Happiness Never Sleeps

In the shady bedroom I lie on the soft bed which is as cool as the other side of the pillow.
My thoughts scurry and crawl like a nest of spiders and I know there is no sleep in me.
Outside the sun is shining, I have a skip in my step and a pocket full of poems.
Who can deny happiness while the wind is in the branches and the leaves all rattle and dance.
The breeze is on my face and in my hair.
The birds are all singing all around me wherever they are.
The day urges me to do something, go somewhere, be somebody, and I am fully alive!
I can feel it deep in my bones and all the way up to the smile on my face and the twinkle in my eyes.
Sweet joy and happiness!
I want for nothing, which is freedom pure and clean.
I've never been told that I could sing, yet I sing!
I can sing and whistle and laugh and shout!
Joy, oh what joy!
I have so much to celebrate!
The sun that is and the moon and stars that will be.
The day that is now, the wind, the birds, all these present moments!
I hope and pray and dream for the future.
But in the now, I smile and whistle and laugh and skip and sing and shout!
I live in the now, soak it in like bathing in a white porcelain clawfoot tub with polished brass feet and I don't want it to end.
I tell myself, "Be happy! Stay happy! You're only as happy as you want to be because happiness is not just a sunny day, it's a state if mind."
Written by Seed
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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