Poetry competition CLOSED 29th May 2017 6:24am
RUNNERS-UP: RevolutionAL and Gahddess_Worship

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Road Trip

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

When the Sun is Rising

It was two in the morning,
Cars and trucks were flipped on their side,
Then our too tires began to slide,
We were in the aftermath of a snow storm.

But our little niece reassured us we weren’t going to die…

By then everything was down to a crawl,
Temperatures dipped to who knows how low,
Lights from emergency vehicles were everywhere,
So we took our time driving carefully and really s l o w

But at that rate we lost about four hours,
In the next town there was more snow and sleet,
And yet the locals drove around like whatever,
It was my first time driving in snow that deep.

By the time we got out to the open desert,
The skies were clear and the air was cold,
The road was straight and into the distance,
And for almost a full day we just rolled.

We had driven at night so our babies could sleep,
So that during the day they would enjoy the scene,
It was family trip and it was our first,
But I was hopped up on sugar and caffeine.

After the family gathering we ventured up to the mountains,
To capture picturesque stunning landscapes and sights,
But with twelve people in a van the drive in the snow is no joke,
Up narrow roads and steep drops as I drove quietly in fright.

And coming down the mountain was worse.

But on the way back home we took a different route,
Why drive and strive to find out what the suspense is?
So we went a longer way out, through a small dark road,
Through a little town called Truth and Consequences.

And the drive through the desert at night,
It’s quite the sight especially when the sun is rising,
The colors and hues make for stunning views,
The simple things in creation we found mesmerizing.

But what I enjoyed most about that long drive,
Were the conversations we had in whatever they were,
The stories grandma told about days of old,
The cherished moments we got to share with her.

My road trip was more than an adventure or a destination,
It was the quality time spent becoming closer as a family,
Making memories that last forever, wherever we went,
As long as we did it together, excited and happily.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


I’m embarking on a journey
I needn’t pack any luggage
I won’t need a compass
Or map, nor plat abstract
I haven’t booked a seat,
Made reservations,
Nor planned an itinerary
I have no passport,
Travel voucher or tickets
But I know I’ll be soon leaving
So hug me goodbye
Wish me God’s speed
For I’m about to travel
To a place only angels
Have ever seen

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Wally and Snuggle Thank You for Your entries!!!

This Road trip is soon to end folks-so throw in some more while there's still time!!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Congratulations To The Winner Miss_Sub (Missy)
Your Write showed Skill and Soul hand in hand,
Rhythm was held in balance from start to finish
Melancholy that frames it Beautiful
A Gorgeous work of Art
Thank You for this!!!

(First Runner-Up) RevolutionAL
Heartbreak Avenue
Such a Strong Story AL, this held attention with Sights and Emotive rush, that perfect touch of Sexy!!!
You started out slow and gradually built momentum, Your rhythm smoothed out as the road progressed.

(Second Runner-Up) Gahddess_Worship
Your Journey was a Creative one, that seemed like a snap-shot in time; infused with local Flavor with a pinch of The Twilight Zone -Lovely Work!!!

Thank You to Everyone who entered, this is a Great Collection of miles!!!

And a Warm Thank You to My Co-Host Vee for going on this Road-Trip with me!!!

poet Anonymous

Aww wow, cheers you(s)!

Wasn't expecting this one at all. Honoured to share the space with the blue sky fella and the awesome Gahddess. Great comp! Thanks for hosting, Soul

Congrats to all!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

Congratulations to all winners!

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840

Thank you Soul! I enjoyed very much this ride...it conjured many fond, albeit somewhat frightening, memories. Congratulations Missy and Al and thank you once again Sir Soul.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Oh wow! Thanks for the nod Sir...
Kinda awesome that it's on the same page as two of my favourite poets taking the other positions.

Nice comp by the way!


Fire of Insight
Joined 7th May 2017
Forum Posts: 106

Congratulations on the win, Missy. And kudos to the runners-up. I enjoyed taking road trips with you.

Thank you for the competition and the writing prompt, soul.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

well deserve wins

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

With thanks to our host Soul for the opportunity - I adore road trip themes - and my congratulations to winners Missy, Al & GW!

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