Poetry competition CLOSED 8th February 2021 5:38pm
View Profile Poems by paperstains
RUNNERS-UP: Noble_Incubus and Valeriyabeyond

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10 Second Moment

poet Anonymous

Thank you for your entries LJDynamic, BlueVelvete, Magdalena & ClearMindedVillain 🙂

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 13


Shuddered with pain in my own thoughts
Thinking of ways to submit to your defeat
Mocking Me sarcasm all I hear is the clocks
Nothing else not even my hunger pushes me to eat
I only imagine what you your doing at this very moment
Just tell me what you want say it and you own it
Taking minutes off my mind
Your loves my favorite crime
Not even my own life matters anymore
Addiction every where knocking at my door
My will lead you to me
God's will helps me set you free.....
Written by eddieAe
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd July 2020
Forum Posts: 69


I can feel your full lips on mines.
Your hand on the small of my back as I get lost in your eyes.
Like the ink in your skin, I want to be stuck in your mind.
Never mind me, I'm just lost in this daydream of mines.

Your body speaks to me.
I looked at you and automatically wanted you on your knees.

Your chiseled body between my legs.
Your hands rubbing my thighs and gripping my ass.
You kiss me softly and whisper, "I aim to please!" Never mind me,
I'm still lost in this daydream.
Written by Poems4me
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd July 2020
Forum Posts: 69

Your tongue

Your tongue amazes me everyday
Pleases me in many different ways
Like when you're being childish and lick my face
Then move to my neck at steady a pace
I love the way it dances around my nipples
The way that it sends my body into ripples
When it slides down my back
I can't help but wonder what's next
Got me smiling thinking about sex
It licks me ever so softly
Yet powerful enough to take the wind out of me
My favorite is when you admire and nibble
That always leaves me weak and cripple
What a mighty tongue but yet so simple.
Written by Poems4me
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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945

Treasured Times


It began slowly, one at a time  
the arrival of thunderous rumbles  
crescendos of sound  
blurred streaks in various shades  
tearing through the tranquility  
black & white  
brown & white  
add to the frenzy and loss of order  
the long coat queen of the land  
equal instigator to the bedlam unfolding  
I sat and marveled at the sight and sound  
memories of long ago  
these similar times encountered  
before the influence of ugliness
from thoughts and words  
beyond my control at the time
destroyed the joy  
is this the destiny of humankind  
knowing it should be  
I can wish, teach, and lead  
in every way possible to assist  
that it finally comes true  
It then crossed my mind  
part of the reason why  
it is taking so long in coming  
is the fact I take note of the various shades  
and it is then I pray for forgetfulness to do so  
Written by Amorous_tryst
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Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 374

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

keep your mask on motherfucker

long boned hand gently cradling his coffee cup    
clean fingernails  
a comedown walk  
among the pigeons fucking and the fucking homeless    
unbitten by the cold morning      
that scraped the skin on me raw    
while we all had somewhere to be    
or risk the shame of breaking the lockdown code    
for all the world a flaneur      
mistaking each other for a daydream fool    
he took the time to slow
to a rubberneck crawl and shift
his sneaker’d feet to face me on    
intently behind journalist glasses    
for me to recognise him as an equal    
it took a moment for my mind to register      
the idle threat of it    
i could have caused a problem i guess    
but i had a bus to catch    
and just try me, bitch      
get your unessential bony butt back home    
like me    
that’s what i’m doing  
Written by anna_grin (ANNAN)
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may edit depending on feedback

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16919

The Poets' Dance

the bard's song soars  
up to the blue sky  
a song of joy and happiness  
and the dance pulsated  
the waves crashed on the shore  
the poets rejoice in the liquid  
warm over their bodies  
they waxed lyrical  
some picked up the guitar  
some cheered them on  
some danced on the sand  
others tasted liquid ambrosia  
the poets composed epics  
as they drank to each other's health  
sunset saw them  
around the bonfire  
Dawn rays would wake them up  
once more they dispersed  
to corners of their mind  
and their imaginings.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16919

Fragmented Thoughts on a Rainy Day

soap suds on basins wash the stains
on table clothes and old curtains
showered on jackets and handkerchiefs
such toil a necessity without flowing water

others wash off not at all
like stains of areca nuts on chemise
spatters from betel chew stays on for always
akin to scars of deep stab wounds

words written on healing scabs
are such unwashables, ink stains go deep
or tattooes on unwilling rear ends
like boot prints when one is expelled

there is a need to keep on scrubbing
all stains, betel chew or spilled blood
my tutu is drooped for lack of twirls
my thoughts anchored on tap dancing

I am swinging on a tired pendulum
going back and forth counting down
or up which one suits one most
a motivation that fluctuates

Can you make me dance again
can I be a Hillary climbing up Everest
do I still wake up your muses to amuse...
its raining hard here I see nothing but ghosts.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668


Graying skin polished  
stainless reflection. motivation resistance at war  
futuristic thoughts crowd  
the space  reserved for misery.    
Day Room  
beneath fluorescents absent  
windows, a room without a day  
perception  in duplicate.  
Change forced  
by the moon, and the sun  
over head then below  
God, how I miss her warmth    
magnetic pull forcing  
these bones to react    
helmeted rebar iron caged cap    
shortcomings failures  echo  
between cells,  which ones    
are mine?    
Rubberized soles mark  
their impression reverberate  
in the rhythm of my reality      
listen, smooth  
click the lock  
another day incarcerated
Written by Valeriyabeyond (Dhyana)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 12th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 63

Date at the Fair

The pain that's worse will get my ween up
She hits sack first but swings like clean up
Imma take a bodybuilding bitch to the state fair
We eat food and ride rides, all is well with no care
But there is one thing I'm unsure of, the gears turn in my brain
We reach the bell that's rung with hammer, now which stance brings more pain
Do I set up camp at the base, with nuts acting as the target
Or do I ascend to the top and be the bell for sweet Margret
I straddle the tower, I've chosen the perch
She winds up with power, I dangle my lurch
She devastates the base, I notice her ability to maul
I contemplate with grace, as my sack is introduced to third ball
Written by Girthquake
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 12th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 63

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

I caress her cheek
As my knees start to tremble
They begin to feel weak
Pull down pants, reveal thimble
She laughs at its size
Tears fill up my eyes
But not in embarrassment
In amusement of her clueless demise
I feed off her taunts
They help my tic tac grow
It begins to swell
To the length of big toe
Her laughing subsides
As it reaches mid-thighs
I begin to grin
As it reaches my shin
How did she not know
Had she not heard from other hoes
That mighty meat reaches capacity
When it brushes my toes
She is now officially dumbfounded
Before, expecting a thumb poundin
I insert into her cavity
She now gets the full gravity
Of the cum trap upon which she has fallen
She leaves my room eleven seconds later
Not walkin, but crawlin
Written by Girthquake
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poet Anonymous

Girthquake I am afraid both entries are disqualified as they do not meet the criteria in terms of erotica. Feel free to amend to meet the comp guidelines. Thank you.

Thought Provoker
Australia 3awards
Joined 28th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 256

Hero at the corner (competition entry)

A boy stands in bright sunlight peering through a chain link fence.
Positioned on the inside of the corner, waiting, expectant, tense.
A dull roar grows quickly, eight cylinders at the limit, a piercing, unearthly scream.
Then violent down shifting, thunderous cracking, from the fierce bestial machine.  
The race car appears, the boys spies his hero, scarlet helmet, clear visor.
Car fast and sleek, a technical masterpiece by some forgotten designer.  
Hero turns, hard on the brakes, car screams protesting at the abuse.  
Front suspension fully compressed, front planted, back end twitchy and loose.
Hero saws furiously at the steering wheel, searching for that elusive grip.  
Car on the edge, skips dangerously, on the white ripple strip.  
Middle of the corner, hero stares out of the apex, and straight at the boy.
Eyes lock for split second, the youngster fearful, then elated with joy.  
Then gone. Left with just the diminishing roar of it’s rapid retreat.  
All within the span of ten exciting, adrenaline filled, heartbeats.
Written by Noble_Incubus
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 12th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 63

good point, the poem states i took 11 seconds to reach climax when the rules indicate a 10 second moment in time, my mistake I disqualify myself

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