I've missed you cell mate

My cigarette is setting the Ash tray slowly ablaze
And there's only one beer left in the fridge
My tangled hair is dirty
And now my lover is absent forever in memories
Thoughts of yesterday are anything but fond
And my tears spill out my only candle
This apartment is empty aside from the music dancing invisible from my sight
The dishes breed the roaches of tomorrow
Yet I still sit here in My mind
Lost between thoughts of you..and him
I saw you in the mirror yesterday
I noticed your pupils are blackened
And your cheeks are starting to sink
If it were up to me
I'd save your image
Buried behind my eye lids
So when I finally awake from this
You would greet me
Sad, yes
But you would be there
Stroking my hair
Calling me your little sweet pea
Promiseing me the truth isn't always so painful
Telling me how proud you are of you're baby girl
And telling me you're love is real without the ink
Without the numbers on the envelope
But I all but shattered the mirror
Lit my poison... That our genetics share
Beyond our physical attributes
You know it's kinda funny
Everything I hate about you
Have become things I hate about myself
So different you and I
until I realize we are disgustingly similar
And on Monday I'll be exactly like you
But as the cell I lay in slams behind me
Atleast I can pretend we are cell mates
Just locked in different prisons
With the same waiting game
Of what happens in the marrow
When the day comes for our freedom
I'm turning myself in
To feel closer to you
To understand
Why you love a caged life more than I
I walked by the mirror today
Only to end up avoiding you staring
Sharing my eyes
My life
My love
And soon
O goddess so soon
Just two days
We can almost be together
together in a cell
I guess that rotten apple
Really doesn't fall far from that hallow tree
And bruises are more than skin deep
Scars still bleed through chizzled pigments
And hate
Is really only love in disguise
And mirrors
Are only reflections
Of how we perceive ourselves
And daddy
I can only see you
You're quirks
You're smile
You're addictions
And now
You're cell
Written by kourtnissixxx
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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