The Vow

While they all left it was you that stayed
And helped me make sense of the messes I made

Quiet and stoic when Im releaing my rage
When I feel invisible you give me a stage

My wingman when I want to capture a heart
You soak up my ugliness and make it an art

In times when I feel like I need some insight
You come to me softly and tell me to write

My soul finds a calmness I desperately need
Never controlling you follow my lead

Through the depths I have traveled with you at my side
Never once have you judged me, Ive no need to hide

Celebrated my victories and cried at my pain
Youve been my constant, you kept me sane

Inseparable from the day we first met
Youve made me remember and helped me forget

In a world that craves lies, you kept me true
When darkness clouds my vision you see me through

The first love of my life, you're my day one
Ill keep you with me till my journey is done

Im committed to you as you are to me
My essense, my soul, my poetry
Written by The_Darkness_Insid
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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