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Poem of 2024

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Blue Danube

she wished she could dance
to the Blue Danube
such scenes in her mind
such beauty in music

she closed her eyes
seeing the waltz in her mind
with her sparkling blue dress
an ankle length gown

she saw the fireworks
of yesteryears
she smiled she once was
the belle of the ball

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1579

Blue Dreams 🐬

The Blue Girl danced upon the beach,
the Gods looked down from high.
'She looks so happy there', they said,
'We'll make the Blue Girl fly

above the clouds to Hungary,
then by the Danube Blue
we'll dress her in a blue-silk gown
and dancing-slippers too.'

The Blue-Sand Girl was lost in dreams
of dancing at the ball,
the prettiest of the dancers there,
the prettiest girl of all,

and when she opened up her eyes
she found that this was true,
and dancing at the ball she was:
she was the Girl in Blue.

But though the Gods had dressed that Girl
in Blue Silk for the ball
they had not changed her form one bit,
they'd not changed her at all,

and all night long by Blue Danube
with every handsome knight
the Blue Girl danced so splendidly,
she filled them with delight,

and each one would have married her,
beside the Danube Blue,
but 'No, no, no, no, no,' she said,
and broke their hearts in two,

then all the Knights of Hungary,
so handsome, who were there,
found afterwards that other girls
could not compare with her.

Then when the morning sun arose
and day began to dawn,
the Blue Girl's eyes began to close
and sleep began to come,

the Gods they watched and brought her home
to where she loved to be,
upon her shining blue-sand beach
beside the shining sea,

and there she lived forevermore,
and poets sang her song:
the Blue-Sand Girl was happy there,
for there she did belong.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Happy in Blue

she sat on a log
thinking of the dance

the dance was good
and so was the food
the gentlemen were genteel
so kind and gentle

a dream was it or was it real
that came true once upon a wish
she could still feel the thrill
the excitement and the rush

she told the marlin, the swordfish
and the blue whale
all about her dance at the ball
they all cheered wishing they were there

I could have danced too
said mother crab doing a jig
they admired her move so
her cool sideways jiggle and dip

all day she told her tale
of the exciting ball
to anybody who lingered to listen
until she fell asleep on the log

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 95

Oh Yeah!

Dancing at the ball, oh yeah!
Blue Girl, she's so fine
She can dance and she can fly.

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1579

Name That Tune, Quinn☝️

Well, who are you,
I feel I must enquire?
Are you a Green Girl
or a Red? Do you burn
with hot desire?
Perhaps you're Pink,
a Violet, Purple
or Maroon? What colour
Girl are you, my dear,
so I may choose your tune?


Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 95


I am a red girl, Ajay
Are you flirting, sir?
I am me, good, kind and true!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Blue Ribbon

she found a blue ribbon
laying on on the sand
she picked it up
held it up to the sun

she remembered her ribbons
on the old oak tree
tied on all the low branches
happily tied for the returnee

he never returned
he went over the hill
and far away
he'd return some day

she thought
but he did not
so she went to live
at the shore with blue sand

She put the blue ribbon
at her window sill
he was a distant dream
gone with the wind

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Rhapsody in Blue

the song played again
seasons circle game
the leaves are turning
into more colours than one

she wrote her books
sitting by the window
when she turned to look
all seemed white as in winter

she thought of then
blue skies and sand
bagpipes and glens
of gardens in the glades


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701


random thoughts when waking too early
some hilarious and some are just funny
like finding a lost tortoise who sn't lost
or laughing silently at a silly roast

the river flows fast on pebbled bed
twinkling crystal clear on a sunny day
on such a day she cannot be sad
even if that's his death anniversary

she hears her favourite song
and her smile trembled on her lips
she sank into her pillow, sleeping
the morning away, walking in the glades


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Fantastic Fun

they had beauty pageants
and drinking competitions
it was the end of harvest
time for celebrations

there were winners
among the drinkers
rice wine down to the dregs
face red and puffy eyes

it was the harvest festival
I didn't win the red ball
that says 'winners get all'
but I ate two chocolate topped ice balls

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Blue Pomfret

swimming up and down
enjoying the blue ocean
exploring the coral reefs
playing police and thieves

blue pomfret
round and fat
swimming in tandem
with other fish friends

blue sand girl
watched and admire
the shoals of krill
lending colours to the sea

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1579

The Crab🦀 And The Blue-Sand Girl 🐬

The Blue-Sand Girl was snoozing on her beach,
and all around was harmony and peace.
The lapping of the waves resembled speech,

which murmered softly in her dreams; release
she'd found from any daytime care. A Crab
appeared. 'Haha! I'll make her dreamtime cease!'

he thought, and scuttled up the sand. A slab
of rock beside the Girl allowed a place
for him to hide, then out he came, a grab

he made and nipped the nose upon her face,
then hid behind the slab. The Girl awoke
and swore a lot. but nowhere could she trace

her cause of pain. The Crab began to choke
with laughter. When the Girl returned to sleep,
the Crab emerged and gave her nose a stroke

then nipped it hard, and scuttled back to deep
blue sea whence he had come. The Girl a scream
she screamed and woke up with a startled leap

but thought the nip was only in her dream.
The Crab, meanwhile, was chuckling fit to bust
and telling all his mates about his scheme
and how the Blue-Sand Girl had yelled and cussed. 🙃


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Cold served Revenge

blue sand girl sat alone
watching the waves crashing
frothy near her seat, a stone
and cravings running around playing

the girl ate her honey soaked bread
while the carb watched drooling
the smell of bread and honey spread
was so tantalising

gimme a bit, a bite, a lick
shameless crab begged
the girl ate, didn't mind a bit
licking  her lips showing off

Crab circled her watching
his eyes all bugged out
a bite a lick just longing
the girl swallowed the last bit

Crab cried out in despair
he wanted to pull out his hair
if he had any
that's what he got for nipping
the girl's fanny


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1579

🖕 Hahahaha!  🙃

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16701

Linden Leaves

she sat under the linden tree
as its flowers started to fall
gently blown by the wind so free
to fly around and shower the girl

she looked like a blushing bride
with white flowers on her head
clinging like stars in her curls
with baby breathe and all

the day grew cold and the rain fell
washed away her flower veil
she went home and had soup
steaming hot, then she went to bed

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