#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 153) Hate
a fire breathing hate
near nuclear fusion anger
will burn you to ash
a fire breathing hate
near nuclear fusion anger
will burn you to ash

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Forum Posts: 17152
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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4.05 am
Flipping through pages scribbled of life lived
if you keep living in the past
You will never look forward
yesterday's rice was yesterday's food
I found gems of wisdom
sieved from experiences
good bad ugly beautiful
leave yesterday behind
nothing can be changed
or made better
what's done cannot be undone
those gone will never return
thoughts rained into my brain
Uninvited, unentertained
...and life goes on
Wither goest I ?
4.05 am
Flipping through pages scribbled of life lived
if you keep living in the past
You will never look forward
yesterday's rice was yesterday's food
I found gems of wisdom
sieved from experiences
good bad ugly beautiful
leave yesterday behind
nothing can be changed
or made better
what's done cannot be undone
those gone will never return
thoughts rained into my brain
Uninvited, unentertained
...and life goes on
Wither goest I ?
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
Only through yours....
you see me
from the depths
of my very deepest
all the grossly hidden
the raw, broken, bloody
that is not want for hiding
you see....
as imperfect
and of promises
that are never traded
upon a rainbow
of eye rolling misconstrued
it's the exigency of truth
requited in myrrh scented hope
a will and wit that fluoresce
you see
sweetness in self protection
a scarred kindness
that blooms
in tulips and lilacs
perhaps roses,
when luck
and fortunes run high
you see
the shades and the shadows
such close attention
to the colors in between
where you see
all that love
and where I keep it
chested, in closer than close
blinded by multitudes
a distraction of brilliance
cleverly buried within
skin to known skin
you see all —
my very,
heart- mind and soul
#Nopoo 4/13/21
you see me
from the depths
of my very deepest
all the grossly hidden
the raw, broken, bloody
that is not want for hiding
you see....
as imperfect
and of promises
that are never traded
upon a rainbow
of eye rolling misconstrued
it's the exigency of truth
requited in myrrh scented hope
a will and wit that fluoresce
you see
sweetness in self protection
a scarred kindness
that blooms
in tulips and lilacs
perhaps roses,
when luck
and fortunes run high
you see
the shades and the shadows
such close attention
to the colors in between
where you see
all that love
and where I keep it
chested, in closer than close
blinded by multitudes
a distraction of brilliance
cleverly buried within
skin to known skin
you see all —
my very,
heart- mind and soul
#Nopoo 4/13/21

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Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6101
Tyrant of Words

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Channel My Weather
Spirit of the souls physically aligned for all its glorious worth
Conceived in love
Given from above
Nine months of darkness, to be
Pushed into the world to see
To perceive
From the cradle, death should once return
Earthly mourn
Back to the darkness from which I came forth, only to be reborn
Everyone’s life’s game
Contentment in the galaxy spells out your name
No two of you will ever be the same
Happiness, it’s rightfully yours to claim
Woman or man
Inner peace of American’s plan
A word sits in the corner all alone
Not dancing with anyone, the world refuses to play its song
The Blues lyrics of life’s echoing leaps and bounds
Despair trials its darken clouds circling around and around
Homie, Lover, Friend
Italian needs met under the covers by an attentive man
Connecting with the motion as he's sailing the deep ocean
Spell…umm…yes, that Key 5 love potion
Soothing, vessel floating within the Nile of now pearly inner lotion
Sex me, old habits is so very hard to break, no debates
Have fasted, but can’t still wait
Thrilling under bounding submission
Alone, me, never
Fantasies seasoned for every channeled weather
Just Breathe
Gasping for breath
Oxygen, inhalers, steroids, I have already tried all the rest
Constricted lungs, still no rest
Lungs oxygenated to expand again, airfield clear
The breathing mechanics to live, love it, abuse it, early graven tears
A breath of life is beneficial after uncontrolled coughing or a restrictive airway wheeze
Praying that tormented breath will not be your last, as the fate of life throws you a tease
Inhale and exhale the essence of life
Sneeze out the daily strife
God Bless You
The Alignment Of The Stars
To love thee
Is the fate of giving yourself unto me
Love and Desire
Heart flames of fire
One sweet whisper can be so very loud
Presence finding that kindred spirit within the crowd
The galaxy and its vivid wondrous so far, yet true
Stars shooting across the sky to have found you
As lost in space
Colors of the rainbow has no face
The conquer of love supersedes the fallacy of the human race
Silence, no more sweet whispers, who in this world really belong
No muse, no emotional song
Beautiful words were once mine alone
A Knight in shining armor once protected a Queen’s throne
Tainted now, the other side
Truth now or is it projected lies
One can never tell
Sold me that bridge in Brooklyn with sultry details
Cupid’s cricked bow and arrow, no heaven, no stars
Venus loosened the universal hold from a handsome man from Mars
Gifted mental strings cut
Rewind, rewind, rewind, hit playback, darn it, no such luck, WTF
Judgment Day
No more atoning words to say
All presence will stand, hopefully you have religiously prayed
Once God comes
Mankind shall bow, no feet shall run
Sins prevailed
The calling of soul’s life stated in earthy details
Pearly Gates or Eternal Hell
Lived a good life, only the scrolls displaying your fate would tell
Reincarnation whispered to hear
Crown placed on head for you my dear
Carnage of your past, denial of God’s Throne, falling on a deaf ear
Spirit of the souls physically aligned for all its glorious worth
Conceived in love
Given from above
Nine months of darkness, to be
Pushed into the world to see
To perceive
From the cradle, death should once return
Earthly mourn
Back to the darkness from which I came forth, only to be reborn
Everyone’s life’s game
Contentment in the galaxy spells out your name
No two of you will ever be the same
Happiness, it’s rightfully yours to claim
Woman or man
Inner peace of American’s plan
A word sits in the corner all alone
Not dancing with anyone, the world refuses to play its song
The Blues lyrics of life’s echoing leaps and bounds
Despair trials its darken clouds circling around and around
Homie, Lover, Friend
Italian needs met under the covers by an attentive man
Connecting with the motion as he's sailing the deep ocean
Spell…umm…yes, that Key 5 love potion
Soothing, vessel floating within the Nile of now pearly inner lotion
Sex me, old habits is so very hard to break, no debates
Have fasted, but can’t still wait
Thrilling under bounding submission
Alone, me, never
Fantasies seasoned for every channeled weather
Just Breathe
Gasping for breath
Oxygen, inhalers, steroids, I have already tried all the rest
Constricted lungs, still no rest
Lungs oxygenated to expand again, airfield clear
The breathing mechanics to live, love it, abuse it, early graven tears
A breath of life is beneficial after uncontrolled coughing or a restrictive airway wheeze
Praying that tormented breath will not be your last, as the fate of life throws you a tease
Inhale and exhale the essence of life
Sneeze out the daily strife
God Bless You
The Alignment Of The Stars
To love thee
Is the fate of giving yourself unto me
Love and Desire
Heart flames of fire
One sweet whisper can be so very loud
Presence finding that kindred spirit within the crowd
The galaxy and its vivid wondrous so far, yet true
Stars shooting across the sky to have found you
As lost in space
Colors of the rainbow has no face
The conquer of love supersedes the fallacy of the human race
Silence, no more sweet whispers, who in this world really belong
No muse, no emotional song
Beautiful words were once mine alone
A Knight in shining armor once protected a Queen’s throne
Tainted now, the other side
Truth now or is it projected lies
One can never tell
Sold me that bridge in Brooklyn with sultry details
Cupid’s cricked bow and arrow, no heaven, no stars
Venus loosened the universal hold from a handsome man from Mars
Gifted mental strings cut
Rewind, rewind, rewind, hit playback, darn it, no such luck, WTF
Judgment Day
No more atoning words to say
All presence will stand, hopefully you have religiously prayed
Once God comes
Mankind shall bow, no feet shall run
Sins prevailed
The calling of soul’s life stated in earthy details
Pearly Gates or Eternal Hell
Lived a good life, only the scrolls displaying your fate would tell
Reincarnation whispered to hear
Crown placed on head for you my dear
Carnage of your past, denial of God’s Throne, falling on a deaf ear
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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NoPoo #122 (04-14-21)
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 154) karma
Domestic abuse
Report the bastard after
You've cut his balls off
Domestic abuse
Report the bastard after
You've cut his balls off
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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returned sacred whispers
take my grace
and bend me to thy will
surely you know
it's of yours
that desire's hands beckon
thoughts and wants
traveling, racing
beating faster
and faster -
anticipation becomes religion
as I kneel before
anxious, illuminated in need
coveting stolen moments
lips licked
O' how my taste is sweeter than
As wishes become time in pause
stopped for THEIR chances caught
Chances of skin ablaze in purpose
permeating in every millisecond
every slight touch
lips dying for sustenance
desperately requiring his commands
is air
and life itself..
as he's the one,
the one she waits for.
#Nopoo 4 /14/21 #154
take my grace
and bend me to thy will
surely you know
it's of yours
that desire's hands beckon
thoughts and wants
traveling, racing
beating faster
and faster -
anticipation becomes religion
as I kneel before
anxious, illuminated in need
coveting stolen moments
lips licked
O' how my taste is sweeter than
As wishes become time in pause
stopped for THEIR chances caught
Chances of skin ablaze in purpose
permeating in every millisecond
every slight touch
lips dying for sustenance
desperately requiring his commands
is air
and life itself..
as he's the one,
the one she waits for.
#Nopoo 4 /14/21 #154
Forum Posts: 17152
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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15. 4.2021
truth is
I still look for blue ticks
knowing there will always be one single grey
I still look for you
when something makes me smile
or makes my eyes mist up
truth is
I still see you everywhere
nothing is going away
truth is
I still look for blue ticks
knowing there will always be one single grey
I still look for you
when something makes me smile
or makes my eyes mist up
truth is
I still see you everywhere
nothing is going away
Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 155) My Fall
your lips brush gently
seductively tracing down
beginning my fall
your lips brush gently
seductively tracing down
beginning my fall
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
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Dangerous Mind

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#NoPoo/ 150421/ 22:29:58
:: ineffable yearns of these undying eye fireflies.. my l o v e ::
gossamery glimmery
lachrymal layering
in a colossal pulsing
momentum .. these
earthen spherular
devotional eyelands..
[in forever arisen divine bouquet
potpourri of marrying garlands..
of signature rosaseous crisp rosemaries
to the deep sacred saffroning marigolds
..with curvaceous leathery sponge twists
of the seductive bedding cockscombs..
are in minimaturized unitary
irising cynosure~ capture
...& yet in a rapturous petrichor
emanating orgasmic clamour..
of the One cataclysmal Sun
wholly making waking taking
this waiting widespreadopen
soaking in now.. granular
alluvium- the deltaic mangrove
lushly fertilities.. from
the eternal elemental
confluence of Us..
& yet] these simplistic
mirroring rustic.. shying
away inner opacity purdahs.. these
crying eyes... achingly flutterburst
as million sulphur butterflies
& lantern high the skies even
as relentless timeless fireflies..
in day~ night & beyondness
this breathing versing endless
epic ... l o v e
#Robuma # ERULGCT #love #eternal
*pic: #DorinaCostrasPainting
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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the distance in a sort of welcome home
finding a way
across fields
of burning bridges
that span a sea of gold
to leave this
hollow place
and chase, chase away
a sense of
something in someone
surrendered sanctuary
driving darkness
to the edges
of the night
allowing trust
to foment
in an absolute
submit shared moments
otherworldly, seems lyrics sprung
in a coming home of song
sung, to break away
in freedom
only binded into ornaments
of choices
in all that's recognized
as sterling
two of unsorted
conjoined their divided
known suffering—
oh that sweat dark suffering
how uniquely
their pain's tendrils extend
to caress and cradle
each other in sheer sublimity
upon that cherished bosom
blowing upon distances
of lush landscapes
to let it go....
of life and time
for sharing minds
to face
and two, fade away....
#Nopoo 4/15/21 #155
finding a way
across fields
of burning bridges
that span a sea of gold
to leave this
hollow place
and chase, chase away
a sense of
something in someone
surrendered sanctuary
driving darkness
to the edges
of the night
allowing trust
to foment
in an absolute
submit shared moments
otherworldly, seems lyrics sprung
in a coming home of song
sung, to break away
in freedom
only binded into ornaments
of choices
in all that's recognized
as sterling
two of unsorted
conjoined their divided
known suffering—
oh that sweat dark suffering
how uniquely
their pain's tendrils extend
to caress and cradle
each other in sheer sublimity
upon that cherished bosom
blowing upon distances
of lush landscapes
to let it go....
of life and time
for sharing minds
to face
and two, fade away....
#Nopoo 4/15/21 #155