Poetry competition CLOSED 21st December 2017 10:09am
Grace (IDryad)
View Profile Poems by Grace
RUNNERS-UP: PoetSpeak and eswaller

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Everybody’s writing beautiful work...  excellent ink

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873



I had
An epiphany
When I peed
On a wire
I discovered
"Great Balls of Fire!"

The moral to my story:
"Never pee on an electric fence
Or forever you'll suffer from impotence!"

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 88

Your smile

You scream and make me want to scream back!
I try so hard to please you, to see how you see.
I’m unable to understand the language you speak,
My frustration is filled to the brink,
And my eyes overfill to create streaks.
When my heart feels like it is about to break
You turn to me with innocent eyes that say,
Mommy my smile is all you need today
Written by Bonzi
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315

One Such Moment in time (FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2012)

I had one such monent in time... 
when i met my true love In Real Life for the first time..  

over the top of the car, for the first time, as i saw her
i saw her chest as she walked out the door, 
her smile as she watched me watching her, 
her eyes as she got closer... 

if only i had paid more attentention to the face around the eyes..
but by then i was fair damned already
Written by HHMCameron (BetaWolfinVA)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 3awards
Joined 18th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 25

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879


The other day,
I scolded my thirteen year old,
For putting his hand on the rear windshield,
Not harshly,
But just as a reminder to keep it clean.

A few days later as I cleaned my car,
Inside and out,
I got a flashback of when he was a baby,
When he was an infant sitting in his car seat,
Chubby and small,
His tiny fingerprints all over the place,
His little hands touching my face,
His cute smile…

I left the handprints on the windshield,
To remind me of those tender moments,
He’s a young man now,
But still that little baby boy in my heart.

Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 2

Silver bus

Standing in the shadows

black haired girl

looking for him again

it's another year

it's another fear

the silver bus won't ever come

her misery is done

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

a moment

exhale of breath
becoming a sigh
of pleasure
building toward
a moan of
deepening joy
panting of
rapidly rising arousal
squirming of hips
blissful groaning
almost begging
squeezing eyes shut
head tilted back
neck straining
groin throbbing
breasts swollen
nipples erect
skin tingling
pelvis thrusting
gluttony of
passion’s hunger
burning in anticipation
control lost
mind blank
eyes starring
breath held
muscles painfully
body twitching
violently releasing
different kind of sighing
the moment
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

awkward moment

that second in time,
between last sock removed,
and moving to the turned back bed
stripped bare of modesty's clothing
intoxicated on hormone driven yearning,
blushing with forgotten inhibition,
flushed with embarrassment,
glistening with perspiration,
glowing with arousal
coy about looking eye to eye,
shy about what the other sees,
wary about your body's imperfections,
should the lights have been off?
not knowing what to say,
saying much by saying nothing,
dry lips,
tongue nervously licking them,
sweat covered skin,
fragrance of sexual arousal,
perfume of desire
moistened lips behind shielding palm,
nipples peaked, hidden by hand and arm
stiffened penis hidden by cupped fingers,
scrotum tightened in physical preparation,
butt clenched in nervous anticipation
four knees gently shaking,
four thighs quietly trembling,
two navels silently twitching,
two bodies beginning panting
moment broken by,
a glance at the bed,
sly smile,
hand offered and taken
awkwardness transformed by,
a quick, eager kiss,
followed by a much longer, deeper one,
a cursory, effortless hug,
turned into a lingering, passionate embrace
the awkward moment ends,
an amorous moment begins
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Gregory Rain
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 28th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 50

Is it the Rain? (by God is in the Rain)

Feel the heavy air, Dose of atmosphere....
Winds argue through trees, Like words used to....
Searching for the light, That almost disappear....
I see the eyes of heaven, And salty water fall through....

So I wonder... please tell me my Darling....
Is it the Rain.... what is coming?

Note: it's about that moment when you know that you're going to lose him/her.... But you love so very much, you hold onto your hope that you two can get through this.... until the very last second....

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 3

The sheets reeked of sweaty kissing, mixed perfume, and naked rest.
Sitting on my hands
Head hung from my shoulders
Tears rolled away all that had been on my chest.
Confiding in my best friend,
my lover,
my soulmate.
I'd been too scared to talk about the toxic thoughts I'd been shooting in my veins.
And it all poured out.
Lips trembling, and words stumbling.
Hitched breath, sweaty palms,
you grabbed my hands to stop the anxious fumbling.
Yes, there you sat. Brows furrowed and brown eyes watching
I could see the empathy lathered on your panting, unclothed body.
With my last phrase, I looked up in shame, wiping my tears you asked "why didn't you say?"
I shook my head and biting my lip, I thought; it just isn't okay.
"Don't you get it? That I'm not enough for you?"
Closing your eyes in heart ache, you lightly shook me..
"Don't you get it? That that's not true?"

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348

A Moment not of Mind

Encircled by shadows  
in ashes of a past  
left gasping  
Per chance to resurrect dreams  
A moment  
To envision    
the incision  
which unbinds the heart  
from ego and mind  
Liberates desires  
Divine love    
Meant only for the soul  

Written by mel44
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Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 178

Moments in a Marriage

We come and go
Independent contractors of a life
Watching the news together
A slow motion work in progress
Together many years
Dog walks, family stuff, sharing
A popsicle after dinner
Coconut for her, lemon for me
Moments in a marriage
Affection, gentle touch, sharing
Respect, dignity, love

Written by PoetSpeak
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

That Thing

Love poured it
smelled it designer throw
blow it my low price.
Kisses handed
no job real life no
tears only smiles
in scene smoke of weed
for the Bonnie and Clyde.
No more and it hurts to
see it all drown. Power
in the couple yet nothing
stays the same. How odd.

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