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Official DUP NAPOWRIMO (National Poetry Writing Month) 2017

poet Anonymous

They Suck You By Night

Succubus to my left
Succubus to my right
Torn in two
by the tug of war for my soul
Flappings of pretty bat wings
seductive leathery trappings of  
netherworldly beings
caught up between push and pull

The cherubic imp perfectly
perched on my shoulder says
Let something wicked come  
your way for change of pace

That's when the Misses breaks the spell
asking me to fetch more wine from the cellar
before giggling with her friend about
whatever girlfriends giggle about
when they've already had
too much to drink; perhaps the
dumb daydreamy look on my face
as I leave the room

and return to the table
with a bottle in each hand

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1812

NaPoWriMo 8/30 for April 8th, 2017
Villanelle No: 8


An apple fell down from the tree
I thought “how kind, it’s time to eat”
I didn’t think of gravity

it came from heaven gifted free
all perfect, tasty and replete
an apple fell down from the tree

and as I munched I thanked the bee
who made this cycle full, complete
I didn’t think of gravity

then sliding down temptation’s scree
the doubts come charging, packaged neat -
an apple fell down from the tree

and though it sneered and jeered at me
I stood my ground on rooted feet
and didn’t think of gravity

a two-edged sword may hear your plea
a one-edged sword is rare to meet
an apple fell down from the tree
I didn’t think of gravity.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15904

VIII. Consciouness: Touch

The constricting passage dialates
becomes space, a reservoir of flailing
emptiness receding into dryness
surrounded by the basin of birth.

Surfactant, amniotic fluid separate
from form, waterfalls to white tile,
pools at the feet of gods whose
latex grip is slippery synthetic.

Their instruments warmed metal
and pointed rubber. An hour halts
moments in transit that a keyboard
register a screaming immigrant:

A moment of silent presence...                
before guiding its first steps
over a certificate's blackened ink
as verifiable proof of existence.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Dutch Courage

Don’t think I wouldn’t
I really, really would
Don’t say I shouldn’t
Cause I probably should
Some say I couldn’t
But I know, I could
You think I won’t
You’re wrong, I will
Saying I love you was easy to do
I‘m sorry for what I put you through
Saying I hate you was easier still
Screaming get out, I’ve had my fill
Watching you cry all broken hearted
Saying fuck you, don’t get me started
Saying goodbye, glad to be rid
Is the best thing I ever did
All this in my mind, you are still here
Something is missing, I need one more beer
And soon I will max up my Dutch courage and stuff
You’ll see what I’m made off; you’ll see that I’m tough
You will not be allowed to bypass me, straight through
You’re about to see what this man can do
Don’t think I wouldn’t
I really, really would
Don’t say I shouldn’t
Cause I probably should
Some say I couldn’t
But I know, I could
You think I won’t
You’re wrong, I will

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


It's easy to get drunk off
Those first kisses

Then came more
Penetrations of the skin
Run deep

Asphyxiation is intolerable
Forcing clothes to the floor
Only to reclaimed in the shameful after math

What had it been
Her laughter
The way her hand fit in mine
Like we'd known each other an eternity
And not merely a day

This had to be


This time


Dinners out
Become dinners in

Flowers for no reason
were supplanted by bills that had every reason to sober the drunk

is real

Always Arguing

Why is your ex calling
I'm just going out with friends
Can't you do this one fuckn thing
this one fuckn time
You need to grow up and stop letting your mother run your life

Interchangeable lines

And lies

When you're both perfectly sober

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

sitting with Marilyn & Elvis in area 51 waiting for a ride

I was sitting under a tin foil canopy
drinking the kool-aid
while a kaleidoscope of lies
rained down upon the earth
they say that conspiracy theorists
live on the edge of reality
& just maybe from here
the vision is clearer
like sunlight glistening off the edge
of a two-faced blade
not encumbered by the atmosphere
of society
or the smoke
that gets in your eyes
I am the catcher in the rye
while the spirits of the dead
throw fastballs of truth at me
first up
for team valkarie
was Mk-ultra
followed by some syphilitic man from Tuskegee
who hit one into the northwoods of Watergate
then the mockingbird was called out looking
& Cointelpro struck out swinging
the game goes on still
long after my will gave out
& I retired
& I think it always will


Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1391


Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 10awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 321


I have chaos in my soul
Sometimes I seem insane
I dance to a unique drum
And I care not to abstain

It’s true I feel a darkness
Pitch black as the night
But as such my sun and stars
Shine ever more the bright

Occasionally its absurdity
And I find I disagree
But it often leads to change
Inasmuch, I can be free

I breathe in my madness
Using it to create
Whatever the medium
I am grateful for my fate

Knowing I see differently
Not a weakness, I believe
Being unlike others
That, I shall not grieve

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2648


the dark fey took me captive
deep under the canopied forest
their devilishly handsome Lord
captivated by my wonderment with nature
saw me among the humans
& could not bare it

I was brought before his court
shivering with fright
he warmed me instantly
with his emerald stare
& his hushed tones
so like the whispering of leaves

the trees have always been my friends
since childhood I'd told them my secrets
when there was no other to be trusted
they stood stoic & true never telling a soul
not knowing I was silently being watched
by the fairy kingdom

being groomed
for the Lord of the fey
he gently removed my cloak
I turned & saw I now had wings

with sunshine in his eyes
he smiled at me saying

"my lady you belong to me
dance with me for all eternity
we are the guardians of the forest
when you were a lonely lass
thinking no one heard you I did
as you cavorted with nature
sleeping on mossy beds
with daisies adorning your hair
I fell in love with you
stay with me wont you?"

I smiled shyly at him
beheld his magical kingdom
& new I was home

Copyright © 2017 Crimsin. All Rights Reserved

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

April 9 ( NaPoWriMo 2017 )

Apple Honey

Today, though I didn't expect,
He gave me a photo he took
Of a bee in a blossoming tree
Among white spring blooms everywhere.

And said to me so gallantly
He'd bring apple honey one day.
And so in my mind comes alive
When I used to turn countryfied.

It instantly had me think of
When I'd drive to Charlie Brown Farms
On Pearblossom Highway afar
In Little Rock, Antelope Vall'.

Where this time of year in the spring
Lay carpets of poppies abound
Of red, yellow, white, tangerine,
The hillsides & fields all ablaze!

'Twas always a treat when I'd go,
Especially in summer months.
When local fruit stands were piled high;
Ripe peaches for me to make pies!

At Charlie Brown Farms I'd stock up
On honey, jam & yogurt nuts.
Of fresh produce grown locally,
And one souvenior from each trip.

I'm hungry while writing this piece,
Reminescing of favorite treats.
When I'd go to that shop to collect
Those tasty homegrown memories.


Bee image: wheel & cross
Charlie Brown Farms: stock photo

poet Anonymous

werbepause ~ {iv}
[09.04.17     poem 9 of 30]

i would never be clean
& i didn't want you
to get dirty too
from the filth
i've tried to wash
from my blood
with a fifth &
a fistful of pills ~
... kept removing my face
to wear something
a little less ruined,
something i could stomach
when i was sober
& on the wrong side
of loneliness
but i've never been able
to stand the sight of myself
for too long ...
in the time between
one moment
& the next
i peeled you
from beneath my nails
& licked the memories clean
so they might escape
being tainted by me.
all i wanted
was something pure.

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

April 9, 2017



A dark so dense where light cannot survive.
In stillness found, before the stars were born.
If single chance or several times revive,
With all that ever was, precogent form.
In peace did It reside, before gave space.
For time had not been given even thought,
For none yet knew, Its resting without place.
And nothing was for no thing had yet brought.
Perhaps It was too concert to not be?
Was It perhaps too lonely for Its own?
Perhaps in turning inside out to see,
It found Its way that all Itself be shown.
Unknown it came, the Lone Eternal Spark,
With flame and force did all that’s known embark.

poet Anonymous

forecast:  stormy

white blossoms stark
against shadowed blue
limbs numb and trembling
from the brutal force of you
bending low and battered hard
(but as you see, still unbroken) 
delicate petals of hope  
in the gravity
of harsh words spoken 
waiting with overcast eyes
no silvery drops yet fallen
but the night is young 
they still might 
holding ragged breath
against a bitter chill
storm clouds haven't released their fury
oh...but I'm sure they will

poet Anonymous

Welcome to Day 9, Poets! T-minus 22 days and counting! One more day and We're1/3 of the way there!  We're holding at 21 participants who are eligible for the trophy:


Red Rever Red Rover send any member right over! If'n ya wanna come play with us ya can, just drop a poem anytime. While you can't have our trophy you can still get some "national" eyes on ya poetry.  

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

And HE Spoke

As a street wise kid 
with a knack for finding trouble 
it was not surprising to me, at all 
(when the knocking on the back kitchen door was louder than the Rock in my head) 
They barged in searched 
and searched 
found nothing 
but it didn't deter a minute of their warrant 

And two days later in a holding cell 
of concrete and steel 
conversations came up of religion 

Well which side of the fence are you going to sit today? 
filled the mucus in my head 

After I had heard of every reason to accept fate 
I chose to worship, but one GOD 
who had me out in the street and back to work 
by day three. 

I heard the proviso and I subscribed 
we cut a deal 
that should have signed death

I took gray eyes 
handing in the blue 
sat in silence and worship 
ignoring the fingers who call out 

"Hey You!" 

To my GOD, I remain true. 


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