deaf, dumb & blind...

are we now to become 
no more than yesterday's phantasms? 
specters drifting across a barren landscape 
too foolish to pay any heed to the errors of our fathers 
or the fallout from every previous foul deed 
those men who valiantly fought or tragically fell 
directed by a madman's selfish hand 
where they were gathered 
& ruthlessly enslaved 
countless numbers completely erased 
living now only the nightmares of a few surviving souls 
mourning their unforgotten existence 
where memories lie buried in unmarked mass graves 
or unfathomably gone up in rancid smoke 
as ovens of terror continually blazed 
for the madness rabidly spreading 
a deadly infection growing in eager weak minds 
the hatred so casual 
deeming so many unworthy 
based on no more than color, heritage or creed 
taking lives & treasures with equal greed 
have our eyes grown so dim they cannot see backward 
to the horror our past has been 
& learn from our history? 
{or are we too busy trying to erase it}
must we make the same horrendous mistakes 
giving power to senseless cruelty 
setting in motion the very same train 
am I the only one truly afraid? 
have we not even noticed? 
events taking place today 
are different 
& yet 
too much the same 
have we not yet understood? 
hope cannot be found in hateful hearts 
& futures die 
when hope gives way

the world...hurts...
Written by WillowsWhimsies
Author's Note
Copyright @ Willow. All rights reserved
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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