You and I

You're going to die, young and alone. 

So be it, who'll miss me when I'm gone?

You've forsaken all moral standards. 

Any kindness is wasted on these bastards.
Who are you when it's dark outside?

What are you to judge my life?
What right have you to tell me I'm wrong? I want the same thing as anyone. 

You lie to yourself expertly, 
you hide behind a veil of sheets,
black as you wish you could make your heart, but that's not who you really are.

You assume you know me so damn well, but you and I are going to Hell. 
I can't be saved if I can't reach. I can't reach what I can't see, I can't see what's beyond this cloak, so go ahead and damn my soul. 

It's too bad you have to give up. 
Your colors are so easily dyed.
It's a shame you think this is you,
Because you're only full of lies.

You and I are damned for life. 
Doomed to a numbing misery. 
So don't pretend you don't lie, don't pretend you can't see. 
Don't pretend the shoe doesn't fit-

You and I are the same piece of shit.
Written by Deontejordan (D. Jordan)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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