Image for the poem Is it well?

Is it well?

Only time can attest to the fact
of the moment we made the pact
to sell our future for profits,
idolizing machines like mechanical prophets
bringing forth a new and unholy reign
in their neverending glittery campaign.
Buy! Consume! Betray your integrity!
I need it now, my new age serendipity.
So ask yourself now, as we descend into hell
as your forget your humanity, is it well?
Was it worth the price of admission
to see your cancerous ego go into remission?
Tell I'm beautiful, lie to me o metal one
validate my existence my new sun!
Shine upon your humble servant as we
worship your very presence that causes to be
our jubilation and glory,
please O shiny god, rewrite our story!
Is it well?
Only time can tell...
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
Author's Note
Before you make the purchase, make sure you can afford the price.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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