Any plans this evening

When I saw you waddle past me with your four kids, I felt sorry for your husband
Imagine him trying to get excited over that wide, blubbery ass of yours
I bet he feels like a man whose life has ended way to early
Well, shut my mouth!!
Who the hell do I think I am talking like that?
I have no right!
Maybe your husband is a fat piece of shit like you and he doesn't notice
Maybe you turn him on
Maybe that 10 mile wide ass of yours gets him going
Maybe he thinks that's the best thing he's ever seen
Come on, let's not kid ourselves here
I could really be out of line
I'm already politically incorrect, so I might as well go the rest of the way
I'm just a shit talking fool who thinks moms with big mom asses and loud kids make for  just about the most tragic blues situation ever...
Like the total downfall of civilization
Now you really got me worked up, you fucking hog!
I can see you strapped down on a table with babies shooting out of you and smashing against the wall
The gyno is in a yellow rain suit with matching hat
He's wearing black leather boots and has pierced nipples
He's jumping up and down on the little tykes and there's blood & guts a plenty!
Ok, ok That was just a joke
The whole thing was just a joke
You should all know that I love to twist my stories all around your minds

Seriously though, I think you look great, really sexy
Now why don't you stop breeding for a second
Block your husband and children out of your mind for the next several hours
Hop in my car and let me fuck the living shit out of you
Written by Vision_of_insanity
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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