren't socialites who prefer the spotlight. Rather, they enjoy the comforts of a beautiful home, close friends, and good food.
While this pairing may seem tense, and it can be if we resist, it's also a beautiful time to discover just how liberating relationships and safe environments can become ports in the storm of uncertainty. Perhaps it's time we notice the blessings of home and those who care for us rather than seeking some greater cause to advocate.
Afterall, feeling safe and loved is the greatest crown we could ever don, and the most loving energy we could ever spawn into humanity.
#art Gabriel Pacheco
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📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌑 Waxing, Pisces:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Fri, Jan 31, 2025: Intuition is a beautiful tool; however, it only works if we trust in ourselves enough to follow its guidance.
Today's energy begins early afternoon when the Moon in Pisces square Jupiter Rx in Gemini. Though we may feel overwhelmed and pulled in two directions, avoid the temptation of escapism. Heightened intuition is the best navigational tool until this aspect passes.
Night owls or those in Western time zones can benefit when the Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces in the 6th, presenting a much stabler energy surrounding work and home. Assuming responsibility and learning from past mistakes are catalysts to achieving our goals. Selfcare takes our emotions to a higher level.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
12:52 PM: Moon in Pisces square Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 11°18'
11:09 PM: Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 17°26'
#Art: Gabriel Pacheco
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Ready for Brigid's Day tomorrow!
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📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒 Waxing Crescent, Pisces -> Aries:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sat, Feb 01, 2025: Nothing is by chance, that's why it's important to pay attention to random encounters that could lead to epiphanies along with innovative and the energetic means to manifest them.
East Coast early birds wake to an intuitive compassion enabling us to understand the needs of others and utilize compromise when the Moon in Pisces trine OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. Domestic responsibilities take center stage through nurturing rather than combative measures.
Pay attention to encounters midmorning, as they could provide surprising information or synchronistic experiences when the Moon sextile Uranus. Epiphanies could rise to the surface along with innovative and the energetic means to manifest them.
Late morning, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces, creating a desire to seek out beauty and avoid toxic relations and/or environments. We may find it difficult to focus on work-related tasks, especially if the weather is beautiful.
Late afternoon the Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune conjunct Venus. This double conjunction creates a desire for comforting rest and deep introspection away from the world of obligations. In this space we can delve into deeper spiritual practices, pursuits that are fun and/or romantic. Avoid escapism to savor the experience until the Moon enters Aries late tonight.
Avoid escapism to savor the experience until the Moon enters Aries late tonight, where it will sextile Pluto in Aquarius, providing an opportunity to deepen relationships through open honesty. We can also access deep-seated trauma and fear through meditation and dreams, leading to emotional healing and a better understanding of ourselves.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: James Sant
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Imbolc ( Saint Brigid's Day )
The celebration of Imbolc dates back to the pre-Christian era in the British Isles. The earliest mentions of Imbolc in Irish literature were found in the 10th century. Poetry from that time relates the holiday to ewe’s milk, with the implication of purification.
It’s been speculated that this ritual stems from the breeding cycle of sheep and the beginning of lactation. The holiday was traditionally aligned with the first day of spring and the idea of rebirth.
Imbolc celebrations took the form of a festival in honor of the pagan goddess Brigid, who was evoked in fertility blessings and oversaw poetry, crafts and prophecy. Brigid was worshipped by the Filid, a class of poets and historians among the Celts of ancient Ireland and Britain.
Brigid was considered one of the most powerful Celtic gods, the daughter of the Dagda, the oldest god in the Celtic pantheon Tuatha du Danann. She had two sisters also named Brigid (though it’s speculated that these sisters are meant to symbolize different aspects of the same goddess.)
Brigid appears in the saga Cath Maige Tuired and the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a purported history of Ireland collected from various poems and texts in the 10th century.
Myths about Brigid’s birth say she was born with a flame in her head and drank the milk of a mystical cow from the spirit world. Brigid is credited with the very first keening, a traditional wailing for the dead practiced at funerals by Irish and Scottish women.
Over the centuries, Brigid was adopted into Christianity as St. Brigid.
Read full:
#art: Brigid by TheLilithVerse
Sources: "Imbolc: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for Brigid’s Day". Carl F. Neal.
"Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities", Charles Russel Coulter and Patricia Turner.
"Brigit: Goddess, Saint, ‘Holy Woman’, and Bone of Contention", Carole M Cusack.
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Site update sneakpeak featuring daily incoming energy + celestial events & planetary transits!