All that's vitriolic in me....

Torn between the lucifer
and the angel watching over me
I pule in indiscreet silence
over the undue ruthless lampooning
until my voice is nothing more than a woeful squeal
lo and behold! once again
as I hurtle out what I feel.
Which one is more tormenting
of these would you say?
stark saline water seeping into lacerated skin
or perhaps a will that crashes against
the unthawed to rest in a watery grave.
I try but in vain to plunge in
to retrieve those vitriol filled vials.
stashed on the ship wrecked sea floor
tarrying to resurface at the beck of an angry tide
Yes here I allude to the fiery hatred
that in my heart I cleverly conceal,
with a hull pierced by the onslaught
of gothic underwater missiles
One of those rusted vessels
 that endured many oceanic trials
A faceoff between the salty abyss
and my soul gasping in horror
I find myself returning to the surface
suffocated and in dire straits to respire
Finally I dove down deep,waded around
what do you opine I found?
schools of squids and dolphins
merrily cruising around?
Nay my friend but it is a barren place
that has no doors to leave
There are no walls around
yet you do run into confines that speak
to escape there are no windows
or patios fashioned to leap.
Neither is it a vacuum
where I can't hear myself scream
For I hear the deadly pangs of guilt
in every moment of my seventy two beats.
Trust me when I tell you
Even if you would never know me
A harder nosedive your buoyant spirit takes
more the quantum of conveniently harboured negative energy.
So I ended up gathering all those acrid vials
and lobbed them out straight into the open sea.
And right now at this moment as I speak
with those roving orbs that is what you read
Verses in blood concocted with the vitriol I retrieved.
Written by Nis122
Published | Edited 18th May 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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