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Where is the Morality?

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 263

Today I was scrolling through ifunny (a meme app) and saw a picture of a beautiful girl who took some nice selfies that weren't too bad at all or too sexual in any way. someone posted her pictures on there and called her the "hot babe of the day" and when I scrolled through the comments she was labeled things like "fake" and "whore". She was degraded and everyone talked about how they had hard ons and asked if she was legal. They said things like how they would bang her and she was turned into this sack of meat, completely degraded. WHERE THE HELL IS THE MORALITY? I was quick to defend her and I outright commented that what was happening was wrong. I stated that I was going to defend her despite all the ugly comments she was receiving and despite all the hate mail I was going to get. I don't know why I'm always the first one to jump into a pit of lions to protect a single deer. The feedback I got was horrible, but I do not care at all because all I want is to give her an ounce of dignity and some respect. Can someone tell me PLEASE why people are so degrading and cruel to others? Where is the MORALITY? the COMPASSION? the RESPECT? the GOODNESS in one's heart? Why must people treat others this way? It isn't right. I apologize, but i'm just venting here. What i saw today was just outright wrong on all levels and I will always do my best to defend others as best as I can even if I have to take the hit for it.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Something to do with the dual nature of sex/smut: where it is both acceptable in society as on the internet, but is still 'dirty'. Though is more likely a case of lack of gratification: they can look all they want but cannot get actual physical release (they cannot actually sleep with her/make love with her) and so lash out verbally. Also some posturing which leads back to verbal abuse and label abuse: all talk and no trousers (they talk a lot but are highly unlikely to actually follow up woth those words).
There is no morality in publicity/ things in the public sphere: someone always degrades it and complains it is a no-win situation.
They may well not respect and be good to others, because they do not respect themselves and are not good to themselves.

On a better note, how gallant of you for stepping in. (That wasn't sarcastic, and is apt even though the sterotypical knight who is gallant is male: virtues are pansexual/neautral, end long boring aside).
Thank you for showing that common sense and kindness are not dead.

Really should be more positive, without being sarcastic, memes.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

To be kind is Devine, but being meaner is easier.  That's because no good deed goes unpunished, and no kind person doesn't suffer.

Tyrant of Words
United States 37awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 837

Good for you! True, unselfish compassion is such a rarity in our society. When confronted with such vindictive vitriol one can only surmise that the "hater" has some serious psychosis in their own pitiful lives. Ignore them and they will eventually go away.

Ian helpless
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 14

This day in age is truly disgusting, here we are conquered the earth and we still act just like animals... it's easy to place a blame but it is us, there are still very good people out there but it's like we are getting cramped up full of idiots. I personally cannot watch TV or listen to the music that is out cause its all negative horse crap, and the things on kids channels is getting ridiculous, in other words somewhere down the line an all hell broke loose and I don't think there is fixing it cause you could yell what I just said in someone's face and they would not understand half of the world probably doesn't even remember the word mortality.  

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

I consider those types of postings cruel and immature, and detest the sorts of people who make them, but surely by now anybody knows that that's the kind of response you get if you post selfies on the internet. After all, you're saying, in effect, 'Look at me, aren't I lovely? Only nice replies allowed.' Perhaps the answer is not to display your vanity on a public forum.

poet Anonymous

Astyanax said:I consider those types of postings cruel and immature, and detest the sorts of people who make them, but surely by now anybody knows that that's the kind of response you get if you post selfies on the internet. After all, you're saying, in effect, 'Look at me, aren't I lovely? Only nice replies allowed.' Perhaps the answer is not to display your vanity on a public forum.

If you think the appropriate solution in this matter is to not post selfies/"show vanity" online, than do you also think that a great way for women(or men) to discourage cat calling in the streets is to wear burqas?

Just trying to understand your logic.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

Not at all. I don't condone cat-calling or wolf-whistles, but walking in the street is an unavoidable necessity for most of us, posting selfies on the internet isn't.

poet Anonymous

Even if one doesn't post selfies, he/she can still fall prey to people on the net who will post derogatory comments at anyone who crosses their path.
Just as some attack others in public places without prompting.

The answer is to make a positive comment or action to counter some of the ugliness in the world. (loki did this.)

The less info and pics one posts of him/herself on the net, the better . It takes only one stalker to make your life miserable by using every.little.piece of personal info against you.

poet Anonymous

It may not be a necessity but it is very common in a certain demographic. I also find the rude and belligerent comments made on selfies disrespectful at best but I do not see how suggesting to discard of a widely popular activity solves anything.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

I agree with you Ooo. Given the way that the internet connects, and how selfies/ photos of self (there is a difference) are an easy update and staple of social sites, fleeing from them is surely not the answer. And shirley will tell you the answer is not to flee in the face of the foe, but try to make the world a better place one step at a time.
The world may seem a cruel place but fortifying your castle of solitude does not mean the barbarians will go away.
We may have discovered the world but still have not discovered ourselves.
End sermon, cue comments from reality.

poet Anonymous

so nice to have you agree with me on something for once.

Ian helpless
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 14


K. A. Harrington
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 29th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 5

People allow their jealousy and insecurities to rule over them, and we wind up with haters. I learned a long time ago to tune them out, because they're not worth my time or energy.

poet Anonymous


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