Poetry competition CLOSED 10th March 2018 7:28am
case28 (Alexander Case)
View Profile Poems by case28
RUNNERS-UP: summultima and eswaller

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Paint me a poem in 6 words

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Electrical Spark - Visual Poem

Electrical Spark - Visual Poem
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Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Body, Mind, and Soul

Body, Mind, and Soul
gazellemon (Bradley J)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Your Eyes - Visual Poem

Your Eyes - Visual Poem
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 21

Accepted Fate

Mistakes made,  
futures changed,  
broken, alone.
Written by Bluelulu
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 19

I made a meme on the Sparks app, and downloaded it to my laptop, but I can't figure out how to upload it to this website or your contest.

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 19

Never mind, I figured it out.

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 19

Turn Ons

Turn Ons
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Like this...

Like this...
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 346


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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17113


Grace (IDryad)
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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 2nd Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 4

Orgasmic Bliss

Between her thighs
Pearly exultation
Written by VinnieP
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1400


summultima (uma)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Hello Dear Poets,

Thank you so much for painting your emotions clipped into 6 words creatively and sharing them here vibrantly in this open canvas.

I loved all of the entrees, I loved how the creatives came out... Please give me some time to go through each one to select a winner.

Thank you for patients.


Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Dear Poets,

I am extremely sorry for the delay in selecting a winner. Although it's my second competition I hosted, this is the first competition I had to struggle to find a winner. The entrees were amazing, very creative. So I wanted to state why I chose them and why I didn't, I felt it necessary. I am sorry if I am being offensive in any particular manner. It is not my intention offend you or your art.

I just had my initial understanding of how to judge this competition. And that's what I did to choose the winners. Basically, I was looking for an image with balanced colours, text aligning, colours and type fonts used, how it relates to the content of the poem.

Again like many of the competition hosts have mentioned, I have to say If I can give medals to more than one I would. But I will feature them with the highest respect in the "Word on a Canvas" group.

So here we go...

FromTheAsh - you’re the colours in my palette

Thank you FromTheAsh.
I could relate the poem with the visuals in general. I liked the hues. But I didn’t feel the poem in the visual. And in pov, the font type could be different and laid it on an actual artist colour palette.

fsociety - The smoothest skin I ever licked

Thank you fsociety.
I liked the poem, and I would’ve made a funny visual. although with the abstract of the poem it could’ve been a fruit, slug, lips, cheek…

cloventongue89 -  We are our most abusive lovers…

Thank you cloventongue89.
This was brilliant the weirdness and the darkness of the visual and the text kinda hidden inside the visual fit perfectly with your poem. This is what I expected from this competition.

prestonGibson - And then I turned to you

Thank you prestonGibson.
This visual poem is a thinker, first when I thought this is merely a love poem, then I noticed kinda two guys and the poem says, "...then I turned to you" it tells a whole different backstory and a future story. Although I didn’t much enjoy how you laid text and the image.

bigdougsoutho - Children finger paint full color love

Thank you bigdougsoutho.
This poem is a very sweet emotion. I could imagine a visual with pastel light colours.

case28 - Art A Superhighway to her heart

Thank you case28.
I loved it,  it just got in my heart as well. I loved the colours, the font size and colour difference, how the word "ART" kinda hidden in the visual, and "…A Superhighway to her heart" stands out.

Hepcat61 - remain aloof as moon awaiting  dawn

Thank you Hepcat61.
I can see you have directly visualized the metaphor of the poem. That's what I would’ve done. But I would’ve chosen a different picture. the picture doesn’t sell the poem, also the font style. the placing of the text is perfect.

eswaller - You are my reason to breathe

Thank you eswaller.
I loved it. This visual poem I asked two questions, is it after sex, after taking drugs. is it love or is it an addiction. I love when art is a puzzle. only thing I would’ve to change is made the word 'reason' or 'breathe' uppercase or bold.

eswaller - Tonight we are that electrical spark

I liked this one, the visual didn’t excite me as your previous one. I liked the image, the font style, I would’ve gone for a different colour for the font though.

eswaller - You have emerald and warrior eyes

I love the boldness of the image, the expressions of the eyes, the lips, the face resembles the poem perfectly. I loved it. this font fits perfectly.

summultima - Broken circularities too frozen to fuse

Thank you summultima.
This is a perfect visual poem. I like the poem, the statement it makes. I find it powerful.
I liked the visual, the colours. the abstractness. Although I would prefer a colder, frozen, (bluish) feel in the visual. where red defines a warmer feeling.

summultima - Starved furnaces inner resurface yet again

Yet another powerful statement. this one I can feel the visual’s grittiness, the abstract of a dandelion on fire. I loved it

summultima - Mascaraed ploys… lost in dreamless abyss

I liked the poem and the visual. But I didn’t feel the poem as your second poem.

snugglebuck - True love will out live death

Thank you snugglebuck.
This is a perfect romantic poem. I liked the concept how you interpret the sun to love and the sunset. Remarkable. but, I would do something about the font style. the black text doesn’t resemble the smoothness and the emotion you are saying in the poem.

gazellemon -  Fluid body, steeped mind, lost soul

Thank you gazellemon.
I like the pensiveness in the poem. felt like the poem just smoothly melts and flow into your mind. And I would’ve used a different image and a different colour theme,  something like light turquoise shade.

Bluelulu - Mistakes made, futures changed, broken, alone.

Thank you Bluelulu.
I liked the poem. I would've created a greyish shade kinda rambles loneliness.

Scuba64 - Rounded hips, soft fingertips, smiling lips

Thank you Scuba64.
Its the perfect image for the poem, I could feel the love, romance in the smile, I could picture the fingers on her hips. it captured everything. but I would’ve chosen a different font style, some variations like uppercase words and script fonts.

Jade-Pandora - Like this everything and nothing exists

Thank you Jade.
Wow, very creative. thank you for sharing your art. it's just the perfect poem. but I would’ve used a different font, and layout the font in a different way.

mel44 - Humanity gets lost with misplaced priorities

Thank you Mel44.
Wow, I was blown away. this is a very creative calligraphy. I’ve never expected this. visually I would add colour stains some graphic elements.  but this is the perfect piece.

Grace - Never forgotten, touched kisses embraces dreams

Thank you Grace.
you always light up modes. I love the poem, but I would’ve used a different font type. and bright red over bright blue is not advisable.

T_V_Walker - Hungry slaves made your fancy clothes

Thank you T_V_Walker.
A very strong and powerful statement. A sudden visual came to mind was a model in a fur coat.

VinnieP - Throbbing!  Between her thighs  Pearly exultation

Thank you VinnieP.
I would’ve used an image of thighs lying in bed.

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