Poems on Charles Bukowski Seeking Honest Critique
Like Me
Rats in a cage
New sheriff in town
Cleaning up this toxic waste site
Weak writers carry fancy poet's water
Or in this case
Extreme vodka
No room for sissies
Switch blade stanzas
Slice and dice
Blood orgies
New sheriff in town
Cleaning up this toxic waste site
Weak writers carry fancy poet's water
Or in this case
Extreme vodka
No room for sissies
Switch blade stanzas
Slice and dice
Blood orgies
830 reads
I bought a 6 pack of beer at 7:30 this morning, cashier asked if I wanted a bag?
No bag
I want my neighbors to see me
Carrying a 6 pack
Early Monday morning
Good morning Mrs Jones
Why the dirty look ?
Are you going to pick up your dog's shit ?
If you call that puny pile of fluff a dog
Bad attitude
Start the day right
I want my neighbors to see me
Carrying a 6 pack
Early Monday morning
Good morning Mrs Jones
Why the dirty look ?
Are you going to pick up your dog's shit ?
If you call that puny pile of fluff a dog
Bad attitude
Start the day right
414 reads
Took my Sexual Harrasment Test Today
Took two rounds to pass
Was almost hoping to fail
Sure fire way to early retirement
I never quit, they have to can my ass
That's different from caning you
Didn't see that on the test
Bottom line
I took 5 days away from this cesspool
This place is boring as fuck without me
My bitch walks on a leash
What does yours do
Get it together fuck bags
You're only as good as your last poem
I'd like to see Bukowski take that test
Drinking cheap wine out of a paper bag
Laughing at the questions ...
Was almost hoping to fail
Sure fire way to early retirement
I never quit, they have to can my ass
That's different from caning you
Didn't see that on the test
Bottom line
I took 5 days away from this cesspool
This place is boring as fuck without me
My bitch walks on a leash
What does yours do
Get it together fuck bags
You're only as good as your last poem
I'd like to see Bukowski take that test
Drinking cheap wine out of a paper bag
Laughing at the questions ...
619 reads
The Light That Lights The (Spooky) Dark Becomes Dimmer Wit Each Passing Era
Major calamities making
for semi-celebrities to pedal
"goods" to the behungered
lace, ineXplicable to any eXtant
digm or
formulae as
would be
to any
of The
Ten or Eleven commandments,
might, if nothing else, raise
the occasional eyebrow
or nodding approbation
from each of the rather supercilious
for semi-celebrities to pedal
"goods" to the behungered
lace, ineXplicable to any eXtant
digm or
formulae as
would be
to any
of The
Ten or Eleven commandments,
might, if nothing else, raise
the occasional eyebrow
or nodding approbation
from each of the rather supercilious
406 reads
Not a walk in the park
Old copies of playboy strewn
they looked tired, time served
I thought of a time when Miss Worlds "speak"
" I just want world piece" fat chance
the girlfriends anniversary flowers
drooping like sex dives dull domesticity
"just going out for a breath of fresh air Honey"
she was sewing some leggings that had a split in the arse
the tv played Mcdonalds yellow arches
I slammed the sticky front door
everywhere I looked was outrageous BMI
where did all the waist go
the Hourglass Bar, full of waspish women...
they looked tired, time served
I thought of a time when Miss Worlds "speak"
" I just want world piece" fat chance
the girlfriends anniversary flowers
drooping like sex dives dull domesticity
"just going out for a breath of fresh air Honey"
she was sewing some leggings that had a split in the arse
the tv played Mcdonalds yellow arches
I slammed the sticky front door
everywhere I looked was outrageous BMI
where did all the waist go
the Hourglass Bar, full of waspish women...
414 reads

486 reads
Ballad of Henry Chinanski
Bacchic poet laureate
Drunken bard and ladies man
Oh, how this troubled troubadour
Of the dregs and the whores
Spoke to my pubescent agonies
And manhood defiiements of the mind
Rhapsodies and rhymes
Portraits of a man drowining
In his own madness
My neurosis answered
From your kingdom of dimly lit taverns
And desolation morgues
Trash bin philosopher
Scavenging through existential ironies
And empirical monuments to the ill-fated human condition
Sing to me life's hells and hallelujahs
Of its...
Drunken bard and ladies man
Oh, how this troubled troubadour
Of the dregs and the whores
Spoke to my pubescent agonies
And manhood defiiements of the mind
Rhapsodies and rhymes
Portraits of a man drowining
In his own madness
My neurosis answered
From your kingdom of dimly lit taverns
And desolation morgues
Trash bin philosopher
Scavenging through existential ironies
And empirical monuments to the ill-fated human condition
Sing to me life's hells and hallelujahs
Of its...
394 reads
The scent of Copperheads
Burning through
Archaic sentiment
.....But burning
And an appreciation
An appropriate passion
For what is not gold
But the tint of Calx
rusted root
Or the rust of a tin can
Planted in soil
For generations
And the dangerous space
That leads the Copperhead
Ahead of Chevron tiled slither
A scent of foreboding fortune mixed with feces and intent
But comes to some
The smell of cucumbers
To some plain foul
As flared and frightened nostrils
Take it in
And exhale no art ...
Archaic sentiment
.....But burning
And an appreciation
An appropriate passion
For what is not gold
But the tint of Calx
rusted root
Or the rust of a tin can
Planted in soil
For generations
And the dangerous space
That leads the Copperhead
Ahead of Chevron tiled slither
A scent of foreboding fortune mixed with feces and intent
But comes to some
The smell of cucumbers
To some plain foul
As flared and frightened nostrils
Take it in
And exhale no art ...
603 reads
a song on which Kafka choked
door collar
o my dug pup shame, a pet
you shuffle between the corduroy
and the cardboard
of your mousy brown hair,
sea shells
bo’ chained and spliced
to your necklace; a heavy pence
worn like a five-fifty dusk,
jaded dark-berry weather
let Jayne play the middle- weights,
let her land-lady mark each banister scuff,
just play and lift your nightie sweet sunset,
a sweet known shade for my...
door collar
o my dug pup shame, a pet
you shuffle between the corduroy
and the cardboard
of your mousy brown hair,
sea shells
bo’ chained and spliced
to your necklace; a heavy pence
worn like a five-fifty dusk,
jaded dark-berry weather
let Jayne play the middle- weights,
let her land-lady mark each banister scuff,
just play and lift your nightie sweet sunset,
a sweet known shade for my...
488 reads
It all starts with:
you don’t even like whiskey
but on a whim you mixed the Oban
with honeycrisp apple juice
smitten never mind
no scotch gourmand
would dream of such an
lol thing
Poison apple thus born
and too the argument
forever yesterday
tried to convince you
at the rate we’re going
should buy the twice-as-big
generic blended bottle
(Oban is meant to be savored)
but your focus on the
corn and peat
would yes ruin the experience
Last straw:
you said I should just buy the big one ...
you don’t even like whiskey
but on a whim you mixed the Oban
with honeycrisp apple juice
smitten never mind
no scotch gourmand
would dream of such an
lol thing
Poison apple thus born
and too the argument
forever yesterday
tried to convince you
at the rate we’re going
should buy the twice-as-big
generic blended bottle
(Oban is meant to be savored)
but your focus on the
corn and peat
would yes ruin the experience
Last straw:
you said I should just buy the big one ...
666 reads
A Crepuscule For Jakey Snake
Swank. Wrank. Frank
disallowed from the
prissy playground
of this year's
ignominieux Awards.
Better to run off with feathers in pocket, rather (than) the weight
of coal or gold or lead or diamonds or concrete or a ton of mindShit.
So travel lightly wit no-thing in hand, and No Thing in head.
They've filled enough shallow graves to make a guillotine happy,
from glistening blade, rotten rope, and dysfunctional...
disallowed from the
prissy playground
of this year's
ignominieux Awards.
Better to run off with feathers in pocket, rather (than) the weight
of coal or gold or lead or diamonds or concrete or a ton of mindShit.
So travel lightly wit no-thing in hand, and No Thing in head.
They've filled enough shallow graves to make a guillotine happy,
from glistening blade, rotten rope, and dysfunctional...
492 reads
Betterment of Bliss Amiss
i guess i'll spend the rest of my life
"spending my life"
is as reasonable a credo as any, giving life as
reasonable a pur'pose as
reasonably possible despite it being
probable cause for expulsion from
the human horde.
talkin'bout the length, width, and depth
of certitude, (or p'haps i'm thinking of solitude)
where the flowers illume'd glow,(and I) too old to know
which side of the roundabout "I" sprouted from,
covered in broken schematics, telling lies about
the better liars, so as to keep the competition live'ly.
"spending my life"
is as reasonable a credo as any, giving life as
reasonable a pur'pose as
reasonably possible despite it being
probable cause for expulsion from
the human horde.
talkin'bout the length, width, and depth
of certitude, (or p'haps i'm thinking of solitude)
where the flowers illume'd glow,(and I) too old to know
which side of the roundabout "I" sprouted from,
covered in broken schematics, telling lies about
the better liars, so as to keep the competition live'ly.
453 reads
DU Poetry : Poems on Charles Bukowski Seeking Honest Critique

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#CharlesBukowski is curated by Ahavati (Tams).