Image for the poem The woman at the well

The woman at the well

I walked along the dirty cobblestone streets,
until I came to a well full of wishes incomplete.
A woman sat there, her despair was in the air,
when I inquired, she did not share.
She turned to me and held her hand out,
and with a sullen eyes asked "Do you doubt?"
I was unsure and uneasy as to the answer,
instead choosing to let the silence linger like a cancer.
"Do you doubt?" She asked again,
"No" I finally chanced to chime in,
"Good. Coin." Not a question but a request.
With a sigh I decided to invest,
giving her my last coin which was quickly gone,
I blinked and realized I was actually alone.
Looking into the well, to my surprise,
My reflection I did not recognize.
No, for the first time it felt since birth,
I was alive and happy to be above the earth.
Later I inquired as to the lady at the well,
and the answer did make my heart swell.
She collects sorrows they say,
saving them for the faithless gone astray.
No more doubts could linger in my head,
I cast sorrow in and received happiness instead.
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
Author's Note
Sometimes giving your last is when you'll find that salvation was just around the corner, at the end of the road.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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