Thanks, Betty! Your comment just reminded me of an amusing anecdote about George Bush, Jr. He was travelling with a TV presenter, on the campaign trail, when they saw a woman by the side of the road bend over and flash an offensive slogan at him. "Her butt was so big," said Bush, "that she had space to write GEORGE BUSH JR, GET THE HELL OUT OF MASSACHUSETTS!"
So simple, yet so true! I'm a teacher and see a similar phenomenon in the classroom... we can be endlessly enthusiastic, produce exciting resources and do our very best job, but ultimately some children (and worse, their parents) just don't want to listen. Those same parents then demand instant progress! As one wise colleague once said to me (while pointing at her head), "you can't put it there!"
So much info from all over the place. It must be hard for some people ----- young and old------------to swim through it all and come to make the right decisions. Or the right choices.