Poetry competition CLOSED 9th November 2014 8:42am
View Profile Poems by LobodeSanPedro
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and BoFantastic

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

Poetry Contest

An afterlife. The Past Present and Future: what is in store for You.
Do you Believe in Reincarnation; have you been here before; what memories do you have of then. What visions do you have of afterwards.

1. New Poems
2. not more than 500 words
3. Title your poems
4. No collaborations

Inviting all DU members to participate.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2796

An excellent choice for a contest, Grace! I've been thinking much about my previous incarnations lately, so this came to mind quite easily for me. Here is the poem I penned for the contest...

- Phantoms and Shades -

The things I couldst teach thee, mortal, of thy own past!
For I have walked in times now dust, learning, growing…
Until thou dost see me right here before thee, at long last.
First we shall speak of phantoms and shades and things!
I am walking through fog-enshrouded woods of tall pines,
In that life I was a prince, some said a demon of the night.
But I had the soul of a poet, and I found solace in rhymes,
Though not more than in my princess, my angelic delight…
Who leapt to her death thinking me dead, bringing horror!
I was like a raging beast for a time after that, in the mists.
Like a dragon I became, and a dragon must at fate roar!
I longed only for her embrace, her living warmth to kiss…
But, I never met her again, and part of me seeks her still.
Phantoms and shades in the night, souls very much alike,
Kindred but yet so different, yet bound by a divine will…
Waiting for their time to come again, for lightning to strike.
I see back farther, than that time; I see the desert sands,
Of other lands, far beyond the land beyond the forests!
I walked the desolation searching with very eager hands,
But again I came to be called by the pale phantom mists.

A knight I had been and suddenly I saw I was so again…
In two lives at least I had been dubbed with a noble title.
I tried to be virtuous and lead a righteous life without sin,
But how can anyone be sinless when called unto battle!
There is no righteousness in death and blood, I learned,
No truth in the lies of priests who demand terrible deeds.
When a quest called me, then for higher truth I yearned!
A quest no church commanded but one of nobler needs.
How many other lives were similar, yet so very different?
A warrior woman was I twice too, both times beautiful,
But fierce when the need arose, as fire in the firmament!
I had a passionate heart that not even death could quell.
But I died just the same, in one life consumed by flames,
Hotter than my passion, which back then was for God!
Even so, I did not pass feeling by it ravaged or shamed.
My spirit, was formed of light like fire, not so very odd,
In times so ancient that no mortal history recorded this:
The origins of all, the first dawn when creation was new.
I lived then too, and knew the true face of divine bliss…
But all things end when darkness comes as a bride true.

Phantoms and shades remind us of whom we once were,
But it is we who decide who we are and shall become…
And I couldst tell thee of a thousand lives, truth to confer.
Yet is it not hard enough living at a time just a single one?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

Thank you Jessica for your entry.:)

Thought Provoker
Joined 13th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 43

The Bed Tossed Agony of a Lasting Safety

It was on those nights I couldn't get back to sleep,
Staring up through darkness, trying to remember the ceiling,
Yearning to, but holding back scared from the strange colour stayings
Continuing on in my closed eye rooms, my body was of shapeless sprinkling,
Trying to be unbounded of the tiny tightnesses, but in each leaving, anxious
To return to the old worded instructions of simple order and control,

Were those faint violetting silhouettes hovering at the corners
Once prior Guiding Angels or frightful aughts sprout into lurking?

I bolted up not to be so swallowed in at once, this soon and all the time,
And over the many nights and days I kept to the calm proceedings
Of words and games and the careful crafting of shape and it's timings,
I was thrust into a being forced to grow among glimpses of what not to go toward,
And during those moments alone and gigantically vulnerable displayed,
With the biting of lip sharpness, when the jabbings of sense were too much,
And the words of thoughts twisted into streams of unreaching,
I couldn't tell how to be contained or spread out,
And be the same continued piece attached to everyone else...

So I look back at those times in the tossing bed darkness of falling,
That in the closing of eyes and in the returning kindness of sleep,
There is that space which never goes anywhere,
It is There for all to enter and be a part of,

And when the final choking grip can no longer be quenched off,
It is to There I will settle into once again.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

jIMNUT_rOARIN, thank you for your entry.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


If I were a deer
I’d be so sleek and so fast
I’d search the world over
For life ever last

If I were a deer
I’d travel the unknown path
Without being in fear
Of Satan’s temptation or wrath

If I were a deer
I’d bound through valleys of green
In places in heaven
No one else has ever seen

If I were a deer
With sure footed deer feet
I’d feast on fresh manna
So tender and sweet

If I were a deer
I’d climb mountains so high
That the tips of my antlers
Would touch the blue sky

If I were a deer
Panting with thirst from the chase
I’d drink from a cool stream
That reflected God’s true face

But I’m not a deer
God’s magnificent creation
I’m just a humble sinner
In need of Christ’s salvation



Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

Thank you for your entry Snugglebuck.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

The Rain Cycle

the sky blue with nothing to do
over time a cloud gathers and gets fatter
angry it becomes ready to release
its tears to the Earth
this is my birth
in the oceans I swim and play
mixing with waters from all over
the sun watches me all day
and when dark the moon takes over
eventually I get tired and evaporate
this is my death
to the sky I return to stay for a while
I learned what it's like to be wet and wild
to a place more frigid I dare to go
to become a crystallized flake of snow
this is my future

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

Thank you Bo-fantastic for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 30th May 2014
Forum Posts: 34

The Return

Looking outside through the bars
Seeing the rest, flying through freedom
Every look outside leaves scars
For I think, i'm sitting in an asylum

The beast comes and opens the cage
Should I leave, am I free
I'm afraid, should I rage

Though the gates of heaven opened,
I'm still sitting in what I call hell
For freedom comes with no safety
Is this a new life, I can't tell

Forced to leave I flee,
like how I watched the others do
The feeling feels weird, I haven't flown for a long time
I watched them flap their wings, and I did too

I'm flying, but i'm away
the danger is closer
I should stay
In hell, locked up
No freedom, Old life

But at least I will be living in safety

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

JBandekPoetry, thank you for your entry.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 30th May 2014
Forum Posts: 34

No problem!

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

... ink ...

i took off the mask.
pushed it inside out
so the dark might be known.
it was covered with mucus
and blood.
the tenuous sinew that held up
my hollow smiles and hollowed eyes
were now revealed.
the muted eyes of others are now turned on
to my writhing technicolor reality.
i've scalped myself
and hold it as such.
it dangles as a pendulum
from my out stretched arm
marking Paleolithic time.
black tufted hair coats my neck
matching the hue of my flexing flanks.
i am a beast among many.
until I gaze upon you.
but all i do is cower
because i am faceless.
i can only mark this time with
ground stone.
fat and blood.
etched in granite for a thousand millennia.
but there is no you in the crevices.
just a trellis of bones
with no indication of where
my heart was buried.
lunar eclipse
wrangles white tip wake.
i sit moored among the living
though wishing i were not
still searching for you.
Nephelai washes my unknown stench
as i rake the dark warm gore
of octopi for indigo pulp.
his spine my quill.
my skin my parchment.
yet no one reads me.
i whistle a whaler's chanty
"Spanish Ladies"
as a lullaby for Aeon
to end my nightmare.
i wake.
weary in my bones
broken in my spirit
rubbing remnants of Hypnos
from my eyes.
wishing his brother Thanatos had kissed me instead
i reach towards my nightstand.
grabbing my cell.
i read your simple text.
I love you
Fate has me write this
as you have done.
turning myself inside out
through my spine
so nothing is hidden.
though few like this truth
it is me.
embracing peace.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16227

Thank you LSP for your entry.

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