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DU Podcast Thread

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Another fantastic episode. The interview with the Webmistress seemed somewhat short, but that may just be because I am hungry to hear more from her! Though I suppose it keeps them/us wanting more.

Interesting to hear the insights from people/user about DU, its current state and its past. Don't expect me to be of much help with its history just because I have been here so long! Somewhat miffed and embarrassed that I was not part of the congratulating section, but given my current audio quality that was probably for the best, don't want people's ears to bleed too much.

Apologies for the somewhat potato quality of my recording, moves are already underway to rectify this.

What on earth will happen if and when the Poetcast Project interviews Muggle? All this and more in future episodes....

poet Anonymous

Viddax said:Another fantastic episode. The interview with the Webmistress seemed somewhat short, but that may just be because I am hungry to hear more from her! Though I suppose it keeps them/us wanting more.

Interesting to hear the insights from people/user about DU, its current state and its past. Don't expect me to be of much help with its history just because I have been here so long! Somewhat miffed and embarrassed that I was not part of the congratulating section, but given my current audio quality that was probably for the best, don't want people's ears to bleed too much.

Apologies for the somewhat potato quality of my recording, moves are already underway to rectify this.

What on earth will happen if and when the Poetcast Project interviews Muggle? All this and more in future episodes....


I double checked, and we did invite you to participate... sent out a message back in May (yep, that’s how long we’ve been working on this birthday episode) as we did with well over 100 members. We also put out a few participation posts on FB, though I understand not everybody will have seen these. However, with the messages feature being a surprise we couldn’t advertise it as much as we wanted too.  

And you don’t sound like a potato. We don’t feature potatoes on the show.

Muggle and TPP meeting... now there’s an idea for a show

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Viddax said:The interview with the Webmistress seemed somewhat short, but that may just be because I am hungry to hear more from her! Though I suppose it keeps them/us wanting more.

The interview would of been longer, but I forgot to mention a new feature I just released. Basically I've made it so that once someone has been a member for 3600 days, their account automatically gets deleted and they have to start again.

How many days is it now that you've been a member for?

Oh... found it... Viddax joined 3599 days ago

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17192

ThePoetcastProject said:

Steady on Irish Brad Pitt. You’ll be ascending to Daniel Christensen T-Shirt levels of desirability soon...

He may have surpassed any T-shirt level altogether!

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Seems to be a day of mistakes on my part! Seems I missed out on the congratulations because of self-sabotage. Oh well, there is always the 25 years one....
Muggle and TPP meeting: I'll have my people talk to your people, or better yet my people talk to my people.

Delete me and I'll just come back stronger than before. Or is that stranger than before? Though surely you will be gone way before I am then Webmistress? Not that I or anyone here wants you to go anywhere anytime soon. Not much of an asylum if the mortgage ends and the whole place is picked up for a penny by some unscrupulous corporate suits.
Takes more than that to get rid of me, I'm like a bad..... mistyped postal address: just kinda there whether you like it or not.
Don't joke too much about features like that; wouldn't want to make you work too hard implementing them now!

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Viddax said:Seems to be a day of mistakes on my part! Seems I missed out on the congratulations because of self-sabotage. Oh well, there is always the 25 years one....
Muggle and TPP meeting: I'll have my people talk to your people, or better yet my people talk to my people.

Delete me and I'll just come back stronger than before. Or is that stranger than before? Though surely you will be gone way before I am then Webmistress? Not that I or anyone here wants you to go anywhere anytime soon. Not much of an asylum if the mortgage ends and the whole place is picked up for a penny by some unscrupulous corporate suits.
Takes more than that to get rid of me, I'm like a bad..... mistyped postal address: just kinda there whether you like it or not.
Don't joke too much about features like that; wouldn't want to make you work too hard implementing them now!


DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Viddax said:Seems to be a day of mistakes on my part! Seems I missed out on the congratulations because of self-sabotage. Oh well, there is always the 25 years one....
Muggle and TPP meeting: I'll have my people talk to your people, or better yet my people talk to my people.

Delete me and I'll just come back stronger than before. Or is that stranger than before? Though surely you will be gone way before I am then Webmistress? Not that I or anyone here wants you to go anywhere anytime soon. Not much of an asylum if the mortgage ends and the whole place is picked up for a penny by some unscrupulous corporate suits.
Takes more than that to get rid of me, I'm like a bad..... mistyped postal address: just kinda there whether you like it or not.
Don't joke too much about features like that; wouldn't want to make you work too hard implementing them now!

Seriously though, it's pretty amazing to think that there's folks like you that have been on the DU journey with me for nearly 10 years! I definitely need to come up with a 10 year trophy

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

admin said:

Seriously though, it's pretty amazing to think that there's folks like you that have been on the DU journey with me for nearly 10 years! I definitely need to come up with a 10 year trophy

Oh I'm sure I could come up with something you could do for me in return. *Cue implied flirting*
- And that's how Viddax lost his Mod status and privileges.

Trophys are nice and all but could I ask that it is a badge instead? A small icon that shows up on the left hand side when making forum posts. Seems much more of a show of honour and incentive for others to stay the course. (Though having said that the 5 year members kinda deserve some dues as well: just another reason a badge with numbers might be better than a trophy.) Heck give me a badge and trophy if you are feeling that generous.

I am sure some time I will/can go into details of why I have stayed here for 10 years. Suffice to say, DU is brilliant; come for the poetry, stay for the future!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Hey guys!

Don’t forget the competition to have your poem close the next show!


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14592

we interrupt your irregular reading:


thank you, please continue

poet Anonymous






poet Anonymous

Hello good people of the Underground!

We need your help

We are looking for people who can submit a reading of their poetry to the podcast. The podcast is great exposure, going out to all members and the wider world through such platforms as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

How can I submit a poem?

You are able to read any poem you like. The only conditions is that there is no extreme sex or violence. This is due to Apple Podcasts terms and conditions. A bit of swearing is fine. We have an extreme content warning.

There are many options:

• You are able to record on vocaroo.com which is the easiest way to record as you don’t have to download anything. Simply record a message and PM us the link!

• Record using your phone camera. All we need is the audio, we don’t need to see your face, so you are able to cover the camera. You are able to e-mail the video to undergroundoutloud@outlook.com

• Record using Messenger voice note on Facebook. Same with Skype.

• Record using Audacity on your laptop and e-mail us the file.

• If you need any help whatsoever please don’t hesitate to contact The Podcast Team, or join the Loud-Speaker Poetry group to ask technical questions and practice in a safe place here: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/groups/loud-speaker-poetry/discussion/

What else do we need?

Want to appear on the show? We are looking to compile a list of people who would like to take part in future interviews. All interviews are sent in draft in advance to make sure you are happy with what we are asking, and you receive a copy of the interview before it is put into the show.

Any questions?

Get in touch. Get involved. Get your work out there. We are waiting for you!

- The Poetcast Project Team

poet Anonymous

Now also seems a good time to try and get some feedback from listeners now that we have been going a couple of months...

• What do people like / not like?

• What would you like to see in the future?

Your input is greatly appreciated 😎

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1857

Great August episode of the PoetCast. Well done all round. And I had no idea DUP was 'English' - makes one proud.  :))

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